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Thread: Galaxy Cruiser (Poly)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    Galaxy Cruiser (Poly)

    Galaxy Cruiser

    Ed Note-
    This is one of the ships by Campbell Morris in Spacebusters. I treat it as an independent
    Somewhat Warlike's Race's Cruiser that sometimes appears in the Triangle, although I know
    you would probably want to make it a Nausicaan or something.

    New Systems-

    SBD-3 (2276)
    Mass- 960
    SS- 1.9/3.1
    WDF- 7.0
    Firing Chart- S
    Max Beam Power- 9
    +3- 1-7
    +2- 8-12
    +1- 13-16

    SPL-4 (2277)
    Mass- 180
    SS- 3.0
    WDF- 14.0
    Firing Chart- S
    Power to Arm- 8
    Damage Chart- RL-3

    FASA STCS Template

    Ship Data
    Construction Data:
    Class- VII
    Model- A-4
    Date Entering Service- 2/1978.26 (February 27th, 2278)
    Number Produced- 16
    Superstructure- 25
    Damage Chart- C
    Dimensional Data:
    Length- 195 meters
    Width- 130 meters
    Height- 65 meters
    Weight- 83,425 mt
    Atmospheric Entry/Landing- None
    Control Computer Type- WYNCC-7
    Stealth Device Type- OECM-1
    Power to Activate- 1
    Modifier- +1
    Cargo Data:
    Cargo Capacity- 200 SCUs
    Metric Tonnage- 10,000 mt
    Transporter Data:
    6-person- 2
    3-person- 2
    20-person Combat- 2
    22-person Emergency- 1
    Cargo, Large- 1
    Cargo, Small- 4
    Personnel Data:
    Crew- 98
    Passengers- 25
    Troops- 90
    Shuttlecraft- 6
    Assault Shuttles- 3
    Engine Data:
    Total Power- 58
    Movement Point Ratio- 3/1
    Warp Engine Type- OWD-3
    Number- 2
    Power Provided- 20 ea
    Stress Charts- G/F
    Cruising Speed- Warp 6
    Emergency Speed- Warp 8
    Impulse Engine Type- OIH-4
    Power Provided- 18
    Weapons Data:
    Beam Weapon Type- SBD-3
    Number- 8 in 4 banks
    Firing Arcs- 4 f/p, 4 f/s
    Firing Chart- S
    Max Beam Power- 9
    +3- 1-7
    +2- 8-12
    +1- 13-16
    Heavy Weapon Type- SPL-4
    Number- 1
    Firing Arcs- f
    Firing Chart- S
    Power to Arm- 8
    Damage Chart- RL-3
    Defensive System Data:
    Defense Shield Type- OSNH
    Shield Point Ratio- 1/3
    Max Shield Power- 14
    Balance Codes:
    D- 76.5
    WDF- 70

    ICON Template

    Class and Type: Galaxy Cruiser
    Commissioning Date: 2278
    Hull Characteristics
    Size: 5
    Resistance: 3
    Structural Points: 90
    Operations Characteristics
    Crew/Passengers/Troops/Evac: 98/25/90/1065 [6 Power/Round]
    Computers: 3 [3 Power/Round]
    Transporters: 2 Personnel, 2 Assault, 5 Cargo, 1 Emergency [5 Power/Round]
    Tractor Beams: 1 ad, 1 fv [2 Pwr/Rtg/Rnd]
    Engines and Power Data
    Warp System: 5.0/6.0/8.0 (12 hours) [2/Warp Facter]
    Impulse System: .75c/.9c [7/9 Power/Round]
    Power: 125
    Sensor Data
    Long-Range Sensors: +1/15 ly [6 Power/Round]
    Lateral Sensors: +1/1 ly [4 Power/Round]
    Navigational Sensors: +1 [5 Power/Round]
    Sensor Skill: 4
    Weapons Characteristics
    Type III Bara Disruptor
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Arc: Full Forward (540 degrees)
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Damage: 15
    Power: [15]
    Type IV Bara Plasma Torpedoes
    Number: 75
    Launchers: 1 fv
    Spread: Not Capable
    Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
    Arc: Forward, but are self-guided
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Damage: 35/25/15/10
    Power: [8]
    Weapon Skill: 4
    Defensive Characteristics
    Type IIf Deflector Shield
    Protection: 33/50
    Power: [33]

    CODA Template

    Production Data
    Origin: Baradain Hegemony
    Class and Type: Galaxy Cruiser
    Year Launched: 2278
    Hull Data
    Structure: 35
    Size/Decks: 6/13 decks
    Length/Beam/Height: 195/130/65 meters
    Complement: 98 + 90 Troops
    Operational Data
    Atmospheric Systems: No
    Cargo: 35
    Cloaking Device: None
    Life Support System: Class 2R (CC)
    Operations System: Class 2R (CC)
    Sensors: Class 3 (+3/D)
    Seperation System: No
    Shuttlebay: One
    Shuttlecraft: 6 size worth
    Tractor Beams: 1 ad, 1 fv
    Transporters: 2 standard, 2 combat, 5 cargo, 1 emergency

    Propulsion Data
    Impulse System: RSM (.75c) (D)
    Warp System: Type V (wf 5/6/8) (OCU) (D)

    Tactical Data
    Disruptor Banks: SBD-3 (x4/D)
    Penetration: 6/5/5/0/0
    Plasma Torpedoes: SPL-4 (x1/D)
    Penetration: 5/4/3/2/1
    Deflector Shield: PFF 3 (B)
    Protection/Threshold: 14/3

    Miscellaneous Data
    Maneuvering: +0C +0H +0T
    Traits: None
    Space Left Over: 14

    New Systems

    SBD-3 (2276)
    Space: 5
    Offense Value: 9 (Use Table 1.18 for Penetration, as usual)
    Minimum Size: 4

    SPL-4 (2277)
    Space: 12
    Offense Value: 20 (Use Table 1.23 for Penetration)
    Minimum Size: 5
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Bonus- Data on the Baradain!

    STR- 50+4d10
    END- 50+4d10
    INT- 40+3d10
    DEX- 55+2d10
    CHR- 40+2d10
    LUC- 1d100-10
    PSI- 1d100-20

    Claws- 1d10-2 damage

    Full Maturation- 12 years
    Middle Age- 50 years
    Death by Aging- 110 years

    Blonde, Brown or Black haired stocky humanoids with round, gold or bronze eyes, and various stripe, paisley or spot patterns on pale skin. They were initially warlike, although after seeing the short-lived Nausicaan Empire Failure, a few worlds devastated by biological warfare in various Klingon-Romulan battles, and the Four Years War, they gradually mellowed out, although they would be moderately eager to fight over some mineral-rich world in the Outback, or near Breen, Miradorn or Tamarian space, or to help defend trading partners.


    World Log: Baradain Homeworld
    System Data:
    System Name: Letetos Lambda
    Number of Class M Worlds: 1
    Planetary Data:
    Position in System: IV
    Number of Satellites: 4
    Planetary Gravity: 1.3g
    Planetary Size:
    Diameter: 16,900 km
    Equatorial Circumference: 52,000 km
    Total Surface Area: 663,000,000 sq km
    Percent Land Mass: 23%
    Total Land Area: 138,000,000 sq km
    Planetary Conditions
    Length of Day: 29 hours
    Atmospheric Density: Thin
    General Climate: Tropical
    Mineral Content
    Normal Metals: 45%
    Radioactive: Trace
    Gemstones: 11%
    Industrial Crystals: Trace
    Special Minerals: 3%
    Cultural Data:
    Dominant Lifeform: Baradain
    Technological/Sociopolitical Index: 8678898/6
    Planetary Trade Profile: CBEDCCB/C (F)
    Last edited by Meteo; 03-19-2023 at 09:45 PM.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

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