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Thread: Hunter-Killers (CODA)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    Hunter-Killers (CODA)

    Type Overview:
    A dangerous new classification, hunter-killers are
    nearly always cruiser sized vessels designed to hunt and
    eliminate a specific type - and more often a specific class -
    of enemy vessel. Although this type of operation had been
    conducted for many years, it was not until recently, when
    the Romulans began deploying hunter-killers to attack
    Klingon built Bird-Of-Prey vessels that the nomenclature
    became commonly used. Hunter-killer vessels focus all
    of their resources to defeating the know defenses of a
    given class of vessel, either with sheer firepower or other
    specialized systems to exploit weaknesses that have
    been discovered. Many hunter-killers are themselves
    captured and re-armed versions of the vessels they hunt.
    Hunter-killers operate with a wide range of
    latitude, but require a frightening support network to
    operate efficiently. Because of the extensive combat
    systems onboard, most hunter-killers are all but useless
    for other missions, and must focus all their on-baord
    resources to attacking and defeating their prey. Hunter killers use special sensors, over-powered weapons,
    specialized munitions, and in some cases are equipped
    simply with extra armor to help them achieve their
    objectives. These systems often take up valuable cargo
    space, reduce or eliminate science stations, reduce crew
    accommodations and shorten the over-all range of most
    hunter-killers. Hunter-killers also increase construction
    costs by a tremendous amount, often costing twice what
    a standard cruiser would cost. Many also take extra
    damage while engaging their foe, burning out costly
    circuitry, over-loading computers and damaging shield
    systems. Despite the costs and shortcomings, hunter-killers prove invaluable when used against their intended
    target, and are often as much a boost for morale as an
    effective combat craft.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Production Data
    Origin: Klingon Empire
    Class and Type: HK-3 Hunter-Killer
    Year Launched: 2287
    Hull Data
    Structure: 25
    Size/Decks: 5/10 decks
    Length/Beam/Height: 200/75/40 meters
    Complement: 100
    Operational Data
    Atmospheric Systems: Yes
    Cargo: 30
    Cloaking Device: Class 2 (Rating 18)
    Life Support System: Class 1R (BB)
    Operations System: Class 1R (BB)
    Sensors: Class 2a (+2/BB)
    Seperation System: Emergency
    Shuttlebay: One
    Shuttlecraft: 5 size worth
    Tractor Beams: 1 ad, 1 fv
    Transporters: 2 standard, 2 cargo, 2 emergency

    Propulsion Data
    Impulse System: K-HEU-3 (.4c) (BB)
    Warp System: KWC (wf 7/7.5/8) (OCU) (BB)

    Tactical Data
    Disruptor Cannons: K-GDM-4 (x4/C)
    Penetration: 5/4/4/0/0
    Photon Torpedoes: KP-6 (x1/C)
    Penetration: 3/3/3/3/3
    Deflector Shield: PFF 3 (B)
    Protection/Threshold: 14/2

    Miscellaneous Data
    Maneuvering: +0C +2H +2T
    Traits: Enhanced Weapon (Beam), Battle-Tested
    Space Left: 2
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Production Data
    Origin: Romulan Star Empire
    Class and Type: Hunter-Killer
    Year Launched: 2276
    Hull Data
    Structure: 30
    Size/Decks: 6/9 decks
    Length/Beam/Height: 120/120/50 meters
    Complement: 45
    Operational Data
    Atmospheric Systems: Yes
    Cargo: 50
    Cloaking Device: Class 2 (Rating 18)
    Life Support System: Class 2 (C)
    Operations System: Class 1R (BB)
    Sensors: Class 3 (+3/D)
    Seperation System: No
    Shuttlebay: One
    Shuttlecraft: 6 size worth
    Tractor Beams: 1 ad, 1 fv
    Transporters: 4 standard, 3 cargo, 3 emergency

    Propulsion Data
    Impulse System: RIB-2 (.8c) (BB)
    Warp System: RWC-1 (wf 6/7/8) (OCU) (B)

    Tactical Data
    Disruptor Cannons: RPFD-1 (x2/B)
    Penetration: 4/2/2/0/0
    Plasma Torpedoes: RPT-1 (x2/C)
    Penetration: 6/5/4/3/2
    Deflector Shield: PFF 2a (B)
    Protection/Threshold: 13/2

    Miscellaneous Data
    Maneuvering: +1C +1H +2T
    Traits: Enhanced System (Beam), Battle-Tested, Battle-Scarred
    Space Left: 5
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    And now, a Gorn Hunter-Killer!

    Production Data
    Origin: Gorn Hegemony
    Class and Type: Hunter-Killer
    Year Launched: 2271
    Hull Data
    Structure: 35
    Size/Decks: 6/17 decks
    Length/Beam/Height: 255/102/51 meters
    Complement: 170
    Operational Data
    Atmospheric Systems: No
    Cargo: 30
    Cloaking Device: None
    Life Support System: Class 1R (BB)
    Operations System: Class 1R (BB)
    Sensors: Class 3 (+3/D)
    Seperation System: No
    Shuttlebay: One
    Shuttlecraft: 6 size worth
    Tractor Beams: 1 ad, 1 fv
    Transporters: 4 standard, 4 cargo, 1 emergency

    Propulsion Data
    Impulse System: FSV (.7c) (D)
    Warp System: PB-32 Mod 3 (wf 6/7/8) (OCU) (D)

    Tactical Data
    Disruptor Banks: GBL-8 (x4/D)
    Penetration: 5/5/4/0/0
    Photon Torpedoes: GP-4B (x4/D)
    Penetration: 5/5/5/5/5
    Deflector Shield: PFF-2a (B)
    Protection/Threshold: 13/2
    Hull Plating: Type III
    Protection/Threshold: 9/0

    Miscellaneous Data
    Maneuvering: +1C +1H +2T
    Traits: Visible
    Space Left: 23
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

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