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Thread: X Class (CODA)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    X Class (CODA)

    Production Data
    Origin: Earth Merchant Service
    Class and Type: X-Class Freighter
    Year Launched: 2130
    Hull Data
    Structure: 30
    Size/Decks: 5/12 decks
    Length/Beam/Height: 273/89/72 meters
    Complement: 42
    Operational Data
    Atmospheric Systems: Yes
    Cargo: 350
    Cloaking Device: None
    Life Support System: Class 2 (C)
    Operations System: Class 2R (CC)
    Sensors: Class 1 (+1/B)
    Seperation System: No
    Shuttlebay: One
    Shuttlecraft: 5 size worth
    Tractor Beams: 1 av, 1 ad, 1 fv
    Transporters: 2 standard, 3 cargo

    Propulsion Data
    Impulse System: SBB (.5c) (A)
    Warp System: WE-2c (wf 1/1.5/1.8) (OCU) (A)

    Tactical Data
    Laser Cannons: LCS-42c (x1/A)
    Penetration: 2/0/0/0/0
    Hull Plating: Type III
    Protection/Threshold: 9/0

    Miscellaneous Data
    Maneuvering: -1C +2H +0T
    Traits: Jury-Rigged, Visible

    The X-Class was a leaner, more durable Cargo Ship, 291 built at a rate of 31 per year, from 2130-2140, and is easily configured, although sometimes strange, with many aging ships having strange agelike facets to their being occurring. The last one was scrapped in 2196, although some captured ones were reported until at least 2278.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    This file presents some rules on the effects of wear-and-tear on starships.
    As you will see, starships which are either very new or very old are prone to
    system failures. Very old ships, being out in space for so long, are
    slightly "tougher" on the outside (as the crew has been constantly reinforcing
    the hull due to combat) but are typically more brittle on the inside.
    Older starships are also slightly slower in terms of warp speed than when
    they first came off the assembly line.

    # Battles: 0 (Maiden) 0-2 3-5 6-9 10+
    System Failures: 1 0 0 0 1
    Armor: 0 0 0 1 3
    Natural Effects: +1 0 0 -1 -2
    Warp Mult: x1.1 x1.1 x1 x1 x0.9
    Opt Allow Mult: x1 x1 x1 x1.1 x1.25
    Btty Capacity: +0 +0 +0 +0.5 +1
    Leg Officers: 0 0 1 2 3
    Bizarre Effects: 0 0 0 1 2
    BPV Adjustment: x0.9 x1 x1 x1.25 x1.5

    This is simply a general classification of how old the ship is. NEW means
    the ship is on its maiden voyage, or possibly a prototype.

    # BATTLES:
    This is the number of battles where the ship took internals. Battles where
    only shield damage was involved do not count. For example, a ship who has
    been in 8 battles and has taken internals is considered "OLD".
    If a ship takes ExcDam hits in a battle and yet survives, it will automatically
    move to the next category.

    The ship has a chance of a system failures. Roll 1d6 each day or when the ship
    enters combat:
    1. The ship suffers a Critical Hit.
    2. The ship acts as if it has a Poor Crew for 1d6 turns.
    3. Roll a system using the DAC, one grouping of boxes of that system are
    considered Inactive (they may be reactived using the Inactive rules).
    4.-6. No system failure.

    This is additional Armor with a 360 degree arc, to represent the ship being
    slightly "tougher" as it gets older.

    This is how much you adjust damage due to natural effects each turn.
    Starships (and their crews) need time to get used to Nebulae and other such

    If using my "Going into Warp" rules, this is what you multiply the final
    Maximum Speed by. Fuel consumption is not increased.

    This multiplies the ship's total Opt Allowance. Older ships have a tendency
    of having more "junk/spare equipment" laying around for NWO's and such.

    The crew would presumably try to increase battery capacity with time.
    Each battery's capacity is increased by the given number.
    The battery does not require any additional amount to repair.

    This is the number of times you roll for Legendary Officers in a scenario,
    unless the scenario or campaign suggests otherwise (sometimes a NEW ship
    might have a Legendary Helmsman to test it out, for example).

    These represent "personality" or other strange behavior a ship may pick
    up with time.
    When the ship reaches OLD stage, roll 2d6 on the table below.
    Roll again when the ship reaches VENERABLE stage; the bizarre effect it
    received before at OLD stage is still kept.

    2. Ship is Self-Aware (Intelligent): When the ship's fleet is faced with
    a superior force (in terms of BPV), there is a 1 in 6 chance per turn
    the ship takes over as if it was a Super-Intelligent Computer. This
    control lasts for 1 turn.

    3. Alien Presence: Unknown to the crew, an non-corporeal entity resides
    on the ship. If the ship takes internals, there is a 1 in 6 chance
    per impulse that it takes internals that the Alien Presence displaces
    the entire ship 1d6 x 1d6 x 1d6 (three d6's multiplied together) hexes
    in a random direction. The Alien Presence is destroyed on the first
    Probe hit after the ship has no remaining undamaged probes.

    4. Massive Jury-Rigging: The crew, in an attempt to make future repairs
    on the ship easier to do, have included a massive network of backups
    and jury-rigging. Each internal on the SSD with a repair cost of 2
    of greater has its repair cost reduced by 1 (so IMPULSE which costs 3
    in my rules becomes 2). This makes the systems easier to repair, but
    they are also harder to modify using my CONST rules (as they as lower
    repair cost and thus are more limited in what they can turn into).

    5. Tech fluctuation: Roll a random system using the DAC. One grouping
    of that system has technology fluctuations. When used, there is a
    1 in 6 chance it will be +1d6-3 tech levels difference in effect.
    Tech levels below 0X are considered 0X. Thus, a 1X Photon would fire
    as a 0X to 4X Photon instead if it fluctuated.

    6. Reduced Energy Cost: Roll a random system using the DAC. The system
    requires only one-half the normal amount of energy to operate and hold.

    7. Massive Storage: The ship can store twice the normal amount of cargo,
    but there is a 1 in 6 chance for each cargo unit that the cargo has
    been "lost in the mess" and cannot be found again for 1d6 weeks.

    8. Anticipation: Similar to Self-Aware above, the ships seems to anticipate
    actions by the crew. The Turn Mode is improved is one, and the player
    of the ship does NOT have to declare weapons fire, he may fire in response
    to another ship firing.

    9. Creepy Maze: The ship's corridors make strange sounds and is a general
    maze to walk around. The ship also seems to resent newcomers, so enemy
    Boarding Parties have a 1 in 6 chance per impulse of being lost within
    the ship. Lost Boarding Parties cannot attack but can be attacked by
    the defending ship's Boarding Parties. This effect lasts for 1 impulse.

    10. Ammunition from Nowhere: All systems on the ship that use ammunition
    (Probes, Drones, etc.) have a 1 in 6 chance of not actually using any
    ammunition at all when used. It is impossible to tell where the extra
    ammunition came from.

    11. Bizarre Alien Technology: The crew recently discovered within the bowels
    of the ship a piece of alien technology which must have been captured in
    the last battle (even though the crew doesn't remember doing it...).
    Make a list of the systems the enemy had in the last battle that your
    ship does not possess. Choose one randomly, and your ship has one box
    of that system on its SSD.

    12. Self-repair: All internal systems on the ship receive 1/10 (one-tenth) of
    a repair point per turn if they are damaged.


    Multiply the ship's BPV by this number for a rough estimate of the ship's new
    effective BPV. Of course, ships may become very powerful with certain
    combinations of Bizarre Effects and ship systems, but this is only an estimate.

    That's all folks. Not exactly a complete set of rules, but I hope you enjoyed
    the concept at least.

    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

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