STR- 35+3d10
END- 80+3d10
INT- 80+3d10
DEX- 45+3d10
CHR- 30+3d10
LUC- 1d100
PSI- 1d100

Full Maturation- 12 years
Middle Age- 250 years
Death by Aging- 700-800 years

My closest approximation of Sphere Builder Biology from FASA.

The Spherebuilders are humanoids
with a pale green skin and bald
heads. Since they are originating in a
dimension of temporal flux they are
unable to enter the space occupied
by the ordinary universe. However
they have found methods to
‘terraform’ space. Additionally they
can communicate through time and
with enough preparation they can
exists shortly in our space. Their
technology is strongly advanced as
are their corporeal abilities. They can
manipulate energy and machines
with bare hands.
Their society appears to be
matriarchal since females tend to
make decisions.