Abomination S-5 Overseer Class VIII Cruiser

FASA STCS Template

Ship Data
Construction Data:
Class- VIII
Model- Veritin A
Date Entering Service- 4/0105.30 (May 30th, 2462)
Number Produced- 75
Superstructure- 23
Damage Chart- B
Dimensional Data:
Length- 210 meters
Width- 140 meters
Height- 70 meters
Weight- 118,000 mt
Atmospheric Entry/Landing- None
Control Computer Type- AMAC-5
Stealth Device Type- None
Power to Activate- N/A
Cargo Data:
Cargo Capacity- 340 SCUs
Metric Tonnage- 17,000 mt
Transporter Data:
8-person- 3
20-person Emergency- 1
Cargo, Large- 1
Cargo, Small- 5
Personnel Data:
Passengers- 10
Shuttlecraft- 8
Engine Data:
Total Power- 48
Movement Point Ratio- 3/1
Warp Engine Type- ABOWD-2
Number- 2
Power Provided- 19 ea
Stress Charts- G/H
Cruising Speed- Warp 6
Emergency Speed- Warp 8
Impulse Engine Type- ABOIE-1
Power Provided- 10
Weapons Data:
Beam Weapon Type- ABOD-4
Number- 10 in 5 banks
Firing Arcs- 4f, 2p, 2s, 2a
Firing Chart- S
Max Beam Power- 4
+3- 1-8
+2- 9-14
+1- 15-16
Heavy Weapon Type- ABOP-3
Number- 8
Firing Arcs- 2f, 2p, 2s, 2a
Firing Chart- M
Power to Arm- 1
Damage- 10
Defensive System Data:
Defense Shield Type- ABOSJ
Shield Point Ratio- 1/3
Max Shield Power- 17
Balance Codes:
D- 99.2
WDF- 80.0

The Archetypical Abomination Cruiser, this ship is a boxy ship with lower sections shaped like the Abomination Starburst foundon their flag and embedded Warp Engines. They would often patrol Abomination Systems alone and in groups alike, and were heavily internalized for easy maintenance.