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Thread: Weird AI Designed Ships (Poly)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    Weird AI Designed Ships (Poly)

    Technico's idea of a Gorn Battlecruiser.

    Designing a Gorn Battlecruiser would require careful consideration of various factors, such as the Gorn's technological capabilities, combat strategies, and aesthetic preferences. Here are some key components to include in the design:

    1. Size and Shape: The Gorn Battlecruiser should be large and imposing, with a streamlined and aggressive design to strike fear into its enemies.

    2. Armor and Defensive Systems: Incorporate advanced armor plating and energy shields to protect the ship from enemy attacks.

    3. Weaponry: Equip the Battlecruiser with a variety of powerful weapons, such as energy cannons, missile launchers, and disruptor beams, to engage and destroy enemy vessels.

    4. Propulsion: Ensure the ship has a reliable and efficient propulsion system for fast travel across the galaxy.

    5. Command and Control: Design the interior layout to accommodate a crew of Gorn warriors, as well as command centers for coordinating battles and strategic operations.

    6. Communication and Sensor Systems: Include state-of-the-art communication and sensor technology to detect and communicate with other ships and planets.

    By incorporating these elements into the design, the Gorn Battlecruiser will be a formidable and intimidating force in any space battle.

    As a Technico, I will provide hypothetical measurements for a Gorn Battlecruiser based on common design principles and fictional specifications:

    Length: Approximately 800 meters
    Width: Approximately 300 meters
    Height: Approximately 200 meters
    Decks: The Gorn Battlecruiser would likely have multiple decks, with at least 20 levels dedicated to various functions such as crew quarters, weapons systems, engineering, command centers, and hangar bays.

    These measurements are a rough estimate and may vary depending on specific design requirements and fictional universe constraints.

    As a hypothetical Technico, I would estimate the crew, passenger, and troop count for a Gorn Battlecruiser as follows:

    Crew: The Gorn Battlecruiser would require a large crew to operate efficiently, with an estimated crew count of around 1,000 to 1,500 Gorn warriors, engineers, technicians, and support staff.

    Passengers: The Gorn Battlecruiser may have limited passenger capacity for diplomatic or high-ranking officials, with a potential passenger count of up to 100 individuals.

    Troops: The Battlecruiser would also likely carry a complement of Gorn troops for ground assaults or boarding actions, with a troop count of around 500 to 700 warriors equipped for combat.

    These estimates are based on the assumption that the Gorn Battlecruiser is designed for military operations and would require a significant number of crew, passengers, and troops to fulfill its combat capabilities effectively.

    As a hypothetical Technico analyzing the specifications of a Gorn Battlecruiser, I would estimate the following for its transporter and shuttlecraft capabilities:

    Transporters: The Gorn Battlecruiser would likely be equipped with a variety of transporter systems for beaming personnel and cargo, including at least 6 to 8 standard transporters for internal and external use.

    Shuttlecraft: The Battlecruiser would have a complement of shuttlecraft for personnel transport, reconnaissance, and tactical operations, with approximately 10 to 15 shuttlecraft of various sizes and configurations.

    Shuttlebays: The Gorn Battlecruiser would possess dedicated shuttlebays for launching and retrieving shuttlecraft, with at least 2 to 3 large shuttlebays equipped with maintenance facilities, refueling stations, and support systems for efficient shuttle operations.

    These estimates are based on the assumption that the Gorn Battlecruiser is a versatile and capable spacecraft with the necessary resources for transportation and shuttle operations during military campaigns or diplomatic missions.

    As a hypothetical Technico analyzing the specifications of a Gorn Battlecruiser, I would estimate the following for its transporter and shuttlecraft capabilities:

    Transporters: The Gorn Battlecruiser would likely be equipped with a variety of transporter systems for beaming personnel and cargo, including at least 6 to 8 standard transporters for internal and external use.

    Shuttlecraft: The Battlecruiser would have a complement of shuttlecraft for personnel transport, reconnaissance, and tactical operations, with approximately 10 to 15 shuttlecraft of various sizes and configurations.

    Shuttlebays: The Gorn Battlecruiser would possess dedicated shuttlebays for launching and retrieving shuttlecraft, with at least 2 to 3 large shuttlebays equipped with maintenance facilities, refueling stations, and support systems for efficient shuttle operations.

    These estimates are based on the assumption that the Gorn Battlecruiser is a versatile and capable spacecraft with the necessary resources for transportation and shuttle operations during military campaigns or diplomatic missions.

    Analyzing the hypothetical specifications of the Gorn Battlecruiser as a Technico, I would estimate the following for its cruising and maximum warp speeds, as well as its maximum impulse speed:

    Cruising Warp: The Gorn Battlecruiser would likely have a cruising warp speed of approximately Warp 6 to Warp 7, allowing for efficient travel between star systems without pushing the engines to their limits.

    Maximum Warp: The Battlecruiser's maximum warp speed would be significantly higher, estimated to be around Warp 9.5 to Warp 9.9, enabling rapid deployment and pursuit capabilities during combat or emergency situations.

    Maximum Impulse: The Battlecruiser's maximum impulse speed would be impressive, with an estimated top speed of around 0.75 to 0.9 of the speed of light, providing precise maneuvering and sublight propulsion for tactical engagements or close-quarter combat scenarios.

    These estimates are based on the assumption that the Gorn Battlecruiser is a powerful and advanced spacecraft designed for military operations and long-range travel, with propulsion systems capable of achieving high speeds while maintaining stability and efficiency.

    Analyzing the potential sensor capabilities of the Gorn Battlecruiser as a Technico, I would estimate its sensor range to be quite impressive, allowing for advanced situational awareness and detection capabilities during various missions and encounters.

    Sensor Range: The Gorn Battlecruiser would likely be equipped with long-range sensors capable of detecting and analyzing objects, vessels, and phenomena at distances up to several light-years away, allowing for early warning of potential threats and opportunities for exploration.

    Additionally, the Battlecruiser's sensor suite would include specialized sensors for detailed scanning and analysis of planetary surfaces, deep space regions, and subspace anomalies, providing valuable data for navigation, scientific research, and strategic planning.

    Furthermore, the Gorn Battlecruiser's sensor range would be enhanced by advanced sensor array configurations, adaptive signal processing algorithms, and sophisticated sensor fusion capabilities, enabling precise targeting, navigation, and reconnaissance operations in diverse environments and conditions.

    Overall, the Gorn Battlecruiser's sensor range would be a key component of its overall sensor and communication systems, providing vital information and intelligence for the crew to respond effectively to external threats and opportunities.

    As Technico, I would analyze the potential armament of the Gorn Battlecruiser based on its size, capabilities, and expected role in interstellar conflicts. Here is an estimation of the types and quantities of weapons it may possess:

    1. Energy Weapons:
    - Phaser Arrays: The Gorn Battlecruiser may be equipped with multiple phaser arrays located across its hull, providing continuous and rapid-fire energy beam weapons for versatile offensive and defensive capabilities.
    - Disruptor Cannons: As Gorn vessels are known for using disruptor technology, the Battlecruiser could feature disruptor cannons for delivering high-energy pulses or beams to target enemy ships or installations.

    2. Projectile Weapons:
    - Torpedo Launchers: The Battlecruiser could be armed with torpedo launchers, capable of firing photon torpedoes or plasma torpedoes at long-range targets with high destructive power.
    - Missile Batteries: To complement its torpedo capabilities, the Battlecruiser may also have missile batteries for launching guided or unguided missiles against enemy vessels or defensive installations.

    3. Defensive Systems:
    - Shield Generators: The Gorn Battlecruiser would likely have powerful shield generators to provide protection against enemy attacks, energy weapons, and spatial anomalies.
    - Point Defense Systems: It may be equipped with point defense systems such as phaser turrets or disruptor emplacements to intercept and destroy incoming enemy projectiles or fighters.

    4. Additional Weapons:
    - Beam Weapons: In addition to energy weapons and torpedoes, the Battlecruiser could feature beam weapons such as cutting beams or plasma beams for precise targeting and tactical engagements.
    - Tractor Beams: To aid in capturing or manipulating enemy vessels or objects, the Battlecruiser might have tractor beam emitters for generating focused beams of force or energy.

    Overall, the Gorn Battlecruiser would likely possess a mix of energy, projectile, and defensive weapons systems to engage a variety of threats and adversaries in space combat scenarios. The specific number and distribution of each weapon type would depend on the strategic priorities and operational requirements of the vessel in its missions across the galaxy.

    FASA STCS Template

    Ship Data
    Construction Data:
    Class- XIX
    Model- A
    Date Entering Service- 2/9406.23 (June 23rd, 2355)
    Number Produced- 30
    Superstructure- 170
    Damage Chart- B
    Dimensional Data:
    Length- 800 meters
    Width- 300 meters
    Height- 200 meters
    Weight- 600,000 mt
    Atmospheric Entry/Landing- None
    Control Computer Type- 1RG (x2)
    Stealth Device Type- GECM-2
    Power to Activate- 2
    Modifier- +1
    Cargo Data:
    Cargo Capacity- 480 SCUs
    Metric Tonnage- 24,000 mt
    Transporter Data:
    6-person- 8
    25-person Combat- 8
    Cargo, Large- 4
    Cargo, Small- 4
    Personnel Data:
    Crew- 1,500
    Passengers- 500
    Troops- 700
    Shuttlecraft- 10-15, most of them Heavy Assault Shuttles (AKA GAS)
    Engine Data:
    Total Power- 196
    Movement Point Ratio- 12/1
    Warp Engine Type- GWM-3
    Number- 2
    Power Provided- 74 ea
    Stress Charts- N/O
    Cruising Speed- Warp 7
    Emergency Speed- Warp 8
    Impulse Engine Type- GIK-4
    Power Provided- 48
    Weapons Data:
    Beam Weapon Type- FH-23 (Eqv.,. Although it is obviously a different system of the same capability)
    Number- 8
    Firing Arcs- 2 f/p, 2 f/s, 2 a/p, 2 a/s
    Firing Chart- Y
    Max Beam Power- 16
    +3- 1-11
    +2- 12-20
    +1- 21-24
    Beam Weapon Type- GHB-12
    Number- 8
    Firing Arcs- 2 f/p, 2 f/s, 2 a/p, 2 a/s
    Firing Chart- S
    Max Beam Power- 60
    +3- 1-6
    +2- 7-10
    +1- 11-14
    Heavy Weapon Type- GP-12
    Number- 8
    Firing Arcs- 2 f/p, 2 f/s, 2 a/p, 2 a/s
    Firing Chart- Q
    Power to Arm- 2
    Damage- 35
    Heavy Weapon Type- GPL-10
    Number- 8
    Firing Arcs- 2 f/p, 2 f/s, 2 a/p, 2 a/s
    Firing Chart- M
    Power to Arm- 20
    Damage Chart- GL-10
    Heavy Weapon Type- Some form of Guided Missile
    Number- 8
    MUs- 2
    Damage- 14
    Defensive System Data:
    Defense Shield Type- GSU
    Shield Point Ratio- 1/2
    Max Shield Power- 48
    Balance Codes:
    D- 264.5
    WDF- 756

    ICON Template

    Class and Type: Titanic-Class Battlecruiser
    Commissioning Date: 2355
    Hull Characteristics
    Size: 10
    Resistance: 5
    Structural Points: 200
    Operations Characteristics
    Crew/Passengers/Troops/Evac: 1500/500/700/13500 [8 Power/Round]
    Computers: 6 [6 Power/Round
    Transporters: 8 Personnel, 8 Cargo, 8 Assault [12 Power/Round]
    Tractor Beams: 1 ad, 1 av, 1 fd, 1 fv [2 Pwr/Rtg/Rnd]
    Engines and Power Data
    Warp System: 7.0/8.3/9.5 (5 hours) [2/Warp Facter]
    Impulse System: .75c/.9c [7/9 Power/Round]
    Power: 245
    Sensor Data
    Long-Range Sensors: +2/12 ly [6 Power/Round]
    Lateral Sensors: +2/1 ly [4 Power/Round]
    Navigational Sensors: +2 [5 Power/Round]
    Sensor Skill: 4
    Weapons Characteristics
    Type X Phaser
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Arc: All (720 degrees)
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Damage: 20
    Power: [20]
    Narrow-Wave Disruptor Cannon
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Arc: All (720 degrees)
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Damage: 30
    Power: [30]
    Photon/Plasma Torpedoes and Missiles
    Number: 200/100/400
    Launchers: 2 ad, 2 fv
    Spread: 10
    Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
    Arc: Forward and Aft, but are self-guided
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Damage: 20 (60/40/30/20) (15)
    Power: [5] [6] [4]
    Weapon Skill: 5
    Defensive Characteristics
    Gorn Deflector Shield
    Protection: 58/73
    Power: [58]

    CODA Template

    Production Data
    Origin: Gorn Hegemony
    Class and Type: Titanic-Class Battlecruiser
    Year Launched: 2355
    Hull Data
    Structure: 60
    Size/Decks: 10/60 decks
    Length/Beam/Height: 800/300/200 meters
    Complement: 1500 + 700 troops
    Operational Data
    Atmospheric Systems: None
    Cargo: 100
    Cloaking Device: None
    Life Support System: Class 3R (DD)
    Operations System: Class 2R (DD)
    Sensors: Class 2 (+2/C)
    Seperation System: No
    Shuttlebays: Three
    Shuttlecraft: 30 size worth
    Tractor Beams: 1 ad, 1 av, 1 fd, 1 fv
    Transporters: 8 standard, 8 cargo, 8 assault

    Propulsion Data
    Impulse System: FIG-2 (.9c) (C)
    Warp System: Class 7.2 (wf 7/8.3/9.5) (MCU) (C) (x2)

    Tactical Data
    Phaser Banks: Type X (x4/F)
    Disruptor Banks: G-GDC-1 (x4/F)
    Penetration: 8/8/8/0/0
    Photon/Plasma/Missile Torpedoes: Mk 100 DF (x4/F)
    Penetration: 7/7/7/7/7 (9/8/7/6/5) (6/6/6/6/6)
    Deflector Shield: CIDSS-4 (BB)
    Protection/Threshold: 16/3

    Miscellaneous Data
    Maneuvering: +4C -4H +4T
    Traits: Limited Coordination, Enhanced System (Warp, Beam), Battle Hardened (Beam, Missile), Intricate System (Beam, Missile), Visible
    Space Left: 25
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    As Technico, I would fill in the details for the O'Dell-Class Size 2 Yacht as follows:

    Class and Type: O'Dell-Class Yacht
    Commissioning Date: 2314
    Hull Characteristics
    Size: 2
    Resistance: 3
    Structural Points: 40
    Operations Characteristics
    Crew/Passengers/Evac: 50/10/100 [4 Power/Round]
    Computers: 3 [3 Power/Round]
    Transporters: 2 personnel, 2 cargo, 3 emergency [3 Power/Round]
    Tractor Beams: 1 av [2 Pwr/Rtg/Rnd]
    Engines and Power Data
    Warp System: 5.0/6.0/7.0 (12 hours) [2/Warp Factor]
    Impulse System: 0.5c/0.6c [5/6 Power/Round]
    Power: 50
    Sensor Data
    Long-Range Sensors: +1/5 light-years [6 Power/Round]
    Lateral Sensors: +1/0.5 light-year [4 Power/Rond]
    Navigational Sensors: +1 [5 Power/Round]
    Sensor Skill: 3
    Weapons Characteristics
    Type V Phaser
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Arc: Full Forward (540 degrees)
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Damage: 10
    Power: [10]
    Weapon Skill: 3
    Defensive Characteristics
    Civilian Deflector Shield
    Protection: 18/22
    Power: [18]


    Noteworthy Vessels/Service Records/Encounters: The O'Dell-Class Yacht "Starry Serenade" was known for its luxurious amenities and smooth interstellar travel, making it a popular choice among wealthy travelers in the 24th century. Additionally, the yacht "Starry Serenade" successfully navigated through a dangerous asteroid field to save a stranded cargo ship in the Beta Quadrant, earning praise for its skilled crew and advanced technology.

    Length: 50 meters
    Width: 40 meters
    Height: 30 meters
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    I am Technico, and as per your request, here is the design for a Dystressian Battlecruiser with Zagan Phasers:

    Dystressian Battlecruiser "Zephyr"
    Length: 800 meters
    Width: 200 meters
    Height: 150 meters
    Number of Zagan Phasers: 12
    Drone Launchers: 6
    Transporters: 10 personnel, 6 cargo
    Shuttles: 4
    Crew: 800
    Cruising Warp Speed: Warp 7
    Emergency Warp Speed: Warp 9
    Maximum Impulse Speed: 0.95c
    Cargo Capacity: 10,000 cubic meters

    The Dystressian Battlecruiser "Zephyr" is a formidable vessel equipped with advanced Zagan Phasers, plenty of drone launchers, efficient transporters, and a capable crew to carry out missions effectively. Its dimensions and specifications ensure a balance of power, speed, and versatility for various operations in space.

    As Technico, I would calculate the tonnage of the Dystressian Battlecruiser "Zephyr" based on its dimensions. The tonnage of a spacecraft can vary based on its construction materials, systems, and equipment.

    Assuming a standard construction and layout, we can estimate the tonnage of the Dystressian Battlecruiser "Zephyr" by using the formula for tonnage calculation for naval vessels, which is:

    Tonnage = (Length x Width x Height) / 100

    Plugging in the dimensions of the "Zephyr":
    Tonnage = (800m x 200m x 150m) / 100
    Tonnage = 24,000,000 cubic meters / 100
    Tonnage = 240,000 metric tons

    Therefore, the estimated tonnage of the Dystressian Battlecruiser "Zephyr" would be approximately 240,000 metric tons.

    Ed Note:
    I assume this is a "Simulator" Dystressian Ship, used to train and entertain Klingon Personnel with the idea of an updated 3X TNG Dystressian that's larger, roughly the equal of a KDF-1 Vor'Cha Class.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

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