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Thread: Star Trek: Daedalus Mirror Universe Episode

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    Star Trek: Daedalus Mirror Universe Episode

    Star Trek: Daedalus

    Mirror Universe Episode

    We come to see a lush, green-beige meadow on a sunny day. The weather is beautiful. a gentle wind rustles the grass and trees.

    The Words "August 12, 2189" appear on the screen, in plain, grey font like in the 60s.

    The wind continues to blow, and soon, an old-style grey-white shuttlecraft with glowing golden side windows descends from the sky and slowly, gently comes in for a landing.

    A lanky, tall, pointed-earred humanoid native, similar to Rankin-Bass's version of the Tolkien Elves, comes in and sees the shuttle, looking taken aback, he runs off.

    He returns to his village, and tells the Elder of this strange flying thing. The Elder talks of possible "sky travellers" and "steel chariots", and the village talk of how to deal with this visitor.

    In a short while, a landing party, led by a scarred Randy Tyne and smirking Ronald Maxwell Fielding come in, carrying Laser Rifles and wearing black leather jumpsuits, with armored jackets and bandoliers. They ask the Village a few initial questions, then sneer, aiming their rifles.

    The Star Trek Daedalus Theme then plays, with Makoto Takashi's voice saying "The Frontier is quite vast, which we, the Terran Empire, are sworn to conquer!!!"

    Then we see a ravaged village, and the words "Star Trek" appear ominously over it in plain grey letters, and then disappear.

    Soon, Ronald and Randy return, Randy having a big smile. "Whoo, this Acquisition was fun!!! and all before noon!"

    "It's evening. Around 6:00 PM", Ronald pointed out, having kept track of flora, fauna, and the time, and a great many things since his initial trip into space.

    "Oh yeah, differences in different planets". Randy stretched out. "I'm not sure I'll get used to that, like you have, my techno-whiz. But we sure have expanded the Empire quite well."

    "Yeah, my Mom, Dad and Sister are on the next Colony Ship to Izar. They've set up a new metropolis there, named for the Geneticist Veng Yang" Ronald said. "I've left a message for them at Starbase 14 that I've made Commander, and supervised development of Power Plants on three worlds."

    "They're taking well to life on worlds other than the motherland!!!" Randy's massive grin revealed two teeth broken in brawls.

    "Yeah. I've finally convinced them that the future is to spread across space. Either we grow and expand, or we contract and die. And I'm proud to have helped build the foundation for the future empire."

    Randy's face took on a slightly deranged and uneasy expression. "Those Romulans, I don't get them at all. They're chaotic and unpredictable. They don't want to expand and follow their ambitions, like a true empire. The Tholians are kinda the same; - they're too alien,too mysterious. I'd at least keep an eye on them, if the admiralty and emperor don't want us to take it to their homeworlds."

    Ronald shrugged. "We have time, and resources. With Decades of carefully building up out Military and Empire, and careful strategic planning, then we can begin to close in on them."

    Randy bumped Ronald's shoulder aggressively. "Sez the God-damned young buck who accelerated our M/AM Warp 5 ships and brags he'll outlive me by a HUNDRED YEARS?!?"

    Ronald gave a dangerous smirk at him; - not unlike a Romulan himself, although neither of them had ever seen a Romulan.

    "Ambition is how one gets ahead. And I have gigatons to spare."


    As Leslie watched over the remaining villagers toiling to mine and begin a new base for Starfleet, Arinda stood sneering.

    "This new batch are being very obedient, and efficient."

    "Yes. You've been fast in deciphering them; - even for you."

    "This was exciting!"

    "I know. We'll get a hold of those Kzinti yet!!!"

    "Yes, and they've given in to our... requests quite quickly. Not like those beings of L-009 and L-022."

    "I so want the "Go-Ahead" from Captain Macintyre."


    Daniel sat in his command Chair, the brown, Ovular fuzzy back oddly soothing to him. Not the bare-bones Grey-Black Metal and Metal-Leather chairs he had to endure, and that Majoto Takashi and Kelly Johnson had had to endure...

    He gave a few commands to ensign Rather and Lieutenant Commander Chang Lee, and then had Lieutenant Goodson contact Arinda. "Asephas. We're ready to transport more troops and supplies, return in the Whettestone. We will proceed to the planet's moon in two hours."

    "Very good, Captain. I will begin". Came her usually bright, confident voice. Very cheery, and eager. Too eager... He was going to have to scold her is she wasn't going to get killed, or betray ruin their objectives for the seventh time...

    "The reports are coming in" Goodson said. She was rerouting to the Library Computer, and Daniel smiled. She was being fast and efficient, hopefully she, Stallone, Herone, Grafa, Melbonit and Cusack would become Great officers on his next ship.

    The Daedalus was a pretty decent ship, but he hated how it had to be very small and cramped, and everyone had to share a single coffeepot. The Nutrient Paste was what he had gotten used to since his Cadet Cruise, and the Daedalus's Plunders led to some great foods, most of which could be stored in unused Stasis Booths, a useful tech for an Exploration Ship.

    He had hoped to get a much bigger Cruiser, or Frigate, but he wanted something that would go out into the frontier, and not be pathetic like those weak slablike Uranus-Class and Macpherson- and Gagarin-Class ships... Preferably something with FL-2s and longer-ranged Atomic Missiles...

    He made a routine comment, laced with bland, generic descriptions and some glowing remarks of successful resources and subjugation, just so that Internal Security would be placated. He *ALWAYS* remembered to do that, since Takashi and Ronald were interrogated ruthlessly twice after getting careless, in 2164 and 2169, and he was proud to always keep up with the rest of the ship.

    Chang piped up, raising his shoulders, making him look like a very tired, grumpy eagle. "Course ready for travel to C-091's moon, Speed .4c. We will arrive in an hour."

    Daniel thumped his armrest, narrowly avoiding the two comm buttons. "Good, Commander. We will be loaded up in 2 hours, and arrive at the moon on the third."

    "There are two small Asteroids that are going to be in the way."

    "Well then Commander, allocate power to Navigational Deflecter, and have the Crewmen ready the Laser Cannons, just in case. They are not a problem of any kind."

    Two Hours later, the Daedalus was loaded up, and turned to Starboard for flight to Ghuzuo, the moon of C-091, or Yava, as it's natives had called it, and for an hour and a half, time passed uneventfully, the asteroids being deflected easily, but soon Chang Lee called out "Captain! There's a small vessel, NE, around 25,000 kms away, making rapid maneuvers!"

    Daniel stared at the viewscreen, not seeing anything, nor wishing terribly to miss anything. "Can you get readings?"

    "It appears to be Kzinti. A 0Xe Frigate. They appear to be trying to donfuse us, possibly to ambush us from behind."

    "Turn to intercept them, but don't totally change course. Goodson, tell Laser Control to prepare to fire."

    "Aye, sir."

    The Daedalus began to move towards a small, veering pointed boxy red object off in the distance.

    The Daedalus closed in on the ship. "Hostile is a Kzinti YFF. It appears to be trying to take the Vida Core. Or at least stop us from taking it."

    Daniel swung his hand, eyes tracking the now somewhat visible tiny red boxy ship with an angular command pod. "Intercept it. Fire Lasers. Over and over."

    The Daedalus exchanged Laser Fire, with some form of strange, Laser/Particle Beam-Like Reddish-Pink Beam, possibly with Phase-Transitional Properties from the Kzinti Ship, finally inflicting some significant damage, and causing it to flee.

    "It might come back with reinforcements, Captain Macintyre."

    "Good, well, the 2nd Fleet is a little over a light-year from here. Hopefully, they'll notice and intercept them. Take us to the moon, slightly higher Impulse. Divert Power to Impulse and Sensors."

    The Daedalus swung around and arrived at the moon 39 minutes later, Lieutenant Goodson, and in the Science Labs, Lieutenant JGs Munson and Thrala, extensively examine it, soon finding the Vida Core.

    Then, Daniel ordered the Lasers to drill an estimated path to the Vida Core, and for Ronald, Thrallen and Randy to prepare the Class C "Bachman" to travel to it.

    Thrallen declared things to be going well, and two more Natives were put to death, and some problematic rocks were knocked aside, thus getting to the Vida Core.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    The Green and Yellow Round Jewel-thing looked Tantalizing to Ronald, Randy, Thrallen and the three Non-Coms as they looked at it and set up.

    "this looks very promising. So Ronald, tell me more; - WHAT IS this thing of which you Terrans are so eager to unleash, upon untold Galaxies?"

    Ronald rubbed his Scar, from a Technician who had tried to kill him. (Bastard, jealous, of HIS College Aptitude? Of his achievements?) "Well Thrallen, This is a Electro-Dynamic Core, when connected to some Transformers and some Centauran Translators, we could connect this to our MEGALASER< and threaten unruly aliens, unlike your Cool, Efficient kind, with loss of all they live, eat, breathe and love. We can have the Romulans, Kzinti, and even your very own Andorian Separatists hiding, white with petrified fear in nasty Caves on Methane Planets and Moons."

    Thrallen smiled. "You want that edge."

    Ronald Smiled more, with Demanding Lust. "Not just to overpower, but to render them speechless, unable to reason, but to become dominated by our destiny."

    Randy waved, yelling at them and angry at the thought of coming close, as he was hauling the Intel Processor. "Commander! Let's Go!!!!!!"

    Ronald said "Good, it's on. Don't jostle it or Thrallen will gut your pissy little treasonous ass."

    Randy, Grunted, a barely rational Hoglike blast of hatred, but h more or less obeyed.

    Spacer Glynn turned up the frequency and stabilized the transfer buffer.

    This would be most wonderful.

    Ronald was confident this would get done. So close to done? and a Stupid Fleabag Ship would try and be a nuisence? More like be a Fly, for them to get crushed.

    A small, insignificant fly, to be DESTROYED. Perhaps left sobbing and afraid.

    Thrallen Commented on the adjustments and Ronald ensured him.

    They would have Domination.

    Or some bloodthirsty thing.

    Some such thing.

    Pretty soon, the Kzinti YFF returned with two YCLs, and the Daedalus used Lasers and a nuke to destroy one YCL, and make the other 2 run away, towing and scanning six asteroids and returningto Ghozuo.

    Daniel commented "I hope the 2nd or 4th Fleet gets here and destroys those Kzinti. The Daedalus is an Exploration Ship; - she's not built for combat."

    Goodson commented. "It seems there are more Kzinti ships. Commander Fielding's got the Computer and Generator working; - the Megalaser should be operational soon."

    Daniel insisted "He's done well, but we have to get the 2nd Fleet here. Contact Commodore Priestley."

    Goodson's eyebrow raised. "We don't have Subspace Radio. Are you that worried, that-"

    Daniel swung his head, as if drunk. "I'll just will him here? I tried."

    Goodson and Ensign Siegel groaned and pretended to consult their consoles, insisting that they were working on it, when they couldn't just contact Commodore Priestley.

    1st Lieutenant Lofton scowled and smacked around one native after killing his grandparents right in front of him. They had finally initiated the farming and mining, ad the completion of the Terran Empire Base.

    This was a success, he, Fielding, Thrallen and Tyne had already known it, and it wasn't even done yet.

    Despite some wheezings, whinings and whingings, the native just obeyed. They knew they had to coumply for now, not knowing if they would be able to fight and/or go free.

    Lofton noticed a giant black shaggy-haired bear with wolverine-like sharptoothed jaws. His Marines ganged up on it and killed it with their Laser Rifles, leaving a charred body with two small circles of hairy flesh.

    One of his Corporals tried a red striped peach from the tree, curious of what it was like, in taste and nutrients. He got sick and died soon after that.

    A Stupid Moron.


    Ronald and Thrallen, with fervent, Hammer Horror Love, worked the machinery, making everything work, with som odd Cartoon-Mechanical SFX playing, and the power surged, the Devices were working, and the Signals were modified by Goodson, monitoring, along with Cooper, Barrett, and Farrell and 2nd Lieutenant Haggerty, and brought to the Megalaser, going according to plan.

    Daniel and Ronald smiled, more going well.

    Thrallen's antennae waved, & he commented on the reflective rocks on the ceiling and walls looked like Gemstones to him, and he and Ronald said some things about being startled, and filthy rich.

    Randy and Thrallen then secure the moon.

    Thrallen sees Yellow and Green Lights go up near the top of the equipment, and the Core Vida's on.


    "The Megalaser is ready, Captain Macintyre!"

    Ronald's team and Laser Control readied the Megalaser, and after it tested by blowing up Asteroids, Daniel smiled, getting up and saying "I'll go and get a Coffee".

    He went, talked to Sandra, they worked out Native subjugation and Landing Party Virus/Injury Help, and he drank coffee in the Briefing room, then Gabriel, Barrett and Dourif redid engineering and yelled at half the Engineering Officers and Enlisted.

    Soon, Daniel returned and Chang maneuvered the ship as it's Lasers took out a Drone. He gave a routine Military Report.

    Daniel ordered "Evasive Maneuvers", as the Daedalus moved around, Rather and Chang using 14 Laser Shots to Disable a YFF's engines, but it damaged two YDDs, and a YCL, and it took major starboard nacelle and sensor damage.

    As it left at .38c and got repaired four hours later, Daniel had Ronald's party use the Megalaser destroy the YDDs, a YCS and 2 WCAs.

    The Daedalus and Megalaser badly damaged the 2 YCLs, and then then 2nd Fleet arrived to take out thre remaining 4 YFFs, 2 YDDs, YCL, YCS, WDN and 4 WCLs and 7 Assault Ships.

    Daniel congratulated Commodore Priestley, and Farrell reported the deathes of Thrala, Stimpy, Marey, Carey, Michaelson, Richards, Christopher, Carabatsos, Junie, Lowry, Laikan, and Auberjunois, from the Kzinti Lasers and Drones.


    Ronald's bunch took their Class C back, using their Laser to kill a few natives and the last two Assault Ships, and he and Thrallen connected to Daniel in the Lab, with Sandre and Munson jamming all but Comodore Priestley, and Captains Mappin and Serin of the Wolfgang and Zaahm. The USS Triton hovering like a vulture five kilometers to larboard, surrounded by it's 2nd Fleet Thuggish Gunmen... (...)

    "Dan, HOW are those bastards? Did they kill anyone in that attack on Aldebaron Colony?"

    "They destroyed the USS Santos-Dumont and two Uranus-Class ships, but four of our new Tesla-Class Stardrive Ships led by the Marshall class USS Cheney destroyed the two YFFs."

    "We'll get them."

    "YES!" Thrallen raised 'is fist, clearly indicating via his face at Ronald his complimenting and exhilaration and encouraging Bloodlust. He was obviously very much for Starfleet.

    "We'll butcher those stupid Cats! The hunters of teh 19th Century would he shocked and disgusted by those Tigers, being armed with Lasers and Damned Warships."

    Daniel said "Priestley said he contacted Rear Admiral Takashi. He's diverted us to explore an area rich in ores and crystals for the new Starbase 19. We are to let half of his fleet hold the Megalaser and Ghozuo for an arriving Perseus and two Launchers, one of them being the Growler, which my Niece Miranda is on."

    "I loved her surprised look at our mastering Time Travel twice! And our destruction of the Arkelian race!"

    Thrallen groaned "Yer cockiness would go past our necessary conquest and ensurance of obediance"

    Leslie said "It really did wreck Beta VIII, M-011, and Merak II. I know he's the best Engineer next to Palmer and Baldwin of Mars, but we need to curb him."

    Daniel yelled, knowing he HAD to regain control of these Barroom Brawlers in Sweaters and Flakjackets. "That's noted, but we're still only nine years along. And Rear Admiral has ensured some Exploration and most of the Kzinti will be cleared out. Just pray I don't have to torture you eight's naked bodies to ensure our planned completion by the 23rd Century!"

    Thrallen Spat at the others, and Randy grinned, making Leslie want to curl upp and die.

    Ronald Asked "Anything we need to know?"

    Daniel responded, giving two orders to Sandra, finishing up on a burned Blonde with a broken arm from Missile Control. "Just monitor the Engines more, we've taken an especially bad hit, and it won't do to show off again, the way you did since '64."

    "I'll do it. Just don't finish the Coffe, and those interesting Chicken and MINTY Green Cheetos."

    "Don't worry, Commander, I'm staying in my Quarters in an hour after monitoring my log. The Zaahm and Triton already sent Science and Security to make the natives work in their new labor camp. They ARE obedient enough to ensure no more killing."

    Thrallen smiled. Randy said. "They're pretty quick. We don't even need that Snotty Centauran to communicate with them! We just wave Lasers around and shoot anything!"

    Daniel Burped. "You're Gun-Happy like Droole, from the Eureka. Major Tyne, Make yourself focus. We are to forfill that mission..."

    "You'll kill me like Tak killed Captain Andrew Faye? He's military at the msot unexpected times, I got it. Leslie and Munson get it too, They're planning an keeping the crew awake and on more Frigate and Scout ambushes."

    Ronald said "Tell Rather He's got to read from the Library Computer. I want him primed on this region and on Atomic Missile Repair and Targetting."

    "Tak taught You and him, a useful Line of Scientific Murderers. I look forward to spending several years on the moons my Colonist Peoples love."

    "Sure, Commander."

    ANd Ronald left. grunting a hateful response at the fat bald guy coming to refuel the engines of the Shuttlecraft, His Landing Party returned to the Sphere, and he talked to Sandra, Arinda, Munson and Thrallen.

    He lay down next to two shirtless Japanese men.

    They all were mad with glee, and with the Megalaser, they would conquer the whole Alpha Quadrant. They tried to give the standard expected aggravating responses, and be aware of at least four more major Empires out there like the Romulans and Vegans, but they are a cocky bunch... Being hyped and wanting to bully and terrify natives, but they needed to plunder food to get away from more than a few weeks on that mothball-like Nutrient Paste. And he was content to do his part and work on the next hundred years of heavily armed Terran Empire Warships. His friends Goodson, Farrell, Dourif, Thrallen, Arinda, Randy and Thrallen all did fairly well, only two of them may have had to be tortured or put in the Agonizer Booth. And they would all take out the Kzinti, Lyrans, Tholians and many others...

    These new "Transporters", would easily be good at taking all of them on. And he thought of Shannon, and his Three Colonies he visited, and Cathy Mitchell, getting fiesty. He couldn't imagine how her and the Empire would be half of their hateful brawling Empire selves. And he went to sleep, the Daedalus going to a Planet in a Nebula, for a survey and some mining. The End.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

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