Name: Ka'Vagh Sutai Palarra
Rank: Commander
DOB: 9-18-2339
Father: Krolk Vestai Palarra
Mother: Kari Vestai Palarra
Blood Type: P-


STR- 66
END- 63
INT- 56
DEX- 70
CHR- 44
LUC- 05
PSI- 01

Combat Data

AP: 11

Bare Hand Damage: 1d10+10

ToHit Numbers-
Modern- 66
HTH- 51

Significant Skills

Administration- 23
Carousing- 41
Computer Operation Procedures- 38
Gaming- 58
Impulse Engine Technology- 47
Instruction- 31
Personal Combat
Armed- 42
Unarmed- 63
Planetside Survival
Temperate- 37
Starship Security Procedures- 48
Starship Helm Operation- 30
Starship Weapons Technology- 55
Starship Combat Strategy/Tactics- 67
Swimming and Diving- 14
Ground Vehicles- 32
Card Games- 30
Warp Engine Technology- 33
World Knowledge, Klinzhai- 29

Ka'Vagh is a deadly wolf, and although he is a decent Security/Tactical/Utilities Officer, he is somewhat unreliable, pompous, and a disturbingly aggressive warrior who has caused a number of fights and slayings, sometimes for no reason at all. He graduated 79th percentile in 2355, and was posted to the IKS Kasaba Kelon (D-10) as a lower decks officer, then being promoted to Lieutenant JG in 2357 and then being moved to Helmsman. He excelled at many Away Missions, and then was transferred to the IKS Kusirric (KDF-2) as a Tactical Officer in 2363, finally being promoted to Lieutenant SG in 2366, making friends with Kilt and Karn in Security, and loathing the Federation-Technology ship, calling it "Keelvosh from a Delta Khinah Wildebeest's Hairy Hind", after three requests and one outright hateful death threat to the first officer Karen, he got moved to the IKS Vow of Revenge Waves (KDF-10), doing many duties, although not at all good, and playing, gaming and brawling in the Eating Hall, Gymnasium and planetside. He was transferred to the IKS Death Howl II (KDF-10) in 2368, and promoted to Lieutenant Commander in 2369, leading an Away Mission to kill some renegade Orions, and slaughtered 92 Kreel and destroyed three ships in 2370. In 2372, with Gowron's plans to war against the Cardassians, prepare for war witht he Federation, and take out any Dominion Ships and operatives, Ka'vagh was put through some additional Leader of Men and Weapons training, with Starships and Weaponry. He was promoted to Commander in April 30th, and transferred to the IKS Cardassian Mortar Shocker (KDF-1) in May 9th. He became captain of this ship in July 18th, after Captain Kelvin Epetai Illioth died from a Bridge Hit by a Jem'Hadar Heavy Frigate, and eagerly chose Kilt, Karn, Kang, and Kark as his Conn, Ops, Tactical and Medical Officers, and Marn has his new Marine head, newly promoted to Colonel, enjoying his chance to prove himself, and to engage many Cardassians, Jem'Hadar, Breen, Son'a and Talarians, often alone, and sometimes partnering with other ships in almost non-ordered configurations, being a reckless, aggressive Leader. While he isn't very trustworthy, he has demonstrated a vital need for Naval and Troop Force, and is a Terrifying Brute. It will be interesting to see what more he does for the Empire in the next Decade.