Name: Andrew "Andy" Borjas
Rank: Captain
DOB: 10-23-2324
Father: Luciano Borjas
Mother: Maurelle Borjas
Race: Human
Blood Type: O-
Height: 184 cms
Weight: 75 kgs
Academy Class: 95th Percentile
Starfleet Serial Number: SC-489-532 CEC


STR- 60
END- 67
INT- 61
DEX- 62
CHR- 55
LUC- 35
PSI- 33

Combat Data

AP: 10

Bare Hand Damage: 1d10+5

ToHit Number-

Modern- 55
HTH- 49

Significant Skills

Administration- 76
Computer Operation- 32
Communication System Operation- 39
Damage Control Procedures- 21
Environmental Suit Operation- 30
Terrace- 22
Tri-Dimensional Chess- 38
Nine Mens Morris- 54
General Medicine
Human- 12
Holodeck Operations Procedures- 46
Holodeck Systems Technology- 23
Instruction- 30
Galacta- 73
German- 24
Norse- 52
Leadership- 57
Physical Sciences
Harmonics- 29
Physics- 36
Planetside Survival
Tropical- 31
Shuttlecraft Pilot- 20
Space Sciences
Astronomy- 38
Astrophysics- 49
Bowling- 32
Parrises Squares- 15
Zero-G Operations- 47

Andrew Borjas is a tall, strict man, often coming down on his crews and only nice, let alone friendly to his Security Chief, Marcus Antonio Pundy, and his Chief Medical Officer, T'varis. He has a big, cmoical mustach that he uses to look older and like a "true commanding officer".

Andrew Borjas is a loyal and very traditionalist Administrative-Explorer Starfleet Captain. After decent Midshipman/Cadet posts on three Decker-Class Destroyers and a Miranda-Class Light Cruiser (the Brattain) he did well on a starmapping cruise near the Far Side that led to him being promoted to Lieutenant JG in 2347. In 2349 he worked successfully with the Bolaar and Corporate Aggressors on a Gem-Mining Operation that promoted him to Lieutenant SG and transferred from the USS Calypso to the USS Crazy Horse where he continued as Ops Officer under Tacfleet Commodore Welch 2349-2356 and been promoted a Lieutenant Commander in 2354, he transferred to the USS Vega as XO, promoted to Commander in 2357, and then commanded the USS Bellerophon 2358-2363, taking injuries on two away missions to Desert Planets, and then choosing to captain the USS Nimitz on an 11-year mision of Exploration from 2363-2374, being reassigned to the USS Nebuladancer (Toronto-Class) on a Recon in Force Mission with the 17th and then returning to Exploration as Captain of the USS Renewed (Toronto-Class) from 2378-2383 and retiring. His First XO on the USS Nimitz who was Commander Stone caused a serious blow to his unlovablly rigid command approach and made him bizarrely nervous considering his courageusly leading thirteen astronomical surveys and thirty-two away missions and this confused and worried at least eight Admirals and his Captain Friends Jean-Luc Picard and the Zakdorn Kest Tolonka although he performed albeit not well until 2383.

Ed Note-
Created by Peter David and appears in A Rock and a Hard Place. I made both him and FASA proud.