Name: Hutchinson; Ernest Malcolm
DOB: 5-24-2332
Father: Ulysses Davidson Hutchinson
Mother: Sabrina Beatrice Hutchinson-Elliot
Brother: Frank Gary Hutchinson
Species: Human
Blood Type: O+
Height: 169 cms
Weight: 114 kgs


STR- 61
END- 50
INT- 76
DEX- 55
CHR- 73
LUC- 51
PSI- 08

Combat Data

ToHit Numbers-

Modern: 49
HTH: 40

Bare Hand Damage: 1d10+5

AP: 09

Significant Skills

Administration- 30
Communications Operation- 50
Computer Operation Procedures- 79
Computer System Technology- 47
Environmental Suit Operation- 35
Gaming- 20
Holodeck Operation Procedures- 65
Holodeck System Technology- 63
Instruction- 54
Galacta- 73
Tellarite- 23
Mechanical Engineering- 63
Planetside Survival
Desert- 22
Tropical- 18
Social Sciences
Federation History- 41
Federation Law- 32
Shuttlecraft Pilot- 43
Space Sciences
Astronautics- 39
Starship Sensor Technology- 38
World Knowledge
Earth- 63
Cait- 27
Tellar- 33
Merak- 18
Daran V- 17
Warp Engine Technology- 62
Zero-G Operation- 18

Ernest Hutchinson and his Brother; - Frank were the sons of a longtime Marine Commander who fought long and hard in the General War and lost an arm battling Klingon-Human Fusions in 2281. Frank and Ernest graduated a year apart and both spent their midshipman cruises on the USS Tobias (Oberth-Class). Ernest was posted as an Ensign in Engineering on the USS Tlostoy (Rigel-Class) and did well but not enough to particularly stand out. He was a joyful boisterous outgoing fellow with a a devious streak and a love of practical jokes. He helped succeed at many Engineering and Science Missions on the Tolstoy's Exploratory Tour and transferred a Lt JG to the USS Prometheus (Nebula-Class) in 2359 and was promoted to Lt SG in 2360. In 2363; - he discovered a fault in the Warp Engines and helped prevent the ship from being snagged in a Subspace Filament while trying to contact an alien species through harmonic resonance and was promoted to LCDR; - becoming Chief Engineer. He transferred to the USS Billings (Ambassador-Class) in 2364 and worked there as Chief Engineer for 8 years before transferring to the USS Magellan (Galaxy-Class) as Chief Engineer in 2372. He did well in the Dominion War but was not a fighter; - so needed to work with others/down deep into the bowels of the ship. e was promoted to CDR in 2382 and worked at ASDB on some experimental systems as well as refits and new designs; - serving on the shakedown cruise of the USS Neo Etzel (Neo Etzel) and USS Starlier (Starlier). He retired with a wife and four sons at Daran V in 2399.

In the Picture; - he is leading several other officers on a chorus for the First Officer in 2367.