Antican and Selay Ambassadors

Name: Vaga
Race: Antican
DOB: 8-21-2354


STR- 59
END- 56
INT- 22
DEX- 71
CHR- 90
LUC- 52
PSI- 15

Combat Data-

ToHit Numbers
Modern: 46
HTH: 42

Bare Hand Damage: 1d10+5

AP: 11

Significant Skills

Administration- 50
Instruction- 27
Leadership- 42
Personal Weapons Technology- 20
Laser Knife- 45
Mechanical Engineering- 15
Personal Combat
Armed- 31
Unarmed- 25
Planetside Survival
Temperate- 83
Nature- 21

Name: Sevestal
Race: Selayan
DOB: 6-30-2351


STR- 75
END- 83
INT- 19
DEX- 31
CHR- 35
LUC- 75
PSI- 03

Combat Data-

ToHit Numbers
Modern: 62
HTH: 56

Bare Hand Damage: 1d10+10

AP: 08

Significant Skills

Administration- 63
Communications Operation- 32
Diplomacy- 18
Instruction- 18
Leadership- 30
Personal Combat
Armed- 22
Unarmed- 78
Space Sciences
Astrogation- 36
Starship Helm Operation- 60

These two are the current Ambassadors of the Anticans and Selayans. They don't focus on or care much about settling a truce between their peoples; rather they want the Federation to help them take out their dangerous foes. At least twice; in 2368 and in 2380; - they try to reach out to the Ferengi and Talarians for assistance; - resulting in some meddling in diplomatic/trade talks and obtaining of dangerous advanced weaponry and minor casualties.