The Six of Aces are a fan-character group I made for Middle-Earth. They were alive in the Third and Fourth Age and only first met in 2979 TA, working as wandering tradesmen who crossed the entire western region, and some of the east and south, at least once, encountering Pallando the Blue, in 3019. They eventually moved into Moria and stumbled gradually into a meeting with hundreds of thousands of other dwarves under Durin VII and helped rebuild Khazad-Dum.
1: Thoin Shatterhand
A 5"1 Male, very bulky with muscle, of the Stonefoot Tribe. Born in 2929 TA, he is the son of the great warrior and Stonecarver Thrain VII, and has long, highly tough black beard and a bald head. He has a quiet, prideful attitude, and is best friends with Loin, having travelled with him since 2977. His Weapon is a Quad-Bladed Waraxe, Khuivul, and he almost never goes without it.
2: Loin Shekkar
A 4"11 Red-Eyed Male, lanky with a long nose, also of the Stonefoot Tribe. Born in 2938 TA, he is a meek, but greedy trader, the son of Ali and Bofur, and was at first highly independent on Thoin, being a nomadic barman and servent.
3: Noin Shekkar
A 5"6 giant among Dwarves, with muscular arms, also of the Stonefoot Tribe. Born in 2899 TA, he's the oldest of the Six of Aces, and operates as the Brawn and carrier of supplies for the group, sometimes scavenging and finding useful weapons and food, also he is the brother of Loin.
4: Haza
A 4"10 Male in a dirt and moss covered Green Coat, he was an Ironfist and was born in 2940, the son of Dain Stonehenge, having worked almost entirely as a Miner before going with Thoin's band.
5: Ledo
A 4"11 Male with a Black Tunic with White Stripes running diagonally down the sleeves, almost like black blackmail. He was an Ironfist and was born in 2945 TA, having been adopted by a small caravan of Longbeards after rescuing them from a pair of mad Mountain Trolls.
6: Nori
A 4"9 Male in Thick Woolen clothes with Turquoises and Rubies woven into it. He was born in 2921, and learned much about Metallurgy, Weaving and Farming from Butaren, a 6"8 wise and powerful Human heading a pair of families totalling 11 people on a farm 123 miles NW of Bree, honing for himself a Golden Broadsword and being ambushed by a Skin-Changer near a Mountain, killing him and finding his hoards in a cave 900 kms North. He proceeded to demonstrate his crafting and warrior's prowess and got work this way, and wheras Noin Scavenges, Haza mines and Ledo dances with fate, he crafts. His Grandfather, Balin Broadhelm, died fighting in the war of Dwarves and Orcs, and his father, Balli, disappeared in 2925 trying to find numerous buried diamonds and fish at the seaside, possibly killed by a robber or eaten by some kind of seabeast.