Rank System

Star: An G4 Star, with an unstable gravitic attraction towards a nearby Red Supergiant.

Profile: There are Seven Planets in this system, the first four are Class D, one bears a massive Crater surrounded from burns by a massive moonstrike which nearly shattered the Planet, the fifth is a Class M Planet with Y and K-shaped COntinents and massive northern iscy-covered Continent where Green/Gray/Black Skinned with Red Spots Whales hunt in packs. The sixth Planet is a 2238,400 km Gas Giant with Green, Peach and Cream Stripes with 87 moons, redirecting Planetoids away from the inner planets.
The Seventh Planet is a Green and Orange, dirty, bloody-looking Gas Giant orbiting on it's side, recovering from a massive collision with a 20,500 km Rogue Planet.

Fifth Planet: Rank is .8s (10,175 kms), and has five moons, two are asteroids, one on a very dangerous, erratic course which will break orbit in around 2572 AD, it has 42% land, and a few long, lanky mandrill and rhesus-type primates that can do useful tasks. There are Bobcats, Bears and long-scouted blue-furred Hexagonal-foreheaded predators, the Planet has a "year" of 268 days and a "day" of 19 hours.

The Fifth Planet has been used for Military Exercises by Romulans, and there will almost always be a Romulan (D'Deridex, Griffin or Draconarius) Warship that will ambush and destroy any intruders. four of the sixth planet's moons are inhabitable and have production plants, and 25 of the moons have mining facilities, the Seventh Planet had a habitable Class L moon with Lemur and Skunk-type lifeforms that collided with the planet due to the strike, and 18 of the 24 moons have mining Colonies guarded by Disruptor, Photon and Plasma Torpedo Turrets.