SS Eleos XII

My group have been bugging me to create this ship. In the opening of Star Trek: Picard, a little civilian starship that looked to me to be smaller than the Defiant by at least half. After some research I discovered that it was almost as large as the Defiant. I liked the look of the ship, but I am not a Picard series fan. Though season three was not that bad.

After a little research coming up with little information from cannon trek sources, I had to resort to the use of beta cannon sources and what little information that is out there. Below is what I cobbled together on the ship making it a fine little vessel that could be used as either a warship (my addition to the use) / research / transport vessel. I gave the ship to the ability to be controlled by a single officer up to the four crew and there being no suggestion of passengers I gave it the capacity to carry eight passenger in barracks that could be stowed using it as cargo hold area. The cargo hold was a puzzling as it could easily hold a hold twice what I finally what I gave it. Then looking at the Ghost from Star Wars Rebels where it had pir of fuel cargo pods attached to the exterior, I thought this ship could easily do the same. In making this small ship I didn’t think that it was that far out of the Star Trek design linage that it first appeared to me. I could see if it was real I wouldn’t mind scooting around the galaxy in it. Personally, I think that the weapons are a little too over the top but that was the type that I saw the most of in Beta Cannon. Personally, I think that a Type VII seven should have been what the ship should have. (note that one of the notations I found was that it had a single Type X phaser Array and I thought that it could easily carry that as well but blew it off but placed it in alterative notes below.) The biggest thing I came across was that the ship had up to nine phaser arrays. I could only find two on an orthographic draft that came from a more reliable source of information, so I gave her only two phaser arrays. Basically, the Eleos was a hospital ship but the ship I present here is multirole ship where it could operate as a warship, command ship, science ship, medical ship, and engineering ship much like the California class ships tended to be. This ship can easily be modified to reduce the threat from it, but I don’t think that is really needed as I gave it limitations. Each ship has only so much power and only a few shots of available of its weapons systems.

So here is the SS Eleos XII as I generated out of the fog of guessing at what the ship could be. What do you think of this little ship?

SS Eleos XII NAR-59019 - Pheonix class starship
Class and Type: Pheonix class Covette (Multirole Light Starship)
Commissioning Date: 2373

Hull Systems
Size: 4
Length: 119.7 meters
Beams: 72.98 meters
Height: 23.94 meters
Decks: 4
Mass: 94,000 metric tons
SU’s Available: 800 -1300
SU’s Used: 1108

Hull Outer <16>
Hull Inner <16>
Resistance Outer Hull: 6 <6>
Resistance Inner Hull: 6 <6>

Structural Integrity field [1 power/10 Protection/round]
Main: Class 5 (Protection 80/120) <28>
Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40) <14>
Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40) <14>
Specialized hull: Atmospheric Capabilities <4>
Planetfall Capability <4>

Personnel Systems
Crew/Passengers/Evac: 1 - 4/8/40
Crew Quarters
Barracks: Houses 4 crewmembers <1>
Spartan: 4 <1>
Basic: none
Expanded: none
Luxury: none
Unusual: none

Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [4 Power/round] <16>
Reserve Life Support [2 Power/round] <8>
Emergency Life Support (24 emergency shelters) <8>
Gravity [2 Power/round] <4>
Consumable: one years’ worth <4>
Food Replicators [4 Power/round] <4>
Industrial Replicators
Type: network of small Replicators [2 Power/round] <4>
(Optional) Type: Large unit [2 Power/replicator/round] <3>
Medical Facilities: 8 (+2) [8 Power/round] <40>
Recreation Facilities: 2 (Spartan mess hall; one personal holodeck; one small lounge) [4 Power/round] <16>
Personal Transport: Turbolifts; Jefferies tubes [2 Power/round] <12>
Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active] <4>
Cargo hold: 280 to 300 cubic meters <1>
Locations: on the interior depending on passengers but additional cargo pods could feasibly be placed on the exterior hull each holding 300 cubic meters, however no more than four pods located dorsal.
Escape Pods <1>
Number: 6
Capacity: 2 persons per pod

Propulsion Systems
Warp Drive Nacelles: Type 6.4 <82>
Speed: 6.0/7.2/8.7 [1 Power/.2 warp speed]
Uprating package 2 (+0.2 to sustained) Package 3 (+0.3 to maximum) <10>
PIS: Type E (8 hours of Maximum warp) <10>
Impulse Engine Type: Class 3A (.5c/.75c) [5/7 Power/round] <18>
Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 Power/ round when in use] <4>

Power Systems
Warp Engine Type: Class 12/R (generates 630 Power/round) <133>
Impulse Engine[s]: Class 3A (generate 28 power/engine/round)
Auxiliary Power: 2 reactors (generate 5 Power/reactor/round) <6>
Emergency Power: Type D (generates 40 Power/round) <40>
EPS: Standard Power flow, +100 Power transfer/round <30>
Standard Usable Power: 658

Operations systems
Bridge: <20>

Core: [5 Power/round] <8 x 1 = 8>
UPRATING Class Alpha (+1) [1 power/round] <2>
ODN <12>

Navigational Deflector [5 Power/round] <16>
Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: forward ventral

Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors [5 Power/round] <39>
Range package: Type 5 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 5 Light-years 0.5/0.6 – 1.0/1.1 – 3.7/3.8 – 5.0
Low Resolution: 15 Light-years 1.0/1.1 – 4.0/4.1 – 12.0/12.1 – 15.0
Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
Gain Package: Class Alpha (+1)
Coverage: standard

Lateral Sensors [5 Power/round] <19>
Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
Gain Package: Class Alpha (+1)
Coverage: standard

Navigational Sensors: [5 Power/round] <18>
Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
Gain Package: Class Alpha (+1)
Probes: 10 <1>
Sensor Skill: 4

Flight Control Systems
Autopilot: Shipboard systems (flight control) 3, Coordination 3 [1 Power/round in use] <12>

Navigational Computer
Main: Class 2 (+1) [1 Power/round] <2>
Backups: 2 <1>

Inertial Damping Field
Main <16>
Strength: 8 [3 Power/round]
Number: 2
Backup <4>
Strength: 6 [2 Power/round]
Number: 2
Attitude Control [1 Power/round] <1>

Communications Systems
Type: Class 8 [2 Power/round] <23>
Strength: 8
Security: -3 (Class Delta Uprating)
Basic Uprating: Class Alpha (+1)
Emergency Communications: [2 Power/round] <1>

Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Gamma [3 Power/Strength used/round] <9 x 2 = 18>
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Lactation: one forward and one aft

Emitter: Class Alpha [3 Power/Strength used/round] <3>
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: exterior shuttle docking facility

Type: Personnel [4 Power/use] <14>
Pads: 4
Emitter/Receiver Array: Personnel Type 5 (35,000 km range)
Energizing/Transition Coils: Class G (strength 7)
Number and location: upper deck near the bridge

Type: Cargo [1 Power/round] <10>
Pads: 200 kilograms
Emitter/Receiver Array: Cargo Type 2 (20,000 km range)
Energizing/Transition Coils: Class G (strength 7)
Number and location: lower deck cargo hold area

Security Systems Rating: 2 <8>
Anti-Intruder System: Yes [1 Power/round] <4>
Internal Force Field [1 Power/3 Strength] <4>
Science Systems Rating: 3 (+2) [3 Power/round] <19>
Specialized Systems: one <5>
Laboratories: 2 <2>

Tactical Systems
Two Type IX Phaser arrays <24 x 2 = 48 216>
Type IX
Damage: 180 [18 Power]
Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
Targeting Systems: Class Beta Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: one dorsal and once ventral
Firing arc: 540 degrees
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse, Continuous, wide beam

(Optional) Torpedo Launcher <12>
Standard Load: Type II Photon torpedo (200 damage)
Spread: 2
Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
Targeting Systems: Accuracy
Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
Location: forward
Firing Arc: Self-guided
Torpedoes carried: 10 <1>

TA/T/TS: Class Beta [1 Power/round] <9>
Strength: 8
Bonus: +1
Weapon Skill: 3

Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard) <50 x 4 = 200>
Shield Generator: Class 5 (protection 1000) [100 Power/shield/round]
Shield grid: Type C (50% increase to 1500 Protection)
Subspace field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Eta (Threshold 333)
Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: 4 (1 per shield) <4>
Auto-Destruct System <4>

Auxiliary Spacecraft systems
Shuttlebay(s): Capacity for 2 Size worth of ships <4>
Standard Complement: usually none
Location(s): exterior docking pad and airlock assembly
Captains Yacht: none

Alternative weapons array
Type VII Phaser arrays <21 x 2 = 42>
Type VII
Damage: 140 [14 Power]
Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
Targeting Systems: Class Beta Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: one dorsal and once ventral
Firing arc: 540 degrees
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse, Continuous, wide beam

Single Type X Phaser arrays <26>
Type X
Damage: 200 [20 Power]
Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
Targeting Systems: Class Beta Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: one dorsal
Firing arc: 540 degrees
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse, Continuous, wide beam