STCS Template

Patton III Class XIII Tactical Cruiser

Construction Data:
Model- Mk I
Class- XIII
Date Entering Service- 3/1302.28 (February 28th, 2374)
Number Commissioned- 16
Size Class:
Length- 208.24 meters
Width- 152 meters
Height- 63.75 meters
Mass- 239,150 mt
Superstructure- 53
Damage Chart- C
Command Data:
Control Computer Type- I-5
Cargo Capacity- 574 SCUs (28,700 mt)
Transporter Data:
6-Person- 4
12-Person Combat- 4
22-Person Emergency- 2
Cargo- 2
Personnel Data:
Crew- 451
Passengers- 45
Troops- 100
Shuttlecraft- 10
Shuttlepods- 5
Engines and Power Data:
Total Power- 116
MPR- 4/1
Warp Engine Type- FVWA-3
Number- 2
Power Provided- 34 ea
Stress Charts- A/A
Cruising Speed- Warp 12 (12)
Emergency Speed- Warp 14 (9.8)
Impulse Engine Type- FIG-5
Power Provided- 48
Weapons and Power Data:
Beam Weapon Type- FH-25
Number- 10; 8 in 4 big arrays, 2 in 2 small arrays
Firing Arcs- 8 f/p/s, 1 a/p, 1 a/s
Firing Chart- Y
Max Beam Power- 20
+3- 1-12
+2- 13-20
+1- 21-24
Drone Rack Type- FDN-9
Number per Rack- 9; - plus 5 anti-drones
Number of Racks- 2
MUS- 9
Endurance- 13 turns
Power to arm- 1
Damage- 28
Heavy Weapon Type- FQ-2
Number- 4
Firing Arcs- 2 f/p/s, 2 a/p/s
Firing Chart- V
Power to Arm- 4
Damage- 25
Defense Data:
Defense and Deflecter Type- FSZ
Shield Point Ratio- 1/6
Max Shield Power- 48
D- 405.4
WDF- 263.8

After the USS Patton II (Wellington-Class Light Cruiser), was destroyed in February 2374, This prototype at Donmasto Shipyards was named USS Patton III, and then sent to seek/locate/destroy Dominion and Cardassian Ships. Since then, the class was built at a rate of 2 per year. It uses the improved FSZ on the Galaxy-Class, and small numbers of FQ-2s; - being meant for speed, patrol, recon in force, and hunter-killer/special ops operations.

ICON Template

Launch Data:
Name and Class: Patton III-Class Tactical Cruiser
Commissioning Date: 2374
Structural Data:
Size: 5
Resistance: 5
Structural Points: 100
Operations Data:
Crew/Passengers/Troops/Evacuation: 451/45/100/298/4470 [7 Power/Round]
Computers: 5 [5 Power/Round]
Transporters: 4 Personnel, 4 Assault, 2 Cargo, 2 Emergency [6 Power/Round]
Tractor Beam: 1 ad, 1 fv [2 Pwr/Rtg/Rnd]
Power Data:
Warp System: 6.0/9.2/9.8 (14 hours) [2/Warp Facter]
Impulse System: .75c/.92c [7/9 Power/Round]
Power: 160
Sensor Data:
Long-Range Sensors: +2/17 ly [6 Power/Round]
Lateral Sensors: +2/2 ly [4 Power/Round]
Navigational Sensors: +2 [5 Power/Round]
Sensor Skill: 5
Type XII Phaser
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arcs: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy: 3/4/6/9
Damage: 24
Power: [24]
Mark II Quantum Torpedoes
Number: 80
Launchers: 1 ad, 1 fv
Spread: 4
Range: 20/350,000/1,250,000/4,000,000
Arc: Forward or Aft, but are self-guided
Accuracy: 3/4/6/9
Damage: 25
Power: [6]
Weapon Skill: 5
Shields and Defense Data:
Type VI Deflector Shield
Protection: 60/80
Power: [60]

CODA Template

Name and Type: Patton III-Class Tactical Cruiser
Year Launched: 2374
Origin: United Federation of Planets
Dimensional Data:
Size/Number of Decks: 5/15
Size: 208.25/174/62.75
Structure: 25
Crew: 451 + 100 troops
Operations Systems:
Sensors: Class 5 (+5/F)
Operations: Class 3 (D)
Life Support: Class 3 (D)
Landing Atmospheric Shit: Yes
Separation: None
Transporters: 4 Personnel, 4 Combat, 2 Cargo, 2 Emergency
Tractor Beams: 1 ad, 1 fv
Shuttlebays: Two
Size Capacity: 10 Size Worth
Cargo Units: 70
Engine Data:
Warp Engines: LF-35 (6/9.2/9.8) (MCU) (D)
Impulse Engines: FIG-5 (.92c/D)
Weapon Data:
Beam Weapon Type: Type XII (x3/D)
Penetration: 6/5/5/0/0
Missile Weapon Type: Mk 75 DF (x2/D)
Penetration: 5/5/5/5/5 (6/6/6/6/6)
Shields and Defense Data:
Hyperplasma QUantum-Alignment Covariant SHield Type: FSQ/2 (E)
Protection/Threshold: 17/4
Maneuver Modifiers
C: +3 H: +2 T: +2
Traits: ACB Jacketing, Battle-Tested, Intricate System (Beam), Particle Weakness (Tetryon) Nimble
Space Left: 7