Name: Seacr
Race: Selayan
DOB: 6/17/2352
STR- 84
END- 97
INT- 61
DEX- 39
CHR- 34
LUC- 75
PSI- 05
Combat Data
Bare Hand Damage- 2d10+2
ToHit Numbers-
Modern: 27
HTH: 36
AP: 08
Significant Skills
Administration- 48
Communications Procedures- 23
Computer Operation- 58
Computer System Technology- 18
Diplomacy/Negotiation- 22
Holodeck Operations Procedures- 27
Instruction- 17
Life Sciences
Anthropology- 24
Botany- 20
Exobiology- 20
Marksmanship, Modern- 27
Personal Combat
Armed- 38
Unarmed- 20
Personal Weapons Technology- 24
Transporter Operation Procedures- 33
Shuttlecraft Pilot- 15
Space Sciences
Astrogation- 56
Astrophysics- 50
Starship Helm Operation- 15
World Knowledge
Selay- 73
Parliament- 38
Lya III- 35
Zero-G Operation- 20
Seacr is a somewhat tall, female Selayan, who was chosen as trader-diplomat to bring data to, and represent the Selayans at events. She spent around 13 years each at Parliament and Lya III, and while she's somewhat more flexible and negotiable than most of her kind, she is still somewhat frigid and intolerant of Anticans, Ferengi and Xepolites. In 2415, she will complete major diplomatic talks with the Federation at Parliament.