Name: USS Avalon
Registry Number: NCC-79813
Ship Class: Odin
Classification: Light Cruiser
Sub-group: Interceptor / Reconnaissance
Commissioned: 2375
Bridge plaque quote: "Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind" - John F. Kennedy
Size: 6
Length: 300 meters
Beam: 157 meters
Height: 75 meters
Decks: 20
Mass: 400,000 metric tonnes
SUs Available: 2500
SUs Used: 2394
Environmental Systems:
Basic Life Support (24)
<8 power / round>
Reserve Life Support (12)
<4 power / round>
Emergency Life Support (12)
[36 shelters]
Gravity (6) <3 power / round>
Consumables (18) [3 years worth]
Replication Systems:
Food Replicators (6) <6 power / round>
Industrial Replicators (6) [network of small replicators]
<2 power / round>
Industrial Replicators (18) [large replicators]
<2 power / round>
Medical Facilities: 10 [+2] (50) <10 power / round>
EMH: Mark IV (20) <6 power / round>
Recreational Facilities: 6 (48) <12 power / round>
Personnel Transport: Turbolifts, Jefferies Tubes (18) <2 power / round>
Fire Suppression Systems: (6) <1 power / round>
Cargo Holds: 100,000 cubic meters (3)
[2 main cargo holds in engineering, 1 small cargo hold near sickbay, 1 small cargo hold near weapons control]
Escape Pods: 140 (7)
Warp Drive
Nacelles: Type 8 (138)
Speed: Warp 8.0 / 9.6 / 9.95
<1 power / .2 warp / round>
PIS: Type I (18) [Can maintain warp 9.6 for 20 hours]
Impulse Reactor
Type: Class 6 (30) [.75 c / .9 c] <1 power / .1c / round>
RCS: (6) <2 power / round>
Impulse Thrusters: (12) <2 power / round>
Warp Engine: Class 10 / P [generates 549 power / round]
Impulse Reactor: Class 6 [generates 48 power / round]
Auxiliary Power: 2 (6) [generates 10 power / round>
Emergency Power: Type D (40) [generates 40 power / round]
EPS: Standard (30) + 250 power (25)
Standard Usable Power: 597
Overall Usuable Power: 647
Bridge Systems: Forward dorsal (30)
Computer Systems
Primary Core (saucer, port): (12)
Secondary Core (saucer, starboard): (12)
Tertiary Core (stardrive): (12)
<5 power / active core / round>
Bio-neutral Computer System: (18) <7 power / core / round>
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors (109) <5 Power / round>
Range Rackage: Type 8 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 6 light years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-4.5/4.6-6.0)
Low Resolution: 18 light years (1/1.1-6.5/6.6-13.5/13.6-18)
Strength Package: Class 10 [Strength 10]
Gain Package: Class Gamma [+3]
Coverage: Complete
Lateral Sensors (77) <5 Power / round>
Strength Package: Class 10 [Strength 10]
Gain Package: Class Gamma [+3]
Coverage: Complete
Probes (13)
5 Class IV Stellar Encounter probes
10 Class V Medium-Range Recon probes
5 Class VI Communications Relay / Emergency probes
5 Class IX Long Range Warp probes
<5 power to launch>
Autopilot: Skill 4, Coordination 3 (15)
Navigational Computer:
Primary: Class 3 (4) <2 power / round> [+2]
Backup: 1 (1) <1 power / round>
Inertial Dampening Field
Main Generator: (12)
Backup Generator: (3)
<3 power / round>
Attitude Control: (2) <2 power / round>
Specialized Flight Control Systems
Manual Steering Column (1) <1 power / round>
Class 10 (21) [Strength 10, Security -5]
Class Beta Uprating (6) [+2 Test]
Class Epsilon Security Uprating (6) [-3 Sec increase]
<2 power / round>
Emergency Communications (1) <2 power / round>
Holographic Communications
Forward ventral: Class Gamma (9) <3 power / strength used / round>
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Aft dorsal: Glass Gamma (9) <3 power / strength used /round>
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Shuttle Bay 1: Class Alpha (3) <3 power / strength used / round>
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Shuttle Bay 2: Class Alpha (3) <3 power / strength used / round>
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Personnel (38) <5 Power / use>
Pads: 6
Emitter/Receiver Array: Personnel Type 6 [40000 km range]
Energizing/Transition Coils: Class J [Strength 10]
Locations: 1 in foreward saucer, 1 in aft stardrive
Emergency (68) <7 Power / use>
Pads: 24
Emitter/Receiver Array: Emergency Type 3 [15000 km range]
Energizing/Transition Coils: Class H [Strength 8]
Locations: 2 in saucer (fore and aft), 2 in stardrive (fore and aft)
Cargo (22) [4 Power / use]
Pads: 400 kg
Emitter/Receiver Array: Cargo Type 3 [15000 km range]
Energizing/Transition Coils: Class F [Strength 6]
Locations: 1 in each main cargobay
Rating: 5 (20)
Anti-Intruder System: (6) <1 power / round>
Internal Forcefields: (6) <1 power / round / 3 strength / forcefield>
Rating: 2 (16) <2 power / round> [+1]
Laboratories: 5 (2)
Number of Arrays: 12
Type X
Number of Emitters/Array: 200 (540) [5 shots / round]
Damage: 220
Auto-Phaser Interlock: Class Gamma (36)
Accuracy: 3/4/6/9
ACB Jacketing
Firing Arc: 540 (48)
Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide Beam, Pulse (36)
<25 power / use>
Torpedo Targeting System: Class Gamma (9)
Accuracy: 3/4/6/9
Firing Arc: Self-guide (15)
Torpedo Storage: 100 Mark I quantum torpedoes, 25 tricobalt torpedos (63)
<30 power / full spread of torpedos>
<5 power / tricobalt torpedo fired>
TA/T/TS: Class Epsilon (18) <6 power / round> [Strength 11, +3]
Class 7 (46) [1400 protection]
Shield Grid: Type C (12) [50% increase]
Distortion Amplifiers: Class Iota (30) [Threshold 450]
Recharging System: Class 4 (12) [30 sec recharge speed]
Backup Generators: 10 (3)
<1 power / 10 protection / active shield / round>
Auto-Destruct: (6)
Shuttlebays: 2 (20) [holds 10 Size worth of ships]
Standard Compliment: 2 Type 16 shuttlepods, 2 Type 6 personal shuttlecrafts, 1 Talon class scout ship,
1 Danube Class Runabout, 1 Yellowstone Class Runabout
Location: Aft saucer, aft stardrive
Captain's Yacht: None
Designed during the war with the Dominion, the Odin class ship was designed to be fast interceptor, heading to the front and slowing down the enemy in time for the heavier ships to arrive. To this end,
it has been fitted with state of the art weapons, engines, and sensors, but at the price of science labs, and crew compliment. It carries a smallier than expected compliment of torpedoes due to the fact that it is not intended to stay in battle long. Typically it is escorted by a Valkyrie class heavy escort, which contains the firepower that the Odin does not.
NOTEWORTHY SHIPS: USS Odin (NX-78359, redesignated USS Andromeda, NCC-7915-B after the war), USS Avalon (NCC-79813), USS Galahad (NCC-79415-A)