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Thread: Startrek ship in startrek computer games

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Annecy, France

    Post Startrek ship in startrek computer games

    today i buy Startrek : New worlds an i say : shit a romulan warbird in 2293 ? what this mess ? but i see the intro 6 times a the romulan ship isn't the warbird of 24 c.

    another day i take elite force : and i look plenty new ship

    any on can make and discut carateristics of this ships?
    thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Northeast Florida


    Haven't played the game ST: New Worlds but I think it's based on Starfleet Commands which in turn was based on the old Task Force Games Star Fleet Battles. My opinion on Star Fleet Battles is that it was based not on the Star Trek World we all know, but perhaps a alternate bloodier history, built less on Exploration but conquest. Whiule the ships are nice they are also most decidely non canon, and would be difficult to incorporate in the Spacedoick rules.. for instance one variant of the constitution class is the CD+ or Drone Cruiser. there your primary weapons are not pho torps but powerful drones. (M/AM missiles) in order to play you'd have to rework the spacedock rules and come up with how drones work.. Never mind the Lyran Hellfire missiles which cover the ship doing equal damage to all shields and double damage to the dropped one..

    Sorry to say different game system alltogerther and IMO hard to covert to LUG Spacedock rules.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Annecy, France


    sorry but i never played to st command. i have only 4 games :
    - starfleet academy : i think is canon
    - hidden evil : is canon too
    - elite force : maybe
    - new worlds : this is the less canon

    for the other games, ...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Geelong, Vic; Australia


    The scary thing is I've actually seriously thought about buying Elite Force so I can get a good look around the interior of an Intrepid class ship!

    Does anyone have it? And how detailed is the interior of the ship? Could you figure out decent deckplans from the game (or does it have any in it)?

    "May I find you with peace, and leave you with hope."

  5. #5


    Drones, maybe design them as size-1 ships?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Northeast Florida


    Well there was this shoot them up Klingon Game.. Trying to remember what it's called.. but.. it had a scene where you were inside and outside a Klingon K'tinga class battle cruiser.. later levels put you in a Bird of Prey.. but never seemed to get to the K'Tinga's command boom after the charges I placed in the engine room exploded..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City, UT, USA


    You're thinking of Klinogn Honor Guard.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Northeast Florida


    Originally posted by Mig1:
    Drones, maybe design them as size-1 ships?
    The main problem is the fact that this is from a different game system with stats already made up.. IMHO if you want to play ships like that, play SFB, in the fact they already have all the ships and stats you need. I can understand FASA conversions as LUG Trek and FASA made the game with RP being the constant, while SFB is a tactical Starship Battle game. similar universe, but 2 different concepts. I'm not putting SFB down at all, even though I never got into it, but to make this work, you'd have to basically rewrite all of SD in order to conform it to SFB rules. why do it when you have SFB already?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bristol, UK


    As for the deckplans of an Intrepid-Class from Elite Force... I'd have to say no. Because the storyline has Voyager pretty beat up, a lot of places can't be accessed due to locked doors or containment fields. Mostly you only get to wander through the main areas we already see on screen.

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