out of the ones listed anyway.
Futures End
Dark Frontier
Unimatrix Zero
out of the ones listed anyway.
I can't believe you listed "Endgame," "Dark Frontier," or "Berman: Matrix No-Creativity Zero."
One's I really liked:
"Jetrel" -- A rare Neelix episode with a stong message and equally strong story.
"Dreadnought" -- We get to see a bit about the Maquis and just how far they were willing to go against the Cardassians. Janeway towards the end, shows the higher standard and responsibility that Starfleet officers are held to (sacrifice Voyager to save an innoccent world).
"Tuvix" -- It rocked, 'nuff said.
"Basics, Part II" -- Lon Suder goes out in a blaze of glory.
"Flashback" -- Old uniforms, the Excelsior and Captain Sulu rides again for one last time.
"False Profits" -- Trek writers, in a fit of insanity, actually maintain continuity by showing us what happened to two lost Ferengi from an old TNG episode!
"Worst Case Scenario" -- A cool program goes horribly wrong. A bit hokey but fun nonetheless.
"Year of Hell" -- A good story if you can stomach the 'it never happened' bit that always happens in time travel episodes.
"Mortal Coil" -- Another really powerful episode that, again, has Neelix at the center.
"Message in a Bottle" -- A fun little romp, even if it does introduce the silliest concept for a Starship in Trek yet.
"Extreme Risk" -- We, gasp!, revisit the Maquis storyline!
"Timeless" -- An emotionally poweful story and one of the best CGI sequences you'll ever see.
"Bride of Chaotica!" -- Creative and fun. Also the source of the best ever Voyager line: "Remember, you're the Queen!"
"Equinox" -- What would another Starfleet vessel do in the same situation with a captain lacking Janeway's moral fortitude? Marred with inconsistant characterizations, however.
"Pathfinder" -- A fantastic story all-around. If you weren't emotionally moved in the final five minutes you'd better have your pulse checked.
"Fair Haven" -- A character-based story that shows us that it's lonely at the top.
"Ashes to Ashes" -- Lyndsay Ballard was hot; even dead.
And people tell me Voyager had no good episodes.
Mass Effect Fate RPG | "Mass Effect meets Fate meets awesome = FREE"
Contributor, Gnome Stew
"In every revolution, there's one man with a pizza."
Star Trek (TOS) "Pizza, Pizza" (Second season), story by D.S.McBride
Heck, even I concede Voyager had its moments - not enough for me to tune in every week, but it had its highlights.
"No! Assimilate me!"
AKA Breschau of Livonia (mainly rpg forums)
Gaming blog 19thlevel
I like "The Voyager Conspiracy" for all the cool data we pickup on Voyager and the Delta Quadrant. Tri-cobalt devices not standard issue, their yield, confirmation of Cardassians in the DQ, etc. Plus, they never did (that I remember) satisfactorily identify the source of that tractor beam near the Caretaker array.Originally posted by Captain Zymmer
"The Voyager Conspiracy"
A Voyager writer's favorite episode.
Mass Effect Fate RPG | "Mass Effect meets Fate meets awesome = FREE"
Contributor, Gnome Stew
"In every revolution, there's one man with a pizza."
Star Trek (TOS) "Pizza, Pizza" (Second season), story by D.S.McBride
Re: "Year of Hell"
I agree that this episode's ending is a bit of a shame, but here's the thing that saves it for me: this is the best use of the "never happened" trick in any Trek series, in my opinion. That is, every "event undone" story prior to "Year of Hell" seems like a rehearsal. I mean, this episode would not only have destroyed the VOY television series if it had been kept in place, but it unraveled the series, the characters, and the ship itself in a well-developed, epic story that was really worth telling, whether it happened or not.
Further, Annorax (sp?) is the best villain VOY ever had, I think. The characters and the audience have a chance, and an inkling, to agree with him. And, honestly, a damn time gun that erases worlds from history is awesome. *And* the VOY actually travels so fast that her hull peels off. That is wonderful, desperate drama.
"Timeless" is a really tight, well-crafted episode. It makes use of just about every character, plays with the VOYAGER premise in an interesting way, and touches on a few of the over-arcing themes (sacrifice, regret, consequence) which should have been better-explored throughout the show. Plus, we get interesting visuals, new Starfleet suits, a great cameo, and wickedly-good effects. Good show.
I'm also a big fan of "Deadlock," though it's sort of a pedestrian episode. Two _Voyagers_, linked by their warp core, occupy the same space in a weird pseudo-science dilemma. So, we've seen captains chat with their doubles before, we've seen Starfleet ships self-destruct before, etc.; but all these elements work well in this episode. We even get to see a Starfleet officer (Kim) get spaced! The Vidiians come back (creepy blokes, those) and the ending is a bit of surprise in that the weaker of two Voyagers survives.
I could do more, but let me say this: VOYAGER had a poor batting average, but they did hit a few homers, just like every Trek series. A VOYAGER "Best Of" marathon would still be ten great hours of television. I just saw a few hours of first and second season episodes this summer and, personally, think they were doing all right. In retrospect, I like the Kazon quite a bit more than before (I like Seska less), and I preferred the show when it focused more on Starfleet characters than on visiting aliens and Seven of Nine. Then, during the final few years, it at least had the effects to do some of the killer adventures Trek had only hinted at before. And, really, VOYAGER's make-up work may be the best of any Trek series.
Or so I think.
I gotta agree on "Night" and "Tuvix", both are excellent episodes of the show that I really cherish as just great Trek episodes and not just "Good, for a Voyager episode". Now I know someone will either look it up or know it but there are two other great VOY eps I can think of that I really liked. One was where Neelix met the man who invented the Metrionic Cascade and the other was when Tuvok was mentally damaged by an energy being and basically had to re-develop himself completely. I absolutey loved that line:
Parris: "So why do you only make sweets?"
Tuvok: "Because they taste good!"
No one could have ever told me that I would have heard any Vulcan, much less Tuvok, ever say anything like that. I loved Tim Russ's acting in that episode and it was very compelling and even painful to watch at times. Just a good episode.
Oh well, just my two cents!
I can't remember the title, but I found one episode rather moving. The one where Torres received the memories of the older woman who had watched/lived through the execution of a whole race of peoples, including her lover. I just found it really quite lovely...
The Doc
So you think, 'Might as well,
Dance a Tango to Hell,
at least I'll have Tangoed at all.'
-- "Rent," Jonathan Larson
Year Of Hell
Should have been a multi-parter in my eyes, slowly unveiling the truth of what was happening (could have led to an awsome end of season)
However, short lived as it was, it was possibly the best concieved Voyager time-travel/paradox/anomoly idea that was done. Loved it!!!
Hey...Voyager Conspiracy...Good call!!! Forgot about that one!
Damn...broke my rules of not praising Voyager again!!! Must stop this!
Dehann - "Why don't we just throw that round thing at 'em?"
Samson - "Because, Mr Dehann, that is the saucer section and we are on it!!"
Year of hell? Ugh.
Probably "Message in a Bottle" (sadly took place mostly in the Alpha Quadrant)... I also enjoyed "The Chute".
Forgot "Year of Hell". You are right should have a multi-part story, four parts would have been good. Not too long, but gives alot of room for stoyr development.
I know a lot of people disliked YoH, what can I say...I think the Krenim are a very cool race.
How could you not include "Drone"? This was one of the best VOY episodes ever. I liked the Barge of the dead and proficey but Drone was one of the most all filling episodes I have seen.
Kicked ass on the Borg!
Draws tears when he dies!
Brings out emotion when 7 of 9 goes through maturnity and rasies him.
GREAT story. ONE would have been a great addition to the crew IMHO!!!!!