Yep, I'm very happy with the way the plans came out and hope others enjoy using them in their games. The Ranger class is one of my favourite FASA designs.
And, with all due respect and praise to Owen, it is a well designed set of plans and an inspired reimaging of the FASA design - IMHO an ideal small ship.
With a reasonable crew compliment and two (very jammed in) shuttlecratft, it can be used as anything from a true scout exploration of "strange new worlds", to a courier, to a police cutter, to ( as I am using) a customs cutter, picketing the Rigel system, and conducting customs inspections and safety checks on UFP registered merchants.
The FASA Orions supplement says that StarFleet ships are (as you would expect) kept to very strict flight paths in Rigel Space. And so I imagine the ship kept in orbit around Rigel II (the one planet in that system they are permitted to orbit) while Inspection Teams in the two shuttles range around the system conducting the actual inspections. With the mothership ranging further afield should there be a need.
Now that that's out of the way, I would like to share what I'm doing for my "One Small Ship" campaign I'm running. Has anybody here read the Star Trek Vanguard or Seekers novels? They feature a tiny Archer-class scout ship called the USS Sagittarius. In my campaign, my crew are also flying an Archer-class scout ship called the USS Artemis. It has a crew complement of 14 with tight living conditions, not heavily armed, but very fast and stealthy. This feels perfect for TOS-era campaigns.