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Movie Enterprise
TNG Enterprise
The super-charged custom one that powers my car.
What?! No smart-ass choice about wishing flaming death upon Styro-Who-Annoys?!
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Have to go with Voyager. The Intrepid-class is my favourite class so far.
Well, while I like the cool, swirling colors in the Voyager warp core, I'll go with the NX-01 warp core. It seems more "machine-like", and seems to fit well into the engine room.
To me, it feels more like an engine, as opposed to a fancy tube with pretty colors inside...
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I gotta say I love old Movie Gen tech the best, though the early Generations hybrid tech is my fav.
So that said I vote Movie Ent
Pretty colors win out for me. :-) Although, I like the NX-01 one, too. Hard choice.
I guess I have to go with TNG's warp core.
Voyagers, just cuz it actually ejected and we saw it first.
The Doc
So you think, 'Might as well,
Dance a Tango to Hell,
at least I'll have Tangoed at all.'
-- "Rent," Jonathan Larson
I have to go with the warp core for the NX-01. It isn't pretty, it isn't elegant...but it has that certain something that akins back to my youth, and all the time I spent under the hood of my old car. All it needs is some chrome, and perhaps a nitrous oxide bottle, and who knows, it might might rattle on up to warp 5.1.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy, and can be adequately seasoned with a wide variety of condiments."
My vote is for Defiant..just because I like to be different.
Seriously though, that ship as a whole was an interesting subject of paradoxes.
The day we hand over our civil rights will be the day we hand over our country.
What, you mean i'm the only one with a warp core i his car?