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Thread: Star Trek Eras

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Madison WI

    Star Trek Eras

    Hello all,

    I'm new to the board, and I thought I'd throw a question out there and see if anyone knows the answer to it.

    The new RPG game looks like it will cover TOS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager.

    Will you also be able to make characters from and during the Star Trek Movies (1 - 6)?

    This is my favorite era, and would love to run a campaign there. does the TOS era cover the movies, or is the system flexible enough that you basically create a character and plop your campaign anywhere you want in the timeline from TOS to Voyager?

    Does anyone have any ideas.

    I am very excited about this! Can't wait to see the finished products!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Albuquerque, NM, USA
    Supposedly, you'll be able to build a character regardless of the period. Which you could do in ICON, if you ignored certain differences in skills.
    "War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

    John Stuart Mill

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Somewhere in the Alpha Quadrant
    First of all, welcome Razuur. Its nice to have fresh, posters on the boards. Make yourself at home.
    As for your question...I don't see why not. To me, ST 1-6 is simply an extension of the original series, and since the CODA system is non-series specific, it shouldn't be a problem.
    The best way to predict the future is to create it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    East Sussex, UK
    Over in the Utopia Planitia counterpart to this forum, it was mentioned that the Narrator's Guide will include stats for the movie Enterprise.

    I'd say that was a pretty good indicator that they'll cover the movie era.

    I'm hoping so, as that's when I'm setting my campaign!

    "There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea is asleep and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song.
    Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do."
    THE DOCTOR, "Survival" (Doctor Who)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Salinas, Calif., USA (a Chiefs fan in an unholy land)
    Originally posted by Imagus
    Over in the Utopia Planitia counterpart to this forum, it was mentioned that the Narrator's Guide will include stats for the movie Enterprise.

    I'd say that was a pretty good indicator that they'll cover the movie era.

    I'm hoping so, as that's when I'm setting my campaign!
    I've always felt that the early movie-era of TOS is the best place to start a campaign (especially in FASA, since their best ship designs were from that era ).

    I like to start the crew in a relatively new or newly-refitted ship during the gray pajama era (about 6-12 months after the end of Kirk's five year mission...and what's scary is that the longer I've been exposed to TMP, the less annoying the uniforms are...<shudder>), and use the movie events as background filler to give the players an idea of where they are in Trek history.

    Otherwise, I like to set things just after the Dominion war (2375-6 or so), since we can easily run a more exploratory campaign with all of the neat new PDI ships (Akira, Steamrunner, Saber, etc. ) floating around.

    I've even been toying with using Spacedock to build a Soverign variant that my 2400-era CO commanded...called the Eagle-class heavy cruiser, it was originally designed to be a combat vessel with limited functionality in other roles, but the design was changed after the war ended to incorporate Starfleet's return to its exploration mission. So, what you have is a ship that is classified as a cruiser but has a very respectable explorer capability.

    I'll try to post it when I finish it. Then I'll convert it to Coda when the NG comes out... Can you tell I love tech stuff?
    Davy Jones

    "Frightened? My dear, you are looking at a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom, and chuckled at catastrophe! I was petrified."
    -- The Wizard of Oz

  6. #6

    Talking 22nd century for ME!

    on a starship or starbase

    scoping out what's behind that corner

    hoping something nasty doesn't pop out

    when i make first contact and they are friendly

    sit back with some sugar free chocolate and bask in the glow!

  7. #7

    Talking Journeys in the 22nd Century

    no Klingons, Ferengi, phasers, photon torpedoes, structural intergrity fields, deflector shields, transporters or holodecks.

    Communicators would be stuck to the wall in the shuttlecrafts

    Interial damping field created

    tricorders would be the size of your arm

    Stun guns

    hyposprays would have to be carried on a antigrav sled

    ohh ya warp 4 TOS style

    ships would have GLOWING warp field creation grills, bussard ramscoops, main nav delfectors and impulse engines.

    shuttlecrafts would not have warp nacelles thus no warp capability.

    warp effect ala Voyager

    Olympic Class with warp nacelles ala NX-01

    Ops not next to Conn

    2154 Romulan Empire seal from TNG

    When Starfleet created in 2161 the uniforms would be the Battle Gear/SOB from DS9, UFP seal on left breast, pips from TNG and
    branch color shoulder piping from "First Contact" uniform jackets. Also 2 lines of branch color down each pant leg

    Cadet uniforms 3 branch colors from Picard Kidnapped and replaced episode with branch color pants piping ala "Wrath of Khan"

    Andorians look from "Enterprise"

    2198 transporters created
    transporter effect ala "Wrath of Khan"

    23rd Century

    2218 Klingon Empire seal ala DS9's season 7

    Kirk's first five year mission 2264-2268

    transporter effect ala "First Contact"

    phaser banks, structural intergrity fields and deflector shields created

    shield flare from TNG

    tricorders and communicators from "Search for Spock"

    phasers from "Wrath of Khan"

    Shuttlecraft, bridge and Constitution Class from "Final Frontier"

    K't'inga from "Undiscovered Country"

    Klingons look and act from TNG's season 6 (kor, kang, koloth and batleths)

    Romulan look from TOS
    uniforms from TNG

    B'rel Class was romulan

    Nyota Uhura Security Chief
    Hikaru Sulu First Officer
    Pavel Checkov Conn Officer

    Kirk died in 2295

    Movies 1-6 rewritten

    No Excelsior Class

    24th Century

    since tricorders from this era have communicators built in why have seperate com badges at all?

    transporter effect ala "Armada" computer game

    phasers arrays, quantum torpedoes and holodeck technology created

    control panels and viewscreams holographic

    person to person communication takes place in 3D

    phasers, tricorders, bridge, lounge, transporter room, ready room, sickbay, shuttlecraft, shuttlebay and captain's yaht from "Insurrection"

    No Galaxy, Constellation, bigger B'rel, Vor'cha or plethora of Miranda variant classes

    No Wesley Crusher

    The borg always looked "First Contact"

    Geordi Laforge beard and Chief Engineer
    Data Science Officer
    Worf Security Chief and look from Season 6
    Beverly Chief Medical Officer
    Deanna Troi Conn Officer

    Encounter at Farpoint 2388

    Ben Sisko always bald and beared

    Jem'Hadar always looked like first appearance

    Cardassians always looked like DS9

    Voyager and New Frontier never happened

    DS9 Seaon 8

    Nog Chief Engineer
    Thirishar ch'Thane Science Officer
    Elias Vaughn First Officer
    Ro Laren Security Chief
    Taran'atar Jem'Hadar Observer

    Still trying to decide of Klingons got cloaking tech and if Jazdia died

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Madison WI
    The thing I like about the movie era is that there is still the "wild" & "dangerous" elements to the universe. So much is still unknown and vast.

    If you rewatch Star Trek I (the Directors DVD is awesome - and I too don't mind the uniforms in that movie now) you'll hear something like "The Enterprise has been ordered to intercept the cloud because it is the only ship in range."

    Now I know they said that in the first few movies, but still, there was a dangerous element. Starfleet didn't roam around in omnipotent (exagerating) starships and save the day by technobabbling a solution.

    In the first 7 films, here are somethings that always give me chills, and make me want to play Trek in the movie era:

    Star Trek I and II Photon Torpedoes - gawd were they the most beutiful things you have ever seen or what?

    The crews reaction to seeing "THE" Excelsior for the first time. back when the Excelsior was a big deal, not just a workhorse back ground prop. (I remember getting so jazzed about the excelsior - and there was always a part of me that wanted to see that ship hurl itself into warp after the enterprise)

    The first time you saw a bird of Prey was awesome...

    D-7 battlecruisers were always my favs...

    That bar where Bones was trying to catch a ride to genesis. That was presumably on Space Dock, imagine what seedy bars across the galaxy looked like...

    Kirk stepping out of that shuttle in STI, and even to the travel pod journey to Enterprise (STNG really missed the boat not giving us a proper introduction to the Soveriegn class enterprise - i don't really care about it - it isn't a silent character)

    Klingons like ST1, ST3, ST6, and even ST5.

    Maybe thats why I like ST:Generations so much, the danger and wonder were still there. We had a bridge across time - Ent B looked beautiful.

    This is "STAR TREK" to me. and it always will be...

    I love TNG and Deep Space 9, but when I think of Star Trek, the movie era is what first jumps to mind.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Madison WI
    Jedi Muldoon....

    Your posts.... I'm not sure I get them. Are you just talking bout the eras that you like and what you would change, or are these different campaigns you are planning?

    Sea Tyger - Both campaigns sound fun. Obviously I like the movie era stuff. I must agree too that all of these new trek designs can be intoxicating.

    An exploratory setting would be fun too [as long as it isn't like voyager 8) ]

    Has anyone here seen the old Task Force Games RPG called Star Fleet Battles: Prime Directive.

    The basic premise is that you design a team (called Prime Teams) that go on special operations missions. Through a starship in the mix and you get a Special Operations vessel that goes areound to the trouble spots in the UFP.

    I think that is the route I am going. Or maybe setting something near the triangle. or maybe Special operations in the Triangle area...

    The Star Fleet Battles universe is sure an interesting alternate reality, eh?

    Can't wait for the book!


  10. #10

    Talking It's that something you used in the band?

    Here we go with the "Triangle" angle again

    sooooooo rather than make deriding remarks about something I have NO IDEA ABOUT

    can someone please post some info about this renowned neck of space?

    ohhh ya check out my 22nd Century Forum in Star Trek Chat!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Madison WI



    I relooked over my posting and I didn't see anything in there that "derided" you posts. If I offended you, I apologize, that was not my intent. I was merely trying to understand what you wer posting - whether it was what you liked and disliked about trek eras or whether you were planning to run campigns with those characteristics. Thats all.

    I can give you information about the Triangle. it is limited, becasue I never owned the supplement, but I did run some adventures there long ago.

    The triangle was an idea concieved by FASA back when they owned the STRPG license. Now a lot of people didn't like FASAs approach to the Trek license, I loved it because it focused so well on the movie era.

    The setting for the triangle was a "triangular" sector of space in which the neutral zones of the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, and the border of the UFP overlapped.

    Because of its situation in a "double neutral zone" no military vessels from the three superpowers any kind were allowed in. Instead it became a wretched hive for villany, smuggling, piracy and the like. In it were crime lords, seedy characters, and spies all plying their trade. Crime lords moved illegals, slaves, and technology between the three powers. Orions plyed their slave girls. And spies from all three met in the "switzerland of WW II" type neutral ground to wheel an deal information and secrets. It was a setting full of intrigue and action.

    Like I said, I never had the supplements (there were 2: 1 setting and 1 for adventures), but the description of the setting was more than enough to spark some pretty cool stories (like DS9) way before DS9 days.

    So there you have it my friend: The Triangle, an overview.

    I would give you more info, but since I never had the supplements the Triangle grew in shape to fit my campaign.

    Once again, sorry if offence was taken. None was intended.


  12. #12

    Talking apology accepted

    You ar right there was nothing that was insulting

    I'm sorry..........


    ......ahhhhhhhhhh oh!

    thanks for the info on the The Triangle

    maybe there should be a forum for the FASA Triangle and an update.........

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    East Sussex, UK
    Razuur - I with you almost 100%! Personally, I just love the movie-era ship designs - the white, sweeping nacelle pylons and so on are gorgeous!

    Ok, so I'm not too fond of Trek V, but I can sweep it all under the carpet as a diplomatic peace mission raided by drug-crazed hippies

    One clarification on the Triangle (speaking as an owner of the supplement ) - it was not in anyone's neutral zone, it was more of the area where all the treaties petered out. There were several military ships trundling around, but no power could gain a strategic advantage there, so they all tiptoed around trying not to hurt anyone! I liked the small interstellar powers, the Imperial Klingon States (peace with the Federation? never!) and the Orion-dominated local federations... Plenty of room for spies...

    Prime Directive is due out as a GURPS conversion sometime soon - ADB have also anounced a GURPS Klingons supplement. Can you imagine the confusion that will cause?

    "There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea is asleep and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song.
    Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do."
    THE DOCTOR, "Survival" (Doctor Who)

  14. #14

    movie era


    the only thing i missed were the bussard ramscoops on the nacelles

    can't understand why warp field creation grills never glowed. Even after TNG premiered.

    LCARS was introduced in The Voyage Home?!

    Star Trek V-shuttlecraft, Uhura singing, shore leave scenes, shuttlebay, new bridge. Pavel Checkov setting in the center seat.

    it took this movie to do THAT?!

    tri screen viewer and tapes for the tricorders I never missed.


    this series could have been taken sooooooo far

    Nicolaus Meyer, :RASPBERRY:

    yet another reason why I can't say TNG/DS9 are AWFUL.

  15. #15

    Star Trek V

    Spocked played his lute


    anyway a GURPS Klingon books?!

    GAG YUCK etc

    GURPS-"we come out with it but we wont reprint it"

    I only give them 1 point cuz they HAVE PDF samples

    Last edited by jedimuldoon; 04-01-2002 at 02:31 PM.

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