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Thread: Globalize Resistance

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    On a hunch I looked up McDonald's India and McDonald's Pakistan. Both countries have them, and both countries are at war.

    So much for that theory

    Damn. I was really, really hoping it would be a truth.

  2. #17
    Bummer. The idea of McDonalds as a deterrant to war appeals to me.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Dublin, Ireland
    Originally posted by AslanC
    On a hunch I looked up McDonald's India and McDonald's Pakistan. Both countries have them, and both countries are at war.

    So much for that theory

    Damn. I was really, really hoping it would be a truth.
    Sorry, it was a good few years ago that I heard that, 5+ at least, ergo the caveat that I wasn't sure if it still stood. However, it's a moderately reliable example of how economic globalisation rewards (relatively) peaceful and stable societies. I'm not necessarily saying that McDonalds = Peace, but I guess they must have a reason for calling them "Happy Meals"

    Back to topic, though, and a few of the sort of questions that Globalise Resistance enjoy bringing up:

    Global Warming - what are people's thinking on the global warming theory? Is it happening? Did we do it? Can we stop it? Or is it part of the ongoing cycle of climate change as we technically continue to emerge from an Ice Age? I'd like to point out that I live at least 200' above sea level .

    GM Crops Does this idea bother you? Should we adopt the European model (virtual ban), the US model (unhappy but still happening) or the Chinese model ("we have 1.5 billion people to feed, of course we're using it")? What are the risks vs the rewards? Is this prudence or eco-conservatism gone mad?

    Global Debt and Capitalism - Should we wipe the slate clean? Should it only be partial? How do we decide? What do we replace it with, if anything? How does this tie in to the global aid culture in the developing world?

    Any other topics worthy of argume... er, debate on this?
    “Maintain the mystery, and don't try to think unthinkabilities...”
    Iain M Banks, 2003, on the Art of writing good SF.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Albertson, NY, USA
    Originally posted by AslanC
    On a hunch I looked up McDonald's India and McDonald's Pakistan. Both countries have them, and both countries are at war.

    So much for that theory

    Damn. I was really, really hoping it would be a truth.
    McDonald's India??!?!?!

    Does anybody see the problem with this?!


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Albuquerque, NM, USA
    Originally posted by AslanC
    On a hunch I looked up McDonald's India and McDonald's Pakistan. Both countries have them, and both countries are at war.

    So much for that theory

    Damn. I was really, really hoping it would be a truth.
    But when did they get a McD's..? Recently, India's only had 'skirmishes' with Paki units and the Lashkar-i-Tayiba, so maybe war has been averted.
    "War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

    John Stuart Mill

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Berlin, Germany
    Tofu Mac

    Pork, Fish...

    There is a lot of stuff you can fit between to slices of oily bread.
    No power in the 'verse can stop me.

    "You know this roleplaying thing is awfully silly, let's just roll the dice." - overheard during a D&D 3E game.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Originally posted by qerlin

    But when did they get a McD's..? Recently, India's only had 'skirmishes' with Paki units and the Lashkar-i-Tayiba, so maybe war has been averted.
    That is the classic arguement against, but let's not split hairs and say when two countries are engaged in open combat for more then an hour, they are making war. Whether they call it that or not, it is irrelevent.

    I mean military units are moving against each other, there was an assassiation of the Indian parliment by Pakistani forces, etc. How is this any different than one side or the other saying "Okay now we are at war."

    To the people and soldiers dying in Kashmir, spliting hairs doesn't make much of a difference I would think.

    Of course I could be wrong.

    The original quote was made by New York Times colomnist Thomas Friedman in his book The Lexus and the Olive Tree. It has been picked apart, along with the rest of his erronious views of the world. Friedman makes big mistakes in his "facts" and gets called on it quite a bit.

    Not too long ago he wrote: "For globalization to work, America can't be afraid to act like the almighty superpower that it is...The hidden hand of the market will never work without the hidden fist -- McDonald's cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer of the F-15. And the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley's technologies is called the US Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps."

    This man's volume of work shows a certain support of the American Military/Corporate union that results in so many of the nations of the world hating Americans.

    Interestingly enough he can and has made good points, but like many other extremeists (the anti-Globalization movement included) they are lost in the wash of utter horse pucky.

    Just my two cents.
    Last edited by AslanC; 03-20-2002 at 02:37 PM.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    And from a buddy of mine who works as a researcher here in Montreal.

    "As per your request --

    First McDonald's in India -- 1996 or 1997.
    First McDonald's in Pakistan -- September, 1998

    Last time troops crossed borders, there was open firing, and both countries referred to the situation as war -- 1999"

    Well then... maybe it was a trueisim in 1996 when Mister Friedman first made his statement, but it isn't anymore.

    Again this makes me sad, but it doesn't surprise me.

    It should be noted that my friend found this info on Google with a fast scan, so YMMV

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
    >the American Military/Corporate union that results in so many of the nations of the world hating Americans.

    They're just jealous that they didn't get there first.

    Just what is it about the 'military corporate union' that causes them to hate us?

    Because our products are all-pervasive? Because they're generally made better and cheaper?

    Because we use the military to defend our corporate holdings and economic interests? As if they'd willingly go belly-up if anybody attacked THEIR interests? Not to mention that they ask us to send in OUR military when something DOES threated their interests?

    Because we don't take kindly to it when we provide money and employment to an area's residents, and they turn around and nationalize what WE built and they wouldn't have without our help?

    To be Honest, I think the South Park guys hit it on the head:

    "But.. WHY do you guys hate Americans?"
    "We hate you because you're too dumb to realize that we hate you."

    It's like that whole bit in "The Life of Brian" when the "People's Front of Judea" is discussing why they hate the Romans:

    "Okay, but BESIDES the aqueducts, sewage, education, roads, public safety (and 4 or 5 other things they list)... what have those Roman Bastards ever given us?"
    "It's hard being an evil genius when everybody else is so stupid" -- Quantum Crook

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Berlin, Germany
    @First of Two

    No, it's the tone of your post.

    What sounds like stating the facts to you, sounds like showing off to others.
    To you it's because 'they' are envious.
    To 'them' you're just being arrogant.
    It's not about whether the facts are right, it's rather how you present them.

    In the end, it's splitting hairs on a semantical level.

    BTW, this is not me stating my opinion about Americans. I'm just observing, not commenting.
    No power in the 'verse can stop me.

    "You know this roleplaying thing is awfully silly, let's just roll the dice." - overheard during a D&D 3E game.

  11. #26
    Originally posted by First of Two
    They're just jealous that they didn't get there first.

    Just what is it about the 'military corporate union' that causes them to hate us?

    Because our products are all-pervasive? Because they're generally made better and cheaper?

    Because we use the military to defend our corporate holdings and economic interests? As if they'd willingly go belly-up if anybody attacked THEIR interests? Not to mention that they ask us to send in OUR military when something DOES threated their interests?
    You absoluetly have a point that if they were in the same situation they would do the same thing. Every globe spanning power has always acted in its own self interest. It's the hypocritical way that the US preaches to everyone while doing the opposite.

    For instance, the US preaches that the problem is that the rest of the world isn't free and democratic, and then spends most of its time and money propping up anti-democratic regimes and helping to suppress populist rebellions. (i.e. Iran, Nicaragua)

    The US demands that the world be open to trade, and then imposes whatever tariffs it likes on foriegn goods. (i.e. Steel tariffs and softwood lumber.)

    Because we don't take kindly to it when we provide money and employment to an area's residents, and they turn around and nationalize what WE built and they wouldn't have without our help?
    Like the way the US defaulted on all its debts in the late 1800s but now fights tooth and nail to not forgive any other country's debt?

    "Okay, but BESIDES the aqueducts, sewage, education, roads, public safety (and 4 or 5 other things they list)... what have those Roman Bastards ever given us?"
    That's a good example, since the US is pretty much the new Roman Empire. Lots of good, but if you happen to be in the way of what it wants, the first reaction is to send in the military and make sure you play ball.

    Proud American

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Oh well, so much for McDonald's brokering for peace... it would have been nice.

    Just on a side note, the Kashmir problem of India/Pakistan/China dates back to the colonial days. When India and Pakistan were seperating, the Kashmir region was an autonomous entity, not independent but rather pseudo-independent. When some Pakistani militants moved in, supported by the populace I may add, the leader of Kashmir called for help from India which intervened. As the dust set, you had Kashmirites divided unto two borders. I'd also like to add that Hindus and Muslims do not get along very well as a whole in that area of the world.

    Just to say that the problem pre-dates any economic, social and McDonald ties
    "The misery of being exploited by capitalists is nothing compared to the misery of not being exploited at all."
    -Joan Robinson, economist

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 1999
    Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

    Talking Why I Hate America

    A little pleasant diversion ...

    Why I Hate America!

    1) Guys named Dick and Bush run the country. Huh ... huh huh ... huh. He said dick and bush. Huh ... huh huh ... huh.

    2) The song "Who Let the Dog's Out!" Who ever did should be shot.

    3) Eddie Murphy doesn't realize he's not funny anymore. Someone, anyone, please ... TELL HIM NOW!

    4) The movie tag-line "Based on real life events." Yeah, sure it is, Mr. Propaga ... Er, Producer. So that's what Pearl Harbour was like! Yeah, okay ...

    5) Wal Mart. Especially when there's a McDonalds inside it. Two cancers for the low-low price of one-stop-shopping-and-eating! *BURP*

    6) Whiners and Freeloaders. "Hey there Mabel, if you get preggers agin', our welfayre check goes up by a hunnerd bucks!" (Yes, this expression is oft heard in Canada, too!)

    7) The two dominant political parties' emblems are an elephant and an ass. Gee, my choices are to get shit on by a mammoth beast, or to ride a smelly, clueless animal that goes "Heeee Haaaw." There's more to this one than you might think, folks.

    8) Andy Warhol is still called an artist. *Knock knock* "Who's there?" Any Warhol. "Andy Warhol who?" Yes, that's what you should hear.

    9) Golf courses. Nay, the hacks who play on golf courses calling themselves golfers. $300 shoes and socks for your clubs does not a golfer make. Neither does owning the video "Dorf on Golf." I gotta admit, this one is on my "Why I Hate Japan" list too.

    10) "New Country" music. Please, bring back "Old Country" music. As a side note, please don't let Terri Clark come back to Canada. Keep her in the US. How anyone from Alberta sings with a southern drawl is beyond my comprehension. Oh wait ... Ka-Ching! I understand now.

    If you take this list seriously, go shove your head up your bum 'till your dizzy from the fumes. It might be funny then.

    Sarcastically yours,


    P.S. And if you think I hate America, just wait for my "Why I Hate Finland" list! That one's a doozie!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Albuquerque, NM, USA
    Ya know...he's got a point with Wal-Mart and "Who Let the Dog's Loose"...
    "War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

    John Stuart Mill

  15. #30
    Don't know about that. I'll probably get flamed for this but I like "Who Let The Dogs Out"!

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