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Thread: Ross Isaacs Forum

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Annecy, France
    just a question:

    do you need french readtester?

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Toronto, Canada

    CODA & a couple of questions...

    Hiya Ross,

    Just wondering if CODA has anything to do with the musical ref...
    (if I remember it right it has something to do with "play it again").

    Thanks for all the info so far, I'll be picking up the books when they make it up to the GWN (Great White North)

    What are the tentative page counts on the 2 books?

    Can't wait to read the starship combat system... I've always found it tough to apply to a role-playing setting. At least from what I've heard so far, as Engineer I won't be running around with a calculator and pad of paper allocating power!!!

    I guess the first thing to do will be to build a Nebula class cruiser (heard it's not in the books)... sounds like fun!


    Bonzai Gopher

    p.s. Good luck with the new product!
    Jinkies. Jinkies? Isn't that some kind of breakfast cereal? - Johnny Bravo

  3. #18
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Los Angeles CA
    >>Just wondering if CODA has anything to do with the musical ref...
    (if I remember it right it has something to do with "play it again"). <<

    And Bonzai Gopher has just won the no-prize!

    You are the first person to publically get the "meaning" behind the new system name. =)

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Los Angeles CA
    I'm sorry to say that I can't say anything about deckplans. I believe there will be pdf characters sheets available on line, and at some point there was talk of several b/w sheets along with the Narrator's screen.

    Of course, this is all rumor and speculation on my part.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Dundee, Scotland, UK
    Ah well thanks anyway Ross. Guess I'll just have to wait and see

    "You can't take a picture of this; it's already gone." -Nate Fisher, Six Feet Under.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Los Angeles CA


    I missed a question in the thread...

    I don't think we need a French language readtester (as opposed to a readtester who is French). ;-) I know there are several language translations in the works, but since that's a legal issue, I don't know which languages are involved. Even if we do have a French edition in the works, the company with whom we work out the translation deal is usually responsible for readtesting.

    On the subject of what's coming out and when, specifically wrt deckplans. We'd love to do deckplans. I know we've discussed it around the office. However, each and every product idea we come up with must be approved by Viacom. Which means that we have to send them an official deck plans proposal (which they can still shoot down). I'd take Matt Colville's comments on the subject with that in mind. We intend to submit something, but that doesn't mean it will definitely see the light of day, which is why we are traditionally closed-mouthed about such projects. I don't want to disappoint you by announcing something like the Big Book of Sheliak only to have shot down. 'Cause you'd be seriously bummed, and I don't want to bum you out. There are a lot of projects we have wanted to do over the years that never came out; you were all disappointed about those we actually announced, so imagine how you'd feel about The Iconian Codex boxed adventure or the Starfleet Command sourcebook (both planned for by LUG).

    Only when something is officially announced will I provide details. I may chat about upcoming products or let something slip either because I forget myself, or I'm trying to unofficially gauge interest.

    Onto the matter of character sheets. So many things have been discussed, I'm not sure what our plans are exactly. These days, I'm just a busy little worker bee in a much bigger hive. Again, I don't want to disappoint you by stating "thus and such" will happen wrt character sheets and not have it come through. We are sensitive to the utility of character sheets, and have several things in mind to get useful sheets into your hands.

    BTW, seven more days until I leave for DC. WOO-HOO!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Toronto, Canada

    Cool I got the no-prize!!!

    And Bonzai Gopher has just won the no-prize!
    You are the first person to publically get the "meaning" behind the new system name. =)

    Hiya Ross,

    < award speech >
    Gee, I'd like to thank SF Academy and everyone (wipes away dramatic tear) that made this moment special including my parents, my grade 8 music teacher and my lawyer, my masseuse, the bus driver, ... , and trees.
    < / award speech >

    Seriously, Ross I had one small question (if answerable):
    What are the page counts on the 2 books?


    Bonzai Gopher
    Jinkies. Jinkies? Isn't that some kind of breakfast cereal? - Johnny Bravo

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Annecy, France
    Mr Ross

    thank you for the answer

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Los Angeles CA


    They are both 256-page books.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Cedarpines Park, CA

    Smile Re:

    > They are both 256-page books.

    Is that because you're using a single-byte to store page number information?

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City

    Talking ROTFLMAO!

    Originally posted by sstraley
    > They are both 256-page books.

    Is that because you're using a single-byte to store page number information?
    Okay, that was damn funny! (Too bad only us IT guys will get it.)
    Mass Effect Fate RPG | "Mass Effect meets Fate meets awesome = FREE"
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    Star Trek (TOS) "Pizza, Pizza" (Second season), story by D.S.McBride

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    MetroWest, MA USA
    But it'll need to start with page 0 and be an unsigned integer.
    AKA Breschau of Livonia (mainly rpg forums)
    Gaming blog 19thlevel

  13. #28
    "The Iconian Codex?" Now that sounds cool. What would that've contained?
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  14. #29
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Los Angeles CA
    The Iconian Codex was to be our massive homage to Lovecraft. As many of you know, there are frequent references to Old Ones and other mythos-type stuff in TOS. I envisioned this meaty tome to be like Masks of Nyarlahothep (published by Chaosium for their Call of Cthulhu RPG).

    It starts with an archeology station exploring an Iconian dig site, a working Gateway, and an archeologist driven insane by forces unknown. Having uncovered what he calls "The Iconian Codex" be becomes convinced this massive encyclopedia of blasphemous knowledge could lead mankind to limitless potential. He believes the gateway can travel through time as well as space, and can actually contact the Iconians. And like any good insane archeologist, he kills everyone else at the base, grabs the codex, and jumps through the gateway.

    Your intrepid crew finds the gateway set to its last coordinates, and like any good Starfleet officers, you are expected to jump through to apprehend this madman. Ha-Ha! Once on the other side, you discover the gate is only one way, and so now you must complete the entire campaign with whatever you brought with you (and no contacting the ship).

    Nifty premise, no? Cyclopean ruins with Shantaks wheeling overhead. Switching brains with Mi-Go. Saving the very fabric of the universe from the race known as the Demons of Air and Darkness!


  15. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    MetroWest, MA USA

    Iconian Codex

    Hey, you just described my Bridgetown/Kellinan Reach Saga. Not exactly, but awfully close!
    AKA Breschau of Livonia (mainly rpg forums)
    Gaming blog 19thlevel

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