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Thread: A Friend In Need

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City

    Lightbulb A Friend In Need

    (It is worth mentioning that this announcement is unsolicited and is of my own doing.)

    As many of you know, our collective good friend, Ross Isaacs, will shortly be relocating to the Washingon, D.C. area. Such a move, as you can imagine, is hard both emotionally and on the pocketbook. It pains me greatly to see a dedicated gamer having to part with his collection just in order to pay the airfare.

    Yes, writers and developers in the role-playing industry obviously don’t do it for the money—they do it for the hot chicks. Well, since Ross doesn’t get a lot of either , I thought it would be a nice gesture for those of us in the Trek RPG community, who have benefited from his hard work, and in the continuing spirit of giving over the past year, to make a donation to help Ross out in this financially-straining time.

    It doesn’t have to be much: The odd dollar or two, perhaps more if you have it. Sending $10 means that’s one week where you won’t get to order pizza. Not too large of a sacrifice to make, I feel. I know a few visitors here at TrekRPGNet may be minors or struggling students and it’s perfectly understandable that ends might be too tight—the spirit of giving shouldn’t cause you financial hardship.

    How can you donate? Simple! Just use PayPal to shoot over a quick donation (register for a free account if need be) to the address of When you do so put in a small comment of the effect that you’re donating on behalf of TrekRPGNet. Together we can let Ross know how much he’s meant to us.

    For those of you who might be asking why you should give a buck (or more) to this fellow, allow me to share some details on my friend, Ross. Ross is a genuinely great guy. He’s fun to be around, has a wicked sense of humor, and aside from that squeaky giggle of glee he gives when running around the office shouting “the bar has been raised!,” he’s pretty normal. I’m honored to call him my friend.

    Ross also “gets it.” He’s a die-hard gamer and Star Trek fan. Both at LUG and at Decipher we have been fortunate to have a man at the helm who knows, respects, and treats Star Trek with the utmost integrity. Ross is responsible for so many aspects of Star Trek role-playing, past, present, and future, that I can only touch on a few: Ross has always taken the time out of his busy schedule to spend time with the fans, he’s stayed up late to attend unpaid chats, he’s answered countless e-mails and inquiries, provided glimpses into the development of RPGs, thoughtfully come to answer questions here, on his own time, and so much more. Ross has always been the fan’s number one supporter and helped drive products that we wouldn’t have otherwise seen.

    So, with that said, I am pleased to donate, on behalf of the visitors and participants of TrekRPGNet, the sum of $100.

    I encourage anyone with the means to do to also make a donation on behalf of TrekRPGNet.

    Thank you for your attention and your donation.
    Mass Effect Fate RPG | "Mass Effect meets Fate meets awesome = FREE"
    Contributor, Gnome Stew
    "In every revolution, there's one man with a pizza."
    Star Trek (TOS) "Pizza, Pizza" (Second season), story by D.S.McBride

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City


    Okay, I have to admit to being a little surprised that this has garnered no comment, either good or bad.

    I’m not soliciting for any, mind you. Just that this group tends to be somewhat…vocal.
    Mass Effect Fate RPG | "Mass Effect meets Fate meets awesome = FREE"
    Contributor, Gnome Stew
    "In every revolution, there's one man with a pizza."
    Star Trek (TOS) "Pizza, Pizza" (Second season), story by D.S.McBride

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Los Angeles CA

    Thumbs up

    Dear Friends,

    I am deeply moved by Don's actions, and I am especially gratified to those of you who already contributed. I didn't ask for this, but I'm not surprised that Don took the initiative. Don has been a wonderful person from the first time he contacted me for work (four years ago!), and has been a terrific friend through thick and thin. Anyone who's seen us at conventions knows that we're like two brothers separated at birth.

    Several of you have already contributed, and I don't think "thank you" can say enough. You appreciate my work, or perhaps value my cameraderie, and have chosen to express your appreciation in a direct and personal way. I will be contacting you each individually over the next few days (in between outlining new Star Trek books, cleaning my desk out, and packing).

    The support I've received from my friends here in the LA office, from the Decipher corporate office, and now from you is incredible to comprehend. Contribute or don't as your conscience dictates. For me, I've already gotten something far more important—the support of friends, some of whom I've never met in person. Thank you.


    Ross A. Isaacs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    MetroWest, MA USA

    Once upon a time

    A long time ago (well 1998) the new Last Unicorn Games RPG, Star Trek: The Next Generation, was due out. There was quite a buzz about it on the FASA-Trek list. Once there was a confirmed sighting I went to my friendly local gaming store to get it - no luck. I wound up heading into Boston to track it down.

    I really enjoyed the new game and was quite pleased with it - especially since I'd managed to assemble my first gaming group since college and we were due for our first game real soon. It was to be a Trek game and I'd been worried I'd have to use the FASA rules - not that I disliked those rules, but rather I'd much prefer using a game that everyone in the group could get a hold of if they so wished. The group had a lot of people who had never gamed before (coming from the Trek side, not the gaming side), so I appreciated the simplicity of the new rules compared with FASA's (while I enjoyed the old FASA game, indeed once had a webpage for it, it showed a lot of its wargaming roots, like its Action Points system).

    There were a few bugs I found in the rules - stuff like the dodge rules - that I just didn't get. I recalled seeing Ross make a posting about the game on a USENET group (I think he was confirming that "yes, the game exists, yes we really have the license" ) and fired off an e-mail to him with some questions. This is before or even before Grimjack's short-lived Iowa State LUG mailing list started. I imagine Ross got tons of similar e-mails but he took the time to get back to me, thank me for my interest, and answer my rules questions.

    The group in one form or another has been meeting since fall of 1998.
    AKA Breschau of Livonia (mainly rpg forums)
    Gaming blog 19thlevel

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ross gave me my first shot. I'll never forget that. DC is no LA but if there's anything you need, Ross, let me know.
    Insert something clever

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    I don't know Ross personally.

    He never gave me a break.

    But he has been a really cool bean with all of us... past, present and I hope future.

    Therefore it was my pleasure to donate what I could to this endeavour.

    Good luck with the move my man and keep on truckin'

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New York, NY

    I'd like to help!

    But don't feel comfy with the whole bidpay/paypal thing. Where can I send a check? Ross has been very nice to my wife and I and I'd love to give something back.

    The Good, The Bad and The Andorian

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Los Angeles CA

    Talking Three Days and a Wake-up

    This is it, my friends. My last day in the office. My desk is cleaned out, my boxes are packed. Tomorrow the moving men come to pick up my entire life and cart it across the country.

    I'll be taking all next week off as I try to find an apartment. I likely won't be here during that time, so don't worry if you don't get a response from me.

    The following week, I begin development on my next project for Decipher from my remote location in DC.

    It will be strange not coming into this office every day and seeing these people. The work has been hard, and there have been many late nights here. But seeing these people, laughing with them, gaming with them, hanging out with them, has been a singular joy. I know they're going to feel the hole where I used to be (and they'll fight over who gets my office), and I'll miss their camraderie. I still work for Decipher, but it won't be the same.

    I'm going to sign off now, before I start to cry. ;-)

    I'll catch you all from the other side of the country.

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