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Thread: Starship Construction

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Cimera III

    Starship Construction

    Greetings to you all. As some of you will note from my chosen name, I am a huge fan of Andorians and have been delving into them since before FASA's game. In any event, that's not the purpose of this post so here it comes.

    I love designing ships. I'm even looking at building one deck by deck akin to what Anomaly has been doing.

    (Great mush. I play there under a different name. I highly recommend it. New address is Port:2120 And yes I digress often)

    I downloaded the Spacedock guide and was wondering after all the talk on the Galaxy vs Constitution thread if you folks were going to do something similar for the new system.

    Also, in the Spacedock pdf, there is mention of an Andoria class Explorer. Is this canon? Simply dredged for nice theme for the game? Not that it matters as I absolutely LOVE the LUG version of the Andorians (there are many many versions out there thanks to lack of canon info) and find the premise of the Andoria class to fit that theme beautifully. I am currently running a tt game of LUG and pondering a transfer of things to the new system once I figure it out and as the game progresses I plan on transferring them to this class of vessel. Barring 'official' stats being put out in the new (or LUG for that matter) system, I'd like to see the nuts and bolts of what you in the design team use. I of course will wait for that printing should it happen but I'd like to know what the odds of that printing are.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada
    Then look for the Cor'sala post in Spacedock sometime in the next week. It's an all-Andorian late-TNG era starship that was inspired by the Planets of the UFP and Among the Clans. Built using Spacedock rules and a major plot point in an episode I wrote.

    I have a buddy that may even do deck plans for it once he has completed the other three deck plans he is already designing for our games.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Shefield UK
    There was an Andor class Missile Crusier in FASA Starhip Combat Game, 2 phasers and a boat load of missiles (8 I think).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Miles below the Earth's crust.
    Originally posted by K'iirk
    There was an Andor class Missile Crusier in FASA Starhip Combat Game, 2 phasers and a boat load of missiles (8 I think).
    Ah...nothing says loving like a spread of topedoes across the bow.

    -Darth Sarcastic
    Darth Sarcastic

    "Shall I goto 'Red Alert' sir? It does mean changing the lightbulb." - Kryten, Red Dwarf

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