I'm always tossing ideas about new series around on this board, but now my new capaign has officially begun, as of last night. Its title: STAR TREK: LAKOTA- named after the ship the PC serves on, the USS Lakota, commanded by Captain Ericka Benteen (see the DS9 episode "Paradise Lost." Although I do not have a chance to run the series with this person that often, I will post details of each episode on the boards for anyone who would be interested in using these episode ideas for their own series.

My single PC is a Vulcan propulsion engineer. The plot was that the PC found three Romulans hiding in a Jeffries tube: a Romulan man and his wife and child. While the captain tried to decide what to do with these people, the engineer PC went to the brig where the Romulans were being kept to repair a console and found an NPC crewman sneaking the Romulans supplies that they weren't supposed to have.
The result was that Starfleet Intelligence sent an investigator to decide if the Romulans, and the crewman, were working for the Tal Shiar. It eventually turned out that the Romulans really
did want to defect to the Federation, after the real Tal Shiar agent on board tried to kill them. The PC apprehendedthe agent, the crewman who was smuggling supplies was reprimanded, and I awarded 5 xp, more than I usually give.