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Thread: Conversion Guidelines

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Worcester, MA USA

    The reason for the add on is the difference between the two game scales. ICON usd a 1-5 scale with 2 average, where as CODA uses 2d6 with a mathematical average of 7 (although the method of attribute generation tends to push the CODA stats up a little).

    If you don't like the 2xICON ATTRIBUTE +ICON EDGE+2 you can try something different. It just any conversion isn't going to be perfect. For instance:

    -1 2
    0 3
    1 4
    2 7
    3 8
    4 9
    5 10
    6 11
    7 12
    (8) 13

    The mathematical difficultues rise from the fact that 2 is average in ICON rather than 3, resulting in a "bowed" curve. For instance a human's Strength score in ICON can range from an effective score of -1 to +7 with 2 as average. In CODA it is a 2-12 range with 7 average. For a mathematical conversion you'd have to compress values below 2 and expand values above 2.

    But for a game you'd probably want to switch the values a bit so as to spread out the attrubite bonuses.

    That's the thing about conversions. You can't reall match up abilities exactly in two different systems. That why the GM and players need to focus on try to maintain the spirit of the character, and fudge the conversion to fit.

  2. #32
    I see what your saying.

    Humans have 1-5, but many alien have one or more attributes that range 1-6. This doesn't covert over as well. Well we'll just have to pound some square pegs into round holes.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, USA
    There is no law that says you have to use this system. Design your own if this one doesn't suit you. As long as all your characters are converted with the same system, they'll be balanced against each other.

    A conversion system is not a scientific process. It is not the law of the land. It is one person's opinion, ultimately, on how to convert characters from one system to another. If you have a different opinion, use yours. And write it up and post it so others who might agree with you can use it to.


  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Worcester, MA USA
    AllenS is right. Conversion is more of an art that a science.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Brest, Brittany, France, Earth
    Wow! That's a good conversion system!

    Maybe isn't perfect, but conversion isn't an exact science. A least, it's better than any FASA/LUG conversion system I've found...

    and it's many times better than WEG -> d20 Star Wars or Chaosium -> d20 Cthulhu.

    I think I will use it often soon, when my PG arrives...


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Pensacola, FL

    Cool Conversion Suggestion

    I have converted my primary character. It went over well. His skills seem a little weaker than what he had before. I recommend one change. I understand that there seem to be fewer specializations, but for those LUG skill specializations that are two or more over the base skill level, the converted CODA character should get those specializations as they had prior in LUG despite the half modification. Otherwise the half modification should apply since the base level is being raised. Thoughts anyone?

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City, UT, USA
    That actually makes sense, Meth. I'll have to try that with some of the conversions I've doen and see how it comes out.

    I mean, I could see someone having (for example) Energy Weapon Phaser at 1 (4) and being reduced to Ranged Combat: Energy Weapons 2. So much for being a crack shot...

    I'll let you know how it turns out...

    UPDATE: Well, I tried it with a couple of converted characters, and while it works with Skills that have only one Specialization in Icon, it adds a little too many Specialties for my tastes to the Coda-fied version if there are multiple Specializations. While a good idea in theory, IMO, it doesn't really work in practice. At least, not for me.
    Former Decipher RPG Net Rep

    "Doug, at the keyboard, his fingers bleeding" (with thanks to Moriarti)

    In D&D3E, Abyssal is not the language of evil vacuum cleaners.

  8. #38
    Originally posted by AllenS
    There is no law that says you have to use this system. Design your own if this one doesn't suit you. As long as all your characters are converted with the same system, they'll be balanced against each other.

    A conversion system is not a scientific process. It is not the law of the land. It is one person's opinion, ultimately, on how to convert characters from one system to another. If you have a different opinion, use yours. And write it up and post it so others who might agree with you can use it to.

    Relax Allen, all I have tried to do was find out why the convertion formula was set up as it is. What is the reasoning behind it. All you and Don seemed to think was that I was complaining that I had some Monty Hall character who was screwed in the convertion. I was offended by that (Maybe you could tell by my reply). Others understood my questions and gave their opinions about why it was set up the way it was (Thanks Guys). A forum is about discussion, and should not be one sided or used to mock the others.
    Well that my 2 cents worth.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Nowhere you'd know
    Just wondering, not to dis the conversion system but do we know when there'll be more races published?
    My game is set on a Federation/Romulan outpost owned originally by Ktarians and I have a load of odd races from LUG:
    Plenty of Romulans
    Plenty of Ktarians
    A Human ex-borg
    A Jem'hadar ex-borg
    A Zaldan engineer
    And a few others. Are the more adversarial races going to be in the Narrator's Guide or perhaps even rules on being half-breeds with them or something? One of my players is gagging to be a Brikar as that's how he is in real life.

    El Queso Diablo

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Worcester, MA USA
    el queso

    Some species are expected in the Narrator's Guide (I believe Romulans, Andorians and Orions).

    After that it sort of depends on what Decipher prints. There might be a Species Book. It is also likely that various Species will be written up in sourcebooks designed to cover each series/era. So Tellarites might appear in a TOS book, while Bolians and Zakdorn might be in a TNG book.

    In the meantime, people have begun converting species over as a temporarly fix (check the various threads). TREKRPG had a bunch of fan stuff for ICON, and will probably wind up with just as much stuff for CODA.

    Rules for "mixed species" character exist on page 29 of the CODA TREK Player's Guide.

    Since you have a lot of Ktarrians in your campaign, I've written up a "home-made" Ktarrian species template for you (check the threads). It should hold you over until Decipher prints official Ktarrian stats (probably not a high priorty).
    Last edited by tonyg; 05-04-2002 at 08:31 AM.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Worcester, MA USA

    CODA's Innovative is very different from ICON's. It should probably conver to a different trait, say Thinker.

    The Starship Engineer's ability of Jury-Rig is close, but not avaialable.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Seattle, WA
    Originally posted by BonzaiGopher
    Hiya Don,

    Thanks! All I need now is a copy of the book...
    That makes two of us...
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  13. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, USA
    Originally posted by euson1

    Relax Allen, all I have tried to do was find out why the convertion formula was set up as it is. What is the reasoning behind it. All you and Don seemed to think was that I was complaining that I had some Monty Hall character who was screwed in the convertion. I was offended by that (Maybe you could tell by my reply). Others understood my questions and gave their opinions about why it was set up the way it was (Thanks Guys). A forum is about discussion, and should not be one sided or used to mock the others.
    Well that my 2 cents worth.
    I am sorry if you felt I was mocking you. I was just expressing my views on conversion systems in general. And I was serious; if you have a different idea, write it up. There's room for more than one style of converting, I'm sure.


  14. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Northern New Jersey

    FASA->LUG->CODA Conversion

    I'm converting some of my old FASA characters/adventures and I already have the FASA->LUG conversion sheet. Can anyone point me to a LUG->CODA conversion sheet, if such an animal exists? Thanks.


  15. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Hiya Falcon,

    Just look at the very first post in this thread; Don has graciously posted his conversion rules here (hence the title of the thread).
    It's a PDF document that you can download.


    Bonzai Gopher
    Jinkies. Jinkies? Isn't that some kind of breakfast cereal? - Johnny Bravo

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