I have taken the small liberty of "filling out" Tony's AMC Andorian template into a complete, CodaTrek-format species description. Most of the detail is adapted and summarized from Among the Clans, but bits from the Andorians seen on Enterprise are also included (notably the mobile antennae and the slightly paranoid demeanor). So far, the Enterprise Andorians present minimal inconsistencies with AMC in any case, and I think the blend works out decently enough.
Species adjustments and abilities are as Tony wrote them, so I won't duplicate his text here.
PERSONALITY: Upon first meeting, the emotionally expressive, straight-talking Andorians can come off as aggressively touchy or paranoid. Although they are more aggressive and emotionally direct than Vulcans or many humans, there is much more range to the stereotypical Andorian personality: equally strong senses of community and individuality, a dry, ironic sense of humor, and a penchant for personal secrecy are all common to the species.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Andorians are slightly smaller and slighter than Humans. Their complexions range across a narrow spectrum of sky- and ice blues, and their hair is usually pale blond to white. The famous Andorian ‘antennae’ are a combination auditory, temperature-sensing, and pressure-sensing organ that also enhance Andorian body language with their involuntary, emotionally-expressive movements.
The Andorian species is the most prominent example of a phylum of life-forms called ghelnoids, which parallel standard-analog vertebrates in many respects while also displaying a series of unique traits including a heavily cartilaginous, compartmentalized anatomy, a second, osmotic blood-circulation system, and the classic cobalt-based blood and antennae.
HOMEWORLD: Andoria, the fifth planet of Kuy’va, is a cold, heavily glaciated planet, with only two out of four continents habitable. The planet is preserved against an even more severe ice age that might destroy its ability to support Andorian civilization by a network of solar radiation-diverting satellites.
CULTURE: Andorian culture developed in diverse local pockets before the late 13th century (on Earth’s calendar), when the conquerer and semi-benign despot Krotus unified the habitable regions of the planet for the first time and ushered in an age of industrialization. As Krotus’ empire splintered, the resulting Andorian nation-states and clans fell into a cycle of feuding that, by the 17th century, threatened the survival of the species. Andoria credits its survival to the visionary Lor’vela and her followers, who formulated the ritual dueling codes still followed by modern Andorians and destroyed the histories of the planet to give its civilization a fresh beginning.
Andorian culture today features diverse customs, cuisines, and religions, but all are united under the Council of Three Hundred, the rulers of the most powerful and influential clans, and when diplomacy and law fail, the dueling codes take over to prevent feuds from disrupting society at large. Andorians exhibit strong commitments to their clans (which are at least as much corporations or interest groups as kin groups), to their friends, and to their four-partner marriage units.
LANGUAGE: Graalek, Federation Standard.
COMMON NAMES: Andorians have both a personal name and a keth (clan) name, although the latter is typically used only in formal situations. The personal name comes first when both are used.
KETH NAMES: Aldin, Aniri, Athrun, Avola, Birev, Borva, Claness, Culna, Dovora, Dra, Endilev, Ghorev, Idisha, Idrani, Ivari, Ivos, Kaleth, Kor, Omtala, P’Trell, Rimosi, Uporu, Vetra.
MALE NAMES: Ankord, Belcorus, Enkav, Erev, Falin, Farsha, Gaalen, Garav, Ghalev, Ghinev, Graelt, Igrilan, Ket’pem, Khenarc, Krotus, Lelva, Sheras, Sherev, Shran, Shras, Srel, Rexar, Tathrev, Thelor, Tivra, Tlanek, Turath, Ulicri, Umarin, Uresh.
FEMALE NAMES: Geshev, Ishanev, Lilen, Oshuvas, Phell’nun, Shieri, Tonu.
FAVORED PROFESSION: Any. The stereotype Andorian professions are soldier or starship officer, reflecting their warrior traditions and native curiosity, but as many Andorians pursue careers as merchants, diplomats, or scientists as fulfill the “blue Klingon” impression they leave with many of their counterpart species in the Federation.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
--Mentat Coffee Mantra