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Thread: My Series

  1. #1

    My Series

    Well, inspired by Acroyear's post I'll put mine up for your ideas and thoughts.

    The time: Late 2367

    The situation: K'mpec, Chancellor of the Klingon Empire is poisoned and is slowing dying. He appoints Jean-Luc Picard as Arbiter of Succession. Jean-Luc refused to accept Torel Son of Durus's bid to be Chancellor which inevitablly results in the the Klingon Empire falling into a civil war, with forces allying with Gowron or Torel. Lt. Worf resigns his commission and joins the side of Gowron.

    The Federation Council deems it's best to lend support to neither said during the Civil War. Unbeknowst to the Council Torel was recieving covert support from Sela, a Romulan operative.

    The campaign: Essentally, the episodes will be effected by what the players do. The Federation Council finally agrees to lend aid to Gowrons forces but it is to late to have a major effect. Gowron will be killed, Torel will become Chancellor, Klingons will either remain in the Empire or leave the Empire and join the Federation. The Klingon Empire and Romulan Empire ally and seek to destroy the Klingon traitors, even if that means declairing war on their Federation allies.

    The Romulan Empire also forms an alliance with the Cardassian Union, as their first act of support to their new allies they root out and eliminate many of the Bajoran Resistance. Those members of the resistance that manage to escape flee to Federation space and join the Federation/Klingon alliance.

    The players will be playing through this, trying to stay alive during the fighting and advance themselves. No matter what they do before the above events it'll be very very hard to prevent them for happening.

    Sub-Plots: Give me some ideas to go with the base series story. Fun twists, anything at all .

    Ofcourse, I can't think up a good name for this series, so if you have an idea, let me know!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    MetroWest, MA USA
    For a name, how about "The Ashes of Honor"
    AKA Breschau of Livonia (mainly rpg forums)
    Gaming blog 19thlevel

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Daly City, California
    That's a lot of people being hunted down and wiped out.

    You might consider one of the tools of "hunting them down" to be falsified criminal charges (or maybe legit ones that have been blown way up out of scale) but the wiping out part hasn't happened yet. Lots of outcasts on the run provide another faction which you can monkey with should the need arise.

    Depending on how Dallas-y you want to go... what if Gowron wasn't killed... but a stand in (surgical disguises are top notch, after all) with his Generals all willing to support the lie and keep their chosen leader's position safe (of course, they die with the imposter so no one left knows the secret). Gowron may have been kidnapped or something earlier (by an unknown alien, by the Dominion...whatever). What happens when you finally, finally get everything ironed out and then Gowron appears to reclaim his place of power?

    And of course, there's a Cardie bid to slip away with some romulan cloaking tech... ferengi in the middle looking to make a profit (maybe as front men for Orion pirates). Also, removing the bajoran resistance means the wormhole is firmly under control of Cardassia... which can lead to all sorts of interesting things.

  4. #4
    << You might consider one of the tools of "hunting them down" to be falsified criminal charges (or maybe legit ones that have been blown way up out of scale) but the wiping out part hasn't happened yet. Lots of outcasts on the run provide another faction which you can monkey with should the need arise. >>

    Interesting, interesting. The extermination wasn't going to be instant. Even with the size and power of the Romulan Star Empire it would take them some time to hunt them all down. And then their are the ones that aren't offically part of the resistance but support them...they can't just be killed outright....lots of fun episodes.

    I was tossign around the idea that Gowron wasn't actully killed. When the IKC Bortas is destroyed Gowron some how managed to escape or his ship is boarded and beamed off before it gets destroyed.

    << And of course, there's a Cardie bid to slip away with some romulan cloaking tech... ferengi in the middle looking to make a profit (maybe as front men for Orion pirates). Also, removing the bajoran resistance means the wormhole is firmly under control of Cardassia... which can lead to all sorts of interesting things. >>

    The Union are going to want to pick up some interesting new techs...such as the cloaking device! I hadn't thought much of the Ferengi excpet that they will remain neutral in all this selling to the highest bidder.

    As for the wormhole...well, there is no wormhole. Ben Sisko was the one that discovered the wormhole, and sense the station remains in the hands of the cardassians it goes undiscovered, atleast untill 2370. It would be intersting to see what happens if the Alliance discovers the wormhole.


    Thanks for the ideas! Keep them coming

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Daly City, California
    Originally posted by Tilarium

    The Union are going to want to pick up some interesting new techs...such as the cloaking device! I hadn't thought much of the Ferengi excpet that they will remain neutral in all this selling to the highest bidder.
    Ferengi space, IIRC, is right where the Romulan, Cardassian and Federation borders meet... kind of like a hub in a three spoke wheel.

    "Cardassia and Romulus are friends now, but that doesn't mean you have to waste time and resources when you're all sharing like good allies. We already have a shipping and inventory system in place... conventiently located in a central location. Surely, we can arrange to handle everything for you at considerable *cough* savings to yourselves."

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