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Thread: Heres how it went...

  1. #1

    Heres how it went...

    My players and I did the first episode and it couldn't have gone any worse then it did! They ambushed me and wanted to play today, I wasn't prepaired but for some reason I decided to play too.

    One player was being serious but the other one...he's decided that his goal is to get kicked out of the Acadamy. Contradicting the cadet leader of his squardren, hiding weapons while the crew of the shuttle was under attack, FIREING on the enemy without autherazation and going so far as to put the type I phaser to setting 7 (Which is kill) !

    Ofcourse he was also being a smart ass and pointing out the errors I made (did I mention i wasn't fully ready to run the game today?). How do I deal with someone like this, how can i get him to shape up and fly right? I mean, I can't have him kicked out of Starfleet when the other player wants to stay in.

    I've tried giving him direct orders, I've tried having him yelled at and reprimanded by the Chief of Security, I just don't know what to do with him anymore.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Take the player aside and let him know that he is not playing in the "Spirit" of the game.

    If he doesn't get it, then maybe you need to look for other players, or a different game.

    Be gentle and non-accusatory in your delivery, but remind him that you also have to have fun otherwise why should you bother running a game.

    Have you played with this player before?

  3. #3
    You can say I've played with him before, he's my brother, which is probably why he's being such a jerk. Unfortinally I can't kick him out of the group...theres only two people I can get to play really, so if I lose him as a player it'll be over untill I can get lucky and find another player. I'll be glad to change the game if they both agree but I'd rather hold that as a last resort. I just hope when he gets up tomorrow I can talk some sense into him.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Eep... Your brother... that's hard...

    May I ask how old he is?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Albuquerque, NM, USA
    Sounds like it's time for a brotherly knock-down in the back yard, if you ask me.
    "War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

    John Stuart Mill

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Somewhere else
    If you want to stay in the Academy realm, let him know that if his character flunks out or is kicked out, he will have to create a new character. Tell him you'd be glad to run some civilian side stuff with this malcontent character, but the group needs to stay together and on the same page. Otherwise, you'll have to run split stories.

    The Academy is the creme de la creme. People who can't follow orders wouldn't be allowed past the recruitment office, so if he's going to show off mistakes, there's one of his.

    Good luck!

  7. #7
    Talk to him to find out what it is he doesn't like about the game/setting. If he really doesn't want to play a StarFleet character, then you aren't going to be able to force him to do so - both of you have to be having fun for the game to work. See if you can find a compromise that will let him do what he wants while you and the other player can still enjoy yourselves. If it doesn't work out then, unfortunately, you'll have to face facts and play something else instead

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
    As I told my brother when he used to misbehave...

    "I know where you sleep."

    "It's hard being an evil genius when everybody else is so stupid" -- Quantum Crook

  9. #9
    He's 2 years older then me so that'll make him 24. I think he was just being a jerk because I wouldn't let him name his character James Kirk (Insert random last name) or Jahosaphat (or how ever it's spelt).

    When he gets home from work I'm going to try some comprimise with him. He told me last name he wants his characters father to be an Admiral so I'll let the father be a Adm but if I do then he has to start playing seriously and not try to get kicked out.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    If its just a name thing then I don't see why it couldn't be rectified. You could always have the NPC's say the name wrong or make snide remarks for having such a name.

    I've had my share of characters and I learnt (partly thanks to the other narrators on the boards) that being harsh all the time won't help. But I do drop characters which have blatantly attempted to get kicked out, I went so far as to have one imprisonned on Rura Penthe- that taught the player a lesson; play nice.
    "The misery of being exploited by capitalists is nothing compared to the misery of not being exploited at all."
    -Joan Robinson, economist

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    East Sussex, UK
    Originally posted by Tilarium
    When he gets home from work I'm going to try some comprimise with him. He told me last name he wants his characters father to be an Admiral so I'll let the father be a Adm but if I do then he has to start playing seriously and not try to get kicked out.
    Of course, one in game solution is for his Admiral father to have a little "conversation" with him. I can imagine that he wouldn't be that happy if his own son got thrown out of the Academy...

    "There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea is asleep and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song.
    Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do."
    THE DOCTOR, "Survival" (Doctor Who)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Victoria, TX usa
    Here is another option, the player wants his character to be removed from starfleet, but his Father is an admiral, he could be trying to embarass his father with such actions. Find out what the player is trying to do out of game play.. also what era are you playing in, if it is the NG or later, James Kirk could be an acceptable name, since James T kirk made such a name for himself, in the recent past, he could have been named after the estimed(sp?) Captian.. the main thing to do would be to find out why his character is acting this way. If it is a player problem let the character go and make a new character. If it is a story driven problem, take the story and use it to help along your plot.....
    May your worlds be at peace. Never assume, that the pointy eared first officer is Vulcan.

  13. #13
    When I talked to him he's only acting that way because his character would act that way. I'll let him stay arrogant, but he's going to be in for a bumpy ride.

    The next episode is most likely going to be the last mission before they graduate from the Acadamy. I've deicded it's going to be a test of what they've learned and such, I've got several ideas I'm tossing around as it will be.

    1) The squad is left on an uninhabited planet to survive for a week with just afew items. With this one I'd throw in a twist...although it's "uninhabited" a group of rogues took up residence there and have thus far gone unnoticed.

    2) Their shuttling wherever when their shuttle has to make an emergancy landing on a planet...which goes into #1. Ofcouse, this is in the holodeck...but they won't know that .

    3) Several squads are left alone on a planet and it's basically just a big capture the flag type deal.

    The one thing all three have in common is that they have to work togather with each other and with the others in the squad to overcome the problems presented. What does everyone thing? Ideas are ofcourse always welcomed!


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