Originally posted by Don Mappin
This board is an amazingly friendly place. (Kudos to Darth Sarcastic for the level head.)
This is a very friendly place...ok its not Cheers but that's too friendly. As for Kudos...I'm not that hungry...that was a joke...(laugh darn it!!! Better.) The level head comes from riding the Subways of NYC.

If I didn’t think the concerns that I read on this board aren’t important, I wouldn’t be having conversations with Ross about steps that could be taken to clarify character generation and make it a little easier for those that need a hand. I’ve got a huge impending deadline in front of me. Ross is also likewise swamped, yet we both hear and understand you and want to help out. Complaining and making jabs at people trying to help out isn’t going to improve the situation.
Don, do I really have to point out how much we appreciate your efforts...especially with deadlines overhead? Ok, you guys are appreciated. (Do I get any special prizes...or should I just go and clean off my nose?)

Finally, if you think dissenting opinions aren’t welcome around here, then you’re obviously new! Have Phantom show you around.
Even I've been known to say a few unfriendly things around here, and I like the CODA-System so far.

-Darth Sarcastic