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Thread: Episode II

  1. #1

    Episode II

    Star Trek: Ashes of Honor
    Episode 2: (Still in the works)

    The USS Archer picked up Delvok, a high ranking member of the V'Shar, from Starbase 347 and are to transport him to Earth. A call comes in for the Archer to investigate a report of a romulan warbird in federation space. Because Delvok's arrival at Earth is important and the Cadets time aboard the Archer is coming to a close they are given orders to take a shuttlecraft and escort Delvok back to earth.

    All goes smoothly but as the shuttle passes through the Delkin system the shuttle hits a gravametric distortion which knocks it out of warp and severaly damages the shuttle. After a damage report the cadets find that they are without warp engines and main power is shut off. Luckly their is one class M planet in the system, although it is uninhabited it is their best bet is to land and try and contact Starfleet and inform them of the accident.

    Unbeknownst to the cadets but a band of thieves have made the planet home and they happen to land close to the thieves base.

    Primary Goals:
    Get off the planet
    Not let Delvok die

    Secondary Goals:
    Contact Starfleet from the planet
    Arrest the thieves or hold them untill Starfleet can get them

    Comments? Errors? Ideas? Advice? Feel free to share! As always, comments are welcomed and encouraged!


  2. #2
    I'm not sure what the V'shar is..maybe if I know that then I can brainstorm some stuff.

    If you are using romulans it might be neat to utilize Spock's resistance cell though.

  3. #3
    The V'Shar is the Vulcan Security Agancy.

    Currently the year is 2367 so it's before the Spocks resistance cell on Romulus, but a good suggestion none the less.


  4. #4
    What if your "outlaws" are mercenary contacts of the Tal shiar who hjave set a trap for their old adversary the vulcan security officer? They waited until he was with a group of wet behind the ears cadets then they sprung their trap.

    I'd try to make the outlaws be as diversified as possible and not just be regular humans. Maybe an Orion leader with some Nausican, Chalnoth or Klingon enforcers? Or depending up the timeframe, maybe just Orions? To throw your characters for a loop you could even have the leader be an escaped Orion slave girl. Or maybe she bought her contract and won her freedom?

    It might be neat if your outlaws have an agonizer like that used by the TOS klingons and the Mirror Mirror crews. I'd mix up the equipment a lot (old series and movie eras, many races) to make things look like they bought their equipment on the black market.

  5. #5
    Actully the criminals on the planet are a group put togather by the romulans to try and keep the federation from joining Gowron's side during the Klingon Civil War. They're led by a member of the Tal Shiar who was altered to look like a Klingon.

    They've already scored several minor victories by raiding several outposts and transports. They are also the ones responcable for the reports of the warbird near the RNZ. Adm. Colbrand was the one that ordered the Archer to investigate and have the cadets escort Delvok to Earth, knowing that the most direct route is through the Delkin system.

    Their goal is to kill Delvok, which will help keep the Federation of the conflict atleast for alittle longer. Ofcourse if the PCs manage to uncover the plot, and espcially if they can catch the Tal Shiar member, who knows what the outcome will be....except me that is :cackle:!


  6. #6
    It might be neat to have your surgically altered Romulan be a half romulan half-Klingon instead. Living on the fringes of both empires, this NPC would quite readily be willing to go along with Lhursa and Bhetor (spelling?)'s bid ofr power.

    The NPC might have had both parents, Romulan and Klingon, killed by federation in border fighting. This person has a huge bone to pick with the federation.

    Just an idea


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