I'm running a crew through a FASA Trek game or two in the TNG timeframe before moving into the DOMINION War. I was wondering if anyone has written up (or downloaded) any FASA Trek stats for Cardassians, Gem' Hadar and Changelings. Stats on the Hunters and tosk from DS9's "Captive Pursuit" would also be very much appreciated.
I was also looking for stats on Federation phaser rifles in the TNG era (the first year sourcebook only had the "cricket" and "dustbuster" varieties) I was also curious about stats on Cardassian and Dominion starships.
It's got stats on many ships and info on some of the Trek manuals, and links to other FASA trek sites.
Wow, another FASA Trek player/GM. Great to see. It's a perfectly good system. I'm considering running it along with a Decipher player's group. Time permitting, that is.