Note: Below is just a teaser as some will note certain pieces of equipment have yet to be assigned to a specific deck. The reason for this is eventually these statistics including a ship profile and deck plans will be submitted to be placed in the Utopia Planitia section of this web site. Until then, enjoy.
Class and Type: Trailblazer-class Deep Space Surveyor
Commissioning Date: 2360
Size: 5
Length: 281.00 meters
Beam: 140.00 meters
Height: 49.50 meters
Decks: 14
Mass: 495,000 metric tonnes
SU's Available: 1,900
SU's Used: 1,658
Outer Hull: 6
Inner Hull: 6
Structural Integrity Field
Main: Class 4 (Protection 70/110) [1 Power/10 Protection/round]
Backup1: Class 4 (Protection 35) [1 Power/10 Protection/round]
Backup2: Class 4 (Protection 35) [1 Power/10 Protection/round]
Crew/Passengers/Evac: 240/40/625
Crew Quarters
Spartan: None
Basic: 110
Expanded: 85
Luxury: 10
Unusual: 20
Environmental Systems:
Basic Life Support [8 Power/round]
Reserve Life Support [4 Power/round]
Emergency Life Support [30 emergency shelters]
Gravity [3 Power/round]
Consumables: 3 years' worth
Replicator Systems
Food Replicators [5 Power/round]
Industrial Replicators
Type: Network of small replicators [2 Power/round]
Type: 2 large units [2 Power/round]
Medical Facilities: 8 (+2) [8 Power/round]
EMH: MK IV [6 Power/round]
Recreation Facilities: 5 [10 Power/round]
Personnel Transport: Turbolifts, Jeffries tubes [2 Power/round]
Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active]
Cargo Holds: 200,000 cubic meters
Locations: 10 main cargo holds and other minor holds throughout
the ship.
Escape Pods
Number: 140
Capacity: 4 persons per pod
Warp Drive
Nacelles: Type 6D
Speed: 6.0/9.2/9.6 [1 Power/ .2 warp speed]
PIS: Type H (12 hours of Maximum warp)
Impulse Engine
Type: Class 4 (.60c/ .80c) [6/8 Power/round]
Location: Engineering section
Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 Power/round when in use]
Warp Engine
Type: Class 8/N (generates 448 Power/round)
Location: Engineering section
Impulse Engine[s]: Class 4 (generates 32 Power/round)
Auxiliary Power: 3 reactors (generates 5 Power/reactor/round)
Emergency Power: Type D (generates 40 Power/round)
EPS: Standard Power flow, +200 Power transfer/round
Standard Usable Power: 480
Bridge: Forward Dorsal
Auxiliary Control Room: Mid-ship
Separation System: None
Core 1: Forward Dorsal, port [5 Power/round]
Core 2: Forward Dorsal, starboard [5 Power/round]
Core 3: Aft of Engineering [5 Power/round]
Uprating: Class Beta (+2) [2 Power/computer/round]
ODN Network
Navigational Deflector [5 Power/round]
Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: Forward Ventral
Sensor Systems
Long Range Sensors [5 Power/round]
Range Package: Type 7 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 5 light years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-3.8/3.9-5.0)
Low Resolution: 17 light years (1/1.1-6.0/6.1-13.0/13.1-17)
Strength Package: Class 9 (Strength 9)
Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
Coverage: Full (+15,000 substances)
Lateral Sensors [5 Power/round]
Strength Package: Class 9 (Strength 9)
Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
Navigational Sensors [5 Power/round]
Strength Package: Class 9 (Strength 9)
Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
Probes: 100 probes of varying types
Sensors Skill: 5
Flight Control Systems
Autopilot: Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 3, Coordination 2
Navigational Computer
Main: Class 3 (+2) [2 Power/round]
Backups: 2
Inertial Dampening Field
Strength: 9 [3 Power/round]
Number: 3
Strength: 6 [2 Power/round]
Number: 4
Attitude Control [1 Power/round]
Communications Systems
Type: Class 9 [2 Power/round]
Strength: 9
Security: -5 (Class Gamma Uprating)
Basic Uprating: Class Beta (+2)
Emergency Communications: Yes [2 Power/round]
Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Delta [3 Power/Strength used/round]
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Location: Aft Ventral
Emitter: Class Delta [3 Power/Strength used/round]
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Location: Forward Dorsal (Mid-Saucer)
Emitter: Class Alpha [3 Power/Strength used/round]
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: Shuttlebay 1
Type: Personnel [5 Power/use]
Pads: 6
Emitter/Receiver Array: Personnel Type 6 (40,000-km range)
Energizing/Transition Coils: Class H (Strength 8)
Location: 4 transporters (2 in Saucer section, 2 in Engineering)
Type: Emergency [7 Power/use]
Pads: 22
Emitter/Receiver Array: Emergency Type 3 (15,000-km range)
Energizing/Transition Coils: Class H (Strength 8)
Location: 4 transporters (2 in Saucer section, 2 in Engineering)
Type: Cargo [4 Power/use]
Pads: 400 kg
Emitter/Receiver Array: Cargo Type 3 (40,000-km range)
Energizing/Transition Coils: Class F (Strength 6)
Location: 4 transporters (? on Deck ?, ? on Deck ?)
Security Systems
Rating: 2
Anti-Intruder System: Yes [1 Power/round]
Internal Force Fields: [1 Power/3 Strength/Force Field]
Science Systems: Rating 3 (+2) [3 Power/round]
Specialized Systems: 2
Laboratories: 30
Forward Dorsal Phaser Array
Type: VII
Damage: 140 [14 Power]
Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: Forward Dorsal
Firing Arc: 430 degrees dorsal
Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
Forward Ventral Phaser Array
Type: VII
Damage: 140 [14 Power]
Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: Forward Ventral
Firing Arc: 300 degrees ventral
Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
Port Dorsal Phaser Array
Type: VII
Damage: 140 [14 Power]
Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: Port Dorsal Nacelle
Firing Arc: 440 degrees dorsal
Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
Starboard Dorsal Phaser Array
Type: VII
Damage: 140 [14 Power]
Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: Starboard Dorsal Nacelle
Firing Arc: 440 degrees dorsal
Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
Port Phaser Array
Type: VII
Damage: 140 [14 Power]
Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: Port
Firing Arc: 360 degrees
Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
Starboard Phaser Array
Type: VII
Damage: 140 [14 Power]
Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: Starboard
Firing Arc: 360 degrees dorsal
Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
Ventral Phaser Array
Type: VII
Damage: 140 [14 Power]
Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: Ventral Engineering Hull
Firing Arc: 600 degrees dorsal
Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
Aft Phaser Array
Type: VII
Damage: 140 [14 Power]
Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: Aft
Firing Arc: 360 degrees aft
Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
Forward Torpedo Launcher
Standard Load: Type II photon torpedo (200 damage)
Spread: 2
Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
Location: Forward Ventral
Firing Arc: Forward, but are self-guided
Aft Torpedo Launcher
Standard Load: Type II photon torpedo (200 damage)
Spread: 2
Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
Targeting System: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
Location: Aft Dorsal
Firing Arc: Aft, but are self-guided
Torpedoes Carried: 50 Type II photon torpedoes
TA/T/TS: Class Alpha [0 Power/round]
Strength: 7
Bonus: +0
Weapons Skill: 3
Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard)
Shield Generator: Type 4 (Protection 800) [80 Power/round]
Shield Grid: Type B (33% increase to 1067 Protection)
Subspace Field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Epsilon
(Threshold 250)
Shield Recharging System: Class 3 (recharges in 35 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: 4 (1 per shield) (530 Protection/shield)
Auto-Destruct System: Yes
Shuttlebay(s): Capacity for 17 Size worth of ships
Standard Complement: 7 shuttlecraft, 3 shuttlepod
Location(s): Aft
Captain's Yacht: No.