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Thread: Trailblazer-Class Deep Space Surveyor.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada

    Trailblazer-Class Deep Space Surveyor.

    Note: Below is just a teaser as some will note certain pieces of equipment have yet to be assigned to a specific deck. The reason for this is eventually these statistics including a ship profile and deck plans will be submitted to be placed in the Utopia Planitia section of this web site. Until then, enjoy.

    Class and Type: Trailblazer-class Deep Space Surveyor
    Commissioning Date: 2360
    Size: 5
    Length: 281.00 meters
    Beam: 140.00 meters
    Height: 49.50 meters
    Decks: 14
    Mass: 495,000 metric tonnes
    SU's Available: 1,900
    SU's Used: 1,658
    Outer Hull: 6
    Inner Hull: 6
    Structural Integrity Field
    Main: Class 4 (Protection 70/110) [1 Power/10 Protection/round]
    Backup1: Class 4 (Protection 35) [1 Power/10 Protection/round]
    Backup2: Class 4 (Protection 35) [1 Power/10 Protection/round]
    Crew/Passengers/Evac: 240/40/625
    Crew Quarters
    Spartan: None
    Basic: 110
    Expanded: 85
    Luxury: 10
    Unusual: 20
    Environmental Systems:
    Basic Life Support [8 Power/round]
    Reserve Life Support [4 Power/round]
    Emergency Life Support [30 emergency shelters]
    Gravity [3 Power/round]
    Consumables: 3 years' worth
    Replicator Systems
    Food Replicators [5 Power/round]
    Industrial Replicators
    Type: Network of small replicators [2 Power/round]
    Type: 2 large units [2 Power/round]
    Medical Facilities: 8 (+2) [8 Power/round]
    EMH: MK IV [6 Power/round]
    Recreation Facilities: 5 [10 Power/round]
    Personnel Transport: Turbolifts, Jeffries tubes [2 Power/round]
    Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active]
    Cargo Holds: 200,000 cubic meters
    Locations: 10 main cargo holds and other minor holds throughout
    the ship.
    Escape Pods
    Number: 140
    Capacity: 4 persons per pod
    Warp Drive
    Nacelles: Type 6D
    Speed: 6.0/9.2/9.6 [1 Power/ .2 warp speed]
    PIS: Type H (12 hours of Maximum warp)
    Impulse Engine
    Type: Class 4 (.60c/ .80c) [6/8 Power/round]
    Location: Engineering section
    Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 Power/round when in use]
    Warp Engine
    Type: Class 8/N (generates 448 Power/round)
    Location: Engineering section
    Impulse Engine[s]: Class 4 (generates 32 Power/round)
    Auxiliary Power: 3 reactors (generates 5 Power/reactor/round)
    Emergency Power: Type D (generates 40 Power/round)
    EPS: Standard Power flow, +200 Power transfer/round
    Standard Usable Power: 480
    Bridge: Forward Dorsal
    Auxiliary Control Room: Mid-ship
    Separation System: None
    Core 1: Forward Dorsal, port [5 Power/round]
    Core 2: Forward Dorsal, starboard [5 Power/round]
    Core 3: Aft of Engineering [5 Power/round]
    Uprating: Class Beta (+2) [2 Power/computer/round]
    ODN Network
    Navigational Deflector [5 Power/round]
    Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Location: Forward Ventral
    Sensor Systems
    Long Range Sensors [5 Power/round]
    Range Package: Type 7 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
    High Resolution: 5 light years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-3.8/3.9-5.0)
    Low Resolution: 17 light years (1/1.1-6.0/6.1-13.0/13.1-17)
    Strength Package: Class 9 (Strength 9)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Coverage: Full (+15,000 substances)
    Lateral Sensors [5 Power/round]
    Strength Package: Class 9 (Strength 9)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Navigational Sensors [5 Power/round]
    Strength Package: Class 9 (Strength 9)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Probes: 100 probes of varying types
    Sensors Skill: 5
    Flight Control Systems
    Autopilot: Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 3, Coordination 2
    Navigational Computer
    Main: Class 3 (+2) [2 Power/round]
    Backups: 2
    Inertial Dampening Field
    Strength: 9 [3 Power/round]
    Number: 3
    Strength: 6 [2 Power/round]
    Number: 4
    Attitude Control [1 Power/round]
    Communications Systems
    Type: Class 9 [2 Power/round]
    Strength: 9
    Security: -5 (Class Gamma Uprating)
    Basic Uprating: Class Beta (+2)
    Emergency Communications: Yes [2 Power/round]
    Tractor Beams
    Emitter: Class Delta [3 Power/Strength used/round]
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Location: Aft Ventral
    Emitter: Class Delta [3 Power/Strength used/round]
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Location: Forward Dorsal (Mid-Saucer)
    Emitter: Class Alpha [3 Power/Strength used/round]
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Location: Shuttlebay 1
    Type: Personnel [5 Power/use]
    Pads: 6
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Personnel Type 6 (40,000-km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class H (Strength 8)
    Location: 4 transporters (2 in Saucer section, 2 in Engineering)
    Type: Emergency [7 Power/use]
    Pads: 22
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Emergency Type 3 (15,000-km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class H (Strength 8)
    Location: 4 transporters (2 in Saucer section, 2 in Engineering)
    Type: Cargo [4 Power/use]
    Pads: 400 kg
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Cargo Type 3 (40,000-km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class F (Strength 6)
    Location: 4 transporters (? on Deck ?, ? on Deck ?)
    Security Systems
    Rating: 2
    Anti-Intruder System: Yes [1 Power/round]
    Internal Force Fields: [1 Power/3 Strength/Force Field]
    Science Systems: Rating 3 (+2) [3 Power/round]
    Specialized Systems: 2
    Laboratories: 30
    Forward Dorsal Phaser Array
    Type: VII
    Damage: 140 [14 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Forward Dorsal
    Firing Arc: 430 degrees dorsal
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
    Forward Ventral Phaser Array
    Type: VII
    Damage: 140 [14 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Forward Ventral
    Firing Arc: 300 degrees ventral
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
    Port Dorsal Phaser Array
    Type: VII
    Damage: 140 [14 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Port Dorsal Nacelle
    Firing Arc: 440 degrees dorsal
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
    Starboard Dorsal Phaser Array
    Type: VII
    Damage: 140 [14 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Starboard Dorsal Nacelle
    Firing Arc: 440 degrees dorsal
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
    Port Phaser Array
    Type: VII
    Damage: 140 [14 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Port
    Firing Arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
    Starboard Phaser Array
    Type: VII
    Damage: 140 [14 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Starboard
    Firing Arc: 360 degrees dorsal
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
    Ventral Phaser Array
    Type: VII
    Damage: 140 [14 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Ventral Engineering Hull
    Firing Arc: 600 degrees dorsal
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
    Aft Phaser Array
    Type: VII
    Damage: 140 [14 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Auto-Phaser Interlock: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Aft
    Firing Arc: 360 degrees aft
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Wide-Beam
    Forward Torpedo Launcher
    Standard Load: Type II photon torpedo (200 damage)
    Spread: 2
    Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
    Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: Forward Ventral
    Firing Arc: Forward, but are self-guided
    Aft Torpedo Launcher
    Standard Load: Type II photon torpedo (200 damage)
    Spread: 2
    Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
    Targeting System: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: Aft Dorsal
    Firing Arc: Aft, but are self-guided
    Torpedoes Carried: 50 Type II photon torpedoes
    TA/T/TS: Class Alpha [0 Power/round]
    Strength: 7
    Bonus: +0
    Weapons Skill: 3
    Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard)
    Shield Generator: Type 4 (Protection 800) [80 Power/round]
    Shield Grid: Type B (33% increase to 1067 Protection)
    Subspace Field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Epsilon
    (Threshold 250)
    Shield Recharging System: Class 3 (recharges in 35 seconds)
    Backup Shield Generators: 4 (1 per shield) (530 Protection/shield)
    Auto-Destruct System: Yes
    Shuttlebay(s): Capacity for 17 Size worth of ships
    Standard Complement: 7 shuttlecraft, 3 shuttlepod
    Location(s): Aft
    Captain's Yacht: No.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada

    The Rest of the details.

    Description and Notes
    Fleet Data: The Trailblazer project came about due to the need for a surveyor capable of staying on station for in-depth, extended periods of time. This class was to follow up in the wake of the explorers to study in detail the various sectors and regions of space they briefly charted before moving on. Starfleet had no surveyor-class that could adequately defend itself and all current surveyors were assigned duties deep within the core of the Federation or where support was close by. This caused quite the number of exploratory cruisers such as the Nebula-class to be tied up completing extended survey work in dangerous areas of the frontier or deep space.
    On of the requirements for this class of vessel was to have full sensor coverage of all substances in known space. This was accomplished in a rather unique manner. The additional sensor pallets were built into the ventral aft portion of the engineering hull and then protected with a special cover designed of clear, non-obstructive tritanium thereby allowing the sensors to complete their scans while protecting the sensitive equipment from some hazards.
    During the design, the usual saucer separation was scrapped in order to compact the overall frame and save space for the laboratories and other specialized research labs. Also, in a rarely scene move, the shuttlebay was placed in the bow of the vessel. Furthermore, the nacelles were brought in and attached to the primary hull, taking inspiration from the theory of embedding the nacelles but not actually employing the complete theory in their design. The design itself still shares many of the standard Federation aesthetics of their other starships and the design itself did take some inspiration from its predecessors.

    Noteworthy vessels / service records / encounters:
    U.S.S. Trailblazer, prototype NX-67544, destroyed 2373; U.S.S. Daniel Boone NCC-67545, charted the Khalino Nebula and made first contact with a sentient gaseous species; U.S.S. A.B. Rogers NNC-67547 discovered the Janiss Corridor; U.S.S. Beckwourth charted the Naquori Sector; U.S.S. Meveleth NCC-67552; U.S.S. Sevak NCC-67553, discovered the lost colonies of T'dan, currently testing platform for upgrades.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Hainburg, Germany
    Let me do some nitpicking first:

    Having an empty line now and then to separate different systems can make reading a lot more fun. Especially when placed between the different weapon systems.

    Some people like to list the SU for each system, but you certainly don't have to. OTOH it makes it easier for others to help you spot miscalculations if and when they happen.

    Could you give us a somewhat more detailed description of the ship? Something along the lines of "the saucer has the basic shape of the xxx-class, but is more elongated", "the short cylindrical engineering hull", etc. can do wonders to help the imagination along.

    I am not sure the classification as surveyor fits this ship, even if it fits the mission profile. Maybe light exploration cruiser would better describe the ship's capabilities, but that's just me.

    Now to the ship itself:

    No EMH is available before 2370. Unless the template includes later refits/updates, which you should have mentioned, it shouldn't be there.

    The sensor coverage is impressive, but do you really think it's needed? It takes up a lot of SU that might be put to better use somewhere else and one of the reasons the standard sensor coverage excludes some 15,000 substances is because a lot of them are so rare that almost no ship ever comes across them.
    And if you want to really keep the increased sensor coverage, why limit it to the l-r sensors only, but not the lateral sensors? The way it is written now a Trailblazer can detect the most exotic substance from a very long range, but once it gets close it can't do any detailed analysis of said substances.

    Talking of sensors: The description states that the added sensor coverage was achieved by placing more sensor pallets in the aft ventral section of the ship. IMHO they should be in a forward position. AFAIR long-range sensors can only scan in a limited arc (ca. 45°) in front of the ship. That would make the forward section of the ship a more logical place for any system that enhances the l-r sensors.

    As this ship's mission requires long missions in deep space a Recreation Rating of 6 or 7 (instead of 5) might be a good thing for crew morale.

    Personaly I'd reduce the nacelle and engineering phasers to 40 emitters each and use the SU to bring the saucer arrays to 120 emitters and/or a wider firing arc, as the placement of the largest arrays on the saucer seems like a common theme in many Starfleet ships - but again that's just me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada
    Originally posted by Lancer
    Let me do some nitpicking first:

    Having an empty line now and then to separate different systems can make reading a lot more fun. Especially when placed between the different weapon systems.

    I agree that normally it would but a 10000 character limit per post translates to going over each and every time. As this is just a teaser and not the final product, I was not as concerned.

    Some people like to list the SU for each system, but you certainly don't have to. OTOH it makes it easier for others to help you spot miscalculations if and when they happen.
    Some people like it. Some don't. No matter which way I present it, someone is not going to be happy and with a 10,000 character limit per post, I prefer to save space.

    Could you give us a somewhat more detailed description of the ship? Something along the lines of "the saucer has the basic shape of the xxx-class, but is more elongated", "the short cylindrical engineering hull", etc. can do wonders to help the imagination along.
    That I may expand in another post to this thread, however as mentioned originally, the final product will come with a complete profile and deck plans when they are done.

    I am not sure the classification as surveyor fits this ship, even if it fits the mission profile. Maybe light exploration cruiser would better describe the ship's capabilities, but that's just me.
    I struggled with that a bit but we have enough cruisers and explorers and nothing that truly works as a small surveyor with some staying power as I have always viewed that cruisers and explorers while powerful and versatile generally have other roles to fulfill then to stay and complete an indepth study. I've always liked the idea of the surveyor-class vessel but they've all been woefully inadequate for operating anywhere but deep within the Core.

    Now to the ship itself:

    No EMH is available before 2370. Unless the template includes later refits/updates, which you should have mentioned, it shouldn't be there.
    As is the standard of all ships presented in the Spacedock PDF's, upgrades were already integrated in the designs. I simply presented it as such.

    The sensor coverage is impressive, but do you really think it's needed? It takes up a lot of SU that might be put to better use somewhere else and one of the reasons the standard sensor coverage excludes some 15,000 substances is because a lot of them are so rare that almost no ship ever comes across them.
    And if you want to really keep the increased sensor coverage, why limit it to the l-r sensors only, but not the lateral sensors? The way it is written now a Trailblazer can detect the most exotic substance from a very long range, but once it gets close it can't do any detailed analysis of said substances.
    Yes, actually I do. This ship specializes in all forms of scientific studies and as such they were to want for nothing in that regard. The coverage is also on the lateral sensors but due to a cut and paste error on my part, it never made the transfer to this post. Oops.

    Talking of sensors: The description states that the added sensor coverage was achieved by placing more sensor pallets in the aft ventral section of the ship. IMHO they should be in a forward position. AFAIR long-range sensors can only scan in a limited arc (ca. 45°) in front of the ship. That would make the forward section of the ship a more logical place for any system that enhances the l-r sensors.
    That was meant for the lateral sensors more then the long range sensors.

    As this ship's mission requires long missions in deep space a Recreation Rating of 6 or 7 (instead of 5) might be a good thing for crew morale.
    That was a decision I thought long and hard over but in the end could not justify for the size of the ship especially given that it has less then 300 crew.

    Personaly I'd reduce the nacelle and engineering phasers to 40 emitters each and use the SU to bring the saucer arrays to 120 emitters and/or a wider firing arc, as the placement of the largest arrays on the saucer seems like a common theme in many Starfleet ships - but again that's just me.
    Normally, yes but it was a distinction I made to reinforce that this is a surveyor and that the weapons while plentiful are there predominantly as a deterrant/defense.

    Thanks for the input.


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