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Thread: Need tips for running a PBEM game

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Seattle, WA

    Need tips for running a PBEM game

    I am thinking of starting a PBEM group using the Coda system on the Yahoo Groups. The game would be set in the Enterprise era, but that's all I know right now.
    I would like tips on running a PBEM... coming up with idea for episodes and running the game itself, as I am a little doubtful of my abilities, organization-wise, to undertake something like this.
    "Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens."

    -Gimli, son of Gloin (The Fellowship of the Ring)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada
    Start small, focus on the pilot episode. PBEMs are notorious for moving slowly so you may want to refrain from too much intracacies or the entire game may bog down.

    As a GM, try to keep your own posting rate and replies frequent and encourage the players to do the same. Nothing kills a game quicker then a stalled game due to lack of player or GM response.

    I'll post more later. But I need to run at the moment.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Jefferson City, MO, USA

    Re: Need tips for running a PBEM game

    Originally posted by erhershman
    I would like tips on running a PBEM... coming up with idea for episodes and running the game itself, as I am a little doubtful of my abilities, organization-wise, to undertake something like this.
    I have several episodes designed, from brief layout to detailed scenes. These have come, from the most part, from converted D&D, Alternity/Dark*Matter, and Traveller adventures. I stripped the adventure down to the frame, then re-designed it to fit Star Trek Universe. There is enough remaining to make a good adventure, yet not enough for a player to recognize it and know what's ahead. Of course, taking older Dungeon magazine issues and younger players and you'll be more guarenteed to have a new never-be-played adventure.

    Another plan is to know/design the sector of space the crew will be cruising through. Develop a series of nebulae or planetary systems that they can discover/investigate. Then throw in twists that they will find and have to resolve before continuing.

    Probably preaching to choir here... Sorry.

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