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Thread: Star Trek: Knife's Edge

  1. #1

    Star Trek: Knife's Edge

    Here's the profile for my series. I'll post more details (epsidoes, arcs, setting info) as soon as I can. Feedback is encouraged

    Star Trek
    The Knife’s Edge
    Era: Post-DS9 (2380+)
    Region: Romulan Neutral Zone and Orion Space
    Traveling: Starship, shuttles and transporters
    Organization: Starfleet and allies (Klingons)
    Mission Focus: Defence, Intelligence, as well as Diplomatic, Military, and Scientific
    Composition: Multi-species (human, Betazoid, Klingon) multi-profession (starship officers, int. agent)
    Base Type: Mobile, Intrepid-class Starship (USS Taklamakan)
    Era Technology: 24th century
    Availible Technology: Starfleet and occaisonal various
    Threat and Oppostion: Romulans, Parakians, Orion Syndicate and various by episode
    Crisis and Disaster: Warfare, espionage, and various by episode
    Brinkmanship, conspiracy and mystery along the RNZ.

    The series will have a focus on espionage and political maneuvering. The characters, so far, are:
    Melindo Viegon, human Command Officer. Born on Risa, and an agent of Section 31.
    Talloc Elbrun, Betazoid SI operative. Formerly held prisoner by the Tal Shiar, released when the Romulans joined the UFP/Klg axis during the Dominion War.
    K'mpec no, but he is a relative. A member of the former House of K'mpec (yes, that one), after the Civil War (and the destruction of his House) he meandered off to Orion space... well, eventually he was assigned to a Starfleet vessel.
    Name unknown, a human flight officer.
    His name escapes me, but he's a human Science Officer and genetically enhanced (this may change if the player doesn't come up with a good backstory).
    Plus two others, a medical officer and an engineer.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Based on this and what you told me on ICQ, it looks like it is shaping up nicely

    Good work dude!

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