This ship isn't the least bit canonical, I just thought it would be fun to bring back the Gorn

Sessek-Class Battleship (Gorn Alliance)

Hull Data-
Structure: 55
Size/Decks: 10/70 decks
Length/Height/Beam: 800m/375m/375m
Complement: 1,050

Operational Data-
Transporters: 5 standard, 5 emergency
Cargo Units: 100
Shuttlebay: 1A
Shuttlecraft: 10 Size worth
Tractor Beams: 5, 3 forward and 2 aft
Separation System: None
Sensor System: Class 2 (+2/C)
Operations System: Class 4 (E)
Life Support: Class 4 (E)

Propulsion Data-
Impulse System: Type V (.75c/D)
Warp System: Type VI

Tactical Data-
Phaser Banks: Type VIII (8/D)
Penetration: 6/5/5/0/0
Photon Torpedoes: Type II (5/D)
Penetration: 5/5/5/5/5
Deflector Shields: Class 4 (C)
Protection/Threshold: 14/4

Miscellaneous Data-
Manuever Modifiers: Com (+3) Helm (-0) Tac (+3)
Traits: Battle Tested (+1 Tac manuever tests)

Spaces: 125-2 (shuttlebay)=123-4 (tractor beams)= 119-2 (sensors)= 117-9 (operations systems)=
108-9 (life support)= 99-6 (impulse engines)= 93-10 (warp engines)= 83-40 (phasers)=
43-25 (photon torpedo launchers)= 18-8 (deflector shields)= 10-5 (Battle Tested)= 5-5 (Converted to
extra structure)
*math included because I'm imfamous for missing things.

In 2344 the Gorn Alliance began a program of improvements and fleetwide replacements intended to
bring their fleet up to the standard of their rivals. Using the best technology available to them they
constructed the Sessek as the centerpiece of the new fleet. Monstrously expensive and incredibly
difficult to manufacture in numbers they were not seen in the Gorn fleet in significant numbers until
2357. The vessel was first seen by Federation sources in 2358 and was considered an anacronism, a sign that the Gorn Alliance no longer had the ability to compete on technological level with the Federation. It
was not until 2365 that the ship was first used in combat against a group of heavily armed Orion pirates.
Two of the vessels engaged 16 Orion frigates and destroyed all of the enemy vessels while suffering only
minor damage themselves. Since then they have been used in border patrols and various shows of force, arriving whenever deemed necessary to project the power of the Gorn Alliance. Although a rumored
replacement to the Sessek is on the drawing board the Gorn seem to be in no hurry to replace these

The Sessek is at first glance a large but badly outdated vessel with numerous glaring shortcomings. They look like a dark grey pyramid with the top half sliced off. They bristle with numerous antennae and sensors. Windowless and cold they are as imposing as a mountain, as inscurable as the night. Although they appear to be very simplistic in
truth it is a reflection of Gorn design practices more than any failings on the part of their engineers. All
of it's vital systems are quite reliable and fully interchangable with similar systems within most of the
ships in the Gorn fleet. During the conflict with the Orion pirates a Sessek was badly damaged by enemy
fire, it's warp drive and most of it's weapons completely destroyed. Damage that would have taken a Federation yard months to repair was fixed in a week and a half using parts removed from a decommisioned
cruiser. The Sessek's hull is also incredibly rugged. Numerous accounts tell of Sesseks suffering shield
failure and fighting on simply because the ship's thick hull couldn't be breached by the enemy weapons.
The crews of these vessels endure a brutal training, undergoing mental and physical trials that would
make a Klingon cringe. While the washout rate is high the Gorn boast some of the most hardened and
battle ready troops in the Alpha Quadrant. The Sessek's main failing is it's poor warp drives, although
it makes up for this by being exceptionally fast and nimble at impulse speeds.

In combat the Sessek will drive into the center of the enemy fleet and try to break up the battle line. Cruisers and Destroyers will be expected to attack the flanks of the enemy line, further disrupting the enemy forces and preventing them from concentrating their forces on the Sessek. The Gorn are fully aware of the psychological effect that the massive Sessek has on the enemy and use this to their full advantage. A common tactic is to close to point blank range and let the enemy captain gaze up at the slablike sides of their titanic flagship before letting their intentions be known.