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Thread: This IS Your Father's Constitution Class

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Iowa City, Iowa, USA

    This IS Your Father's Constitution Class

    My first fiddling with the TOS SRM was to modify the Constitution-class stats to create a version that conforms more or less to the famous Franz Joseph blueprints (or at least to FASA's very similar set, which is what I have). I can't help it--Steve's version is perfectly in sync with the TOS Enterprise as we saw it on screen, but like a lot of fans, I grew up with the FJ version and the firm belief that there were port and starboard phaser banks that were never fired on the show.

    I didn't change the torpedo launcher, however. FJ was just plain wrong about the torpedoes firing from the dorsal saucer bubble, and that's all there is to it.
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
    --Mentat Coffee Mantra

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Iowa City, Iowa, USA
    CONSTITUTION CLASS (2257-2272)

    Class and Type: Constitution-class heavy cruiser
    Commissioning Date: 2245; underwent substantial upgrades in 2257 and 2261

    Size: 6
    Length: 289.35 meters
    Beam: 130.24 meters
    Height: 73.57 meters
    Decks: 23
    Mass: 493,000 metric tonnes
    SUs Available: 1,500
    SUs Used: 1,326
    Outer [24]
    Inner [24]
    Outer Hull: 8 [9]
    Inner Hull: 8 [9]
    Emergency Stabilizers
    Main: Class I (Protection 50/80) [21]
    (1 Power/10 Protection/Round)
    Backup: Class I (Protection 25) [11]
    (1 Power/10 Protection/round)
    Backup: Class I (Protection 25) [11]
    (1 Power/10 Protection/round)

    Crew/Passengers/Evac: 430/42/3,865
    Crew Quarters
    Barracks: House 300 crewmembers [5]
    Spartan: 80 [4]
    Basic: 60 [6]
    Expanded: 15 [3]
    Luxury: 3 [3]
    Unusual: 1 [1]
    Environmental Systems
    Basic Life Support (11 Power/round) [24]
    Reserve Life Support (6 Power/round) [12]
    Emergency Life Support (24 emergency shelters) [12]
    Gravity (3 Power/round) [6]
    Consumables: 2 years’ worth [24]
    Manufacturing Systems
    Food Processors: Mark IV (4 Power/round) [18]
    Industrial Fabrication Units: Mark VII (5 Power/round) [18]
    Medical Facilities: 6 (+1) (6 Power/round) [30]
    Recreation Facilities: 8(8 Power/round) [48]
    Personnel Transport: Turbolifts and Jefferies tubes (2 Power/round) [18]
    Fire Suppression System: (1 Power/round when active) [6]
    Cargo Holds: 15,000 cubic meters [1]
    Locations: 6 locations throughout ship
    Escape Pods: [7]
    Number: 140
    Capacity: 4 persons per pod

    Warp Drive
    Nacelles: Mark 4.68 [53]
    Speed: 4.0/6.0/8.0 (1 Power/0.2 warp speed)
    PIS: Class H (12 hours of Maximum warp) [16]
    Impulse Engine
    Type: Class 5A (0.5 c/0.75 c) (5/7 Power/round) [18]
    Location: Aft centerline of saucer section
    Reaction Control System: [0.025 c] (2 Power/round when in use) [6]

    Warp Engine
    Type: Mark VI (generates 280 Power/round) [73]
    Location: Engineering hull
    Impulse Engine(s): 1 Class 5A (generates 23 Power/engine/round)
    Auxiliary Power: 3 reactors (generate 5 Power/reactor/round) [9]
    Emergency Power: Type C (generates 35 Power/round) [35]
    EPS: Standard power flow, +100 Power transfer/round [40]
    Standard Usable Power: 303

    Bridge: Saucer dorsal [24]
    Auxiliary Control Room: Engineering hull [12]
    Separation System: Saucer separation (no reattachment) (10 Power) [3]
    Core 1: Saucer section (5 Power/round) [12]
    Core 2: Engineering hull (5 Power/round) [12]
    Uprating: Class Alpha (+1) (1 Power/computer/round) [4]
    Optical Data Network [18]
    Navigational Deflector (5 Power/round) [18]
    Range: 8/15,000/40,000/125,000
    Accuracy: 6/7/9/12
    Location: Forward engineering hull
    Sensor Systems
    Long-Range Sensors (5 Power/round) [37]
    Range Package: Mark VIII (Accuracy 4/5/8/11)
    High Resolution: 5 light-years (0.5/0.6-1.0/1.1-3.7/3.8-5.0)
    Low Resolution: 15 light-years (1.0/1.1-4.0/4.1-12.0/12.1-15.0)
    Strength Package: Class 6 (Strength 6)
    Gain Package: Class Alpha (+1)
    Coverage: Standard
    Lateral Sensors (5 Power/round) [15]
    Strength Package: Class 6 (Strength 6)
    Gain Package: Class Alpha (+1)
    Coverage: Standard
    Navigational Sensors (5 Power/round) [14]
    Strength Package: Class 6 (Strength 6)
    Gain Package: Class Alpha (+1)
    Probes: 30 [3]
    Sensors Skill: 3
    Flight Control Systems
    Autopilot: Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 2, Coordination 1 (1 Power/round in use) [7]
    Navigational Computer
    Main: Class 2 (+1) (1 Power/round) [2]
    Backups: 2 [2]
    Inertial Stabilizers
    Main: [24]
    Strength: 7 (3 Power/round)
    Number: 2
    Backup: [6]
    Strength: 5 (2 Power/round)
    Number: 2
    Attitude Control (2 Power/round) [2]
    Communications Systems
    Type: Mark V Subspace Radio (3 Power/round) [22]
    Strength: 5
    Security: -3 (Class Alpha uprating)
    Basic Uprating: Type 1 (+1)
    Emergency Communications: Yes (2 Power/round) [1]
    Tractor Beams
    Emitter: Class Beta (3 Power/Strength used/round) [6]
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Location: Forward ventral
    Emitter: Class Beta (3 Power/Strength used/round) [6]
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Location: Aft
    Emitter: Class Alpha (3 Power/Strength used/round) [3]
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Location: Hangar deck
    Type: Personnel (5 Power/use) [52]
    Pads: 6
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Personnel Mark 5 (20,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class E (Strength 5)
    Number and Location: Four in saucer section
    Type: Emergency (7 Power/use) [56]
    Pads: 22
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Emergency Mark 3 (8,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class E (Strength 5)
    Number and Location: Three in saucer section, two in engineering hull
    Type: Cargo (2 Power/use) [16]
    Capacity: 200 kg
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Cargo Mark 3 (18,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class E (Strength 5)
    Number and Location: One in saucer section, one in engineering hull
    Security Systems
    Rating: 3 [12]
    Anti-Intruder System: Yes (1 Power/round) [6]
    Science Systems
    Rating 3 (+2) (3 Power/round) [21]
    Specialized Systems: 2 [10]
    Laboratories: 14 [4]

    Forward Phaser Bank [24]
    Type: VII
    Damage: 140 (14 Power)
    Number of Emitters: 120 (up to 3 shots per round)
    Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Saucer section forward ventral
    Firing Arc: 120 degrees forward ventral
    (45 degrees port/starboard of centerline; 30 degrees declension)
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, Wide-Beam
    Port Phaser Bank [24]
    Type: VII
    Damage: 140 (14 Power)
    Number of Emitters: 120 (up to 3 shots per round)
    Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Saucer section port dorsal
    Firing Arc: 120 degrees port dorsal
    (45 degrees fore/aft of athwartships centerline; 30 degrees ascension)
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, Wide-Beam
    Starboard Phaser Bank [24]
    Type: VII
    Damage: 140 (14 Power)
    Number of Emitters: 120 (up to 3 shots per round)
    Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Saucer section starboard dorsal
    Firing Arc: 120 degrees starboard dorsal
    (45 degrees fore/aft of athwartships centerline; 30 degrees ascension)
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, Wide-Beam
    Phaser Control Room [6]
    Torpedo Launcher [13]
    Standard Load: Type I Photon Torpedo (160 Damage)
    Spread: 4
    Range: 15/100,000/400,000/750,000
    Targeting System: Accuracy 6/7/9/12
    Power: 20 + 5 per torpedo fired
    Location: Saucer section forward ventral
    Firing Arc: Forward, but torpedoes are self-guided
    Torpedoes Carried: 40 [4]
    Torpedo Control Room [6]
    TA/T/TS: Class Beta (1 Power/round) [9]
    Strength: 8
    Bonus: +1
    Weapons Skill: 3
    Shields (Forward (#1), Port (#2), Starboard (#3), Aft (#4)) [34 (x4)]
    Shield Generator: Class 2 (Protection 400) (40 Power/shield/round)
    Shield Grid: Type B (33% increase to 533 Protection)
    Subspace Field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Gamma (Threshold 133)
    Recharging System: Class 0 (60 seconds)
    Auto-Destruct System: Yes [6]

    Hangar Deck(s): Capacity for 12 Size worth of ships [24]
    Standard Complement: 6 shuttlecraft
    Location(s): Aft
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
    --Mentat Coffee Mantra

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