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Thread: How Does it compare?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Going back to the original post (I am slow on the answers sometimes...), CODA is very similar to ICON. The main difference is the wider range of traits, as they are on a 1-12+ scale instead of a 1-6 scale. If you know ICON, you can switch to CODA very easily.

    There are several points that could be made for the old FASA system -- the wider variance in characteristics made for great, fine gradations; the notion of minimal skill levels allowed you to "stand watch" as long as you familiarity with a skill; the four-colour splash of much of the system which was aimed at what was then the only version of ST going -- TOS. There was, however, a near total disconnect between characteristics and skills and a host of other problems.

    In the end I find none of the systems 100% to my taste (find someone who DOES fine one system 100% to his/her taste and I will show you a dull inidividual, or at least one who has never gm'd). I take a little from Column A, a little from Column B, and a little from Column B-bis, along with personal takes on matters.

    Any gm will turn a system around to fit personal tastes and group needs. That is the point of being The Ref

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Schenectady NY
    thanks all for the input. My copies of the PB and NG came today and just the look from a quick look through I can say it looks great.
    Now off to read.

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