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Thread: A query to Doug (The Official Decipher NetRep)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Frankston, Australia

    A query to Doug (The Official Decipher NetRep)

    Hi Doug,

    I have a question regarding the source of Deciphers RPG Ship Statistics. I have posted before on this subject-I just posted a similar question to Steve Long who did that great DWS netbook. (I hope I have the right person in the case of both of these messages!)

    In this case, the Romulan D'deridex class Warbird.

    Information on this ship in the official sense has been vague, being a long time Romulan fan I have eagerly sought all the info on this vessel ever since it appeared.

    Now I know this is a big debate on what is classed as "Canon" or "Official" with the basic fallback to "Whats on the shows/movies" is canon-all else is fan created.

    Then the Decipher Star Trek CCG came out, and I read in the official STCCG handbook that decipher had a liason in paramount studios whose information was canon including the new information appearing the cards.

    So I was shocked/curious to find some precise statistics for the warbird on the Nemesis internet site.

    Crew: 1,650
    Deck Size: 115

    The LUG Warbird has Crew: 1,700 Deck Size: 83

    Now the CODA NG has similar figures (I do not own it-yet!)

    Where do they get the information from and what if any is considered official? I know its an RPG and its pedantic-but I'm curious!

    The Crew figures are very close-of course the Nemesis site could just have utilized the RPG info.

    I would like the idea there is a central source out there-and point me in the direction!
    "To be honest, my opinion of starfleet officers is so low. You would have to work very hard indeed, to disappoint me."

    Senator Vreenak to Sisko.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City, UT, USA
    Don can correct me on this if I'm wrong, but the way I understand it, they use what canon information they can (onscreen stuff), then check the licensed reference products (such as the Encyclopedia and/or Fact Files), then fill in any blanks as necessary with their own material. I may have missed a step or two in the process, but that's how I understand it.

    Since the decks and crew complement of a Warbird have never been official determined, the writer must come up with those figures on his own. And, since the LUG version and the NG were writeen before the figures on the "Nemesis" site were released... Well, let's just say it's nto surprising that the figures don't match.
    Former Decipher RPG Net Rep

    "Doug, at the keyboard, his fingers bleeding" (with thanks to Moriarti)

    In D&D3E, Abyssal is not the language of evil vacuum cleaners.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Frankston, Australia
    Thanks for the reply.

    That shattered my pedantic dreams

    One question: Will Decipher attempt a Romulan Sourcebook for the CODA system? Or are they going to be put in some "Races of the Galaxy" type book?
    "To be honest, my opinion of starfleet officers is so low. You would have to work very hard indeed, to disappoint me."

    Senator Vreenak to Sisko.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Canyon, TX, USA, Sol III
    Originally posted by General Velal
    One question: Will Decipher attempt a Romulan Sourcebook for the CODA system? Or are they going to be put in some "Races of the Galaxy" type book?
    This really belongs elsewhere, but them's the breaks.

    The "Way of D'Era" Romulan material from Last Unicorn is still going to be quite valid, at least until Nemesis invalidates some of it. You can find it fairly frequently on eBay.

    As for Decipher's upcoming products, go here to see the current product list.
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Frankston, Australia
    PGoodman 13

    Sorry about the misplaced question
    Thanks for the link.

    The Way of D'era I have and Treasue
    "To be honest, my opinion of starfleet officers is so low. You would have to work very hard indeed, to disappoint me."

    Senator Vreenak to Sisko.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Canyon, TX, USA, Sol III
    Originally posted by General Velal
    Sorry about the misplaced question
    Oh, don't sweat it. Threads mutate, and questions take new directions. I was trying to be facetious. It might or might not have worked.
    Thanks for the link.
    Happy to help out.
    The Way of D'era I have and Treasue
    Well, since both game systems were written by the same bunch o' guys, and since one of the racial abilities for Romulans in the Narrator's Guide is called D'era, I think you're pretty safe in thinking that the material in that box (with the exception of the Icon stats) will still be quite useful.
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

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