Disclaimer: Should “The Powers That Be” on this forum decide this is unauthorized, go to livingstarbase@yahoogroup.com for discussion. I hope that they will allow this to continue on, as many of the Trek players are already here.
First of all, here is the text posted by Don Mappin regarding “Living Trek”.
“I was approached by someone at Gen Con about putting together a Living Star Trek campaign through the RPGA. I'll forward this stuff through Decipher, but ultimately the decision rests with them.”
Here's a Link to the tread: http://forum.trek-rpg.net/showthread...threadid=5161.
Why wait for Decipher to give approval? They are publishers of a game system and don’t control the players. Though Don did not say who, apparently someone went to TrekRPG, not to Decipher. (Imagine that, since they got the rights to Star Trek after Paramount/Viacom snatched it from LUG, who was purchased by WotC.) Therefore, someone must feel there is a sufficient want for a Star Trek living campaign.
I propose the subscribers of TrekRPG start formulating a plan for a Living Starbase RPGA living campaign.
Here’s the link to the web page that describes the requirements for designing a LC. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x...erruncampaign.
You will see that the rules are several months old, as Robert Wiese is no longer affiliated with WotC and Guild-level membership has been dropped from the RPGA structure.