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Thread: [FASA] the Races of the Federation

  1. #1

    [FASA] the Races of the Federation

    Could someone present a brief summary of the races mentioned in the FASA Star Trek IV sourcebook? Name and one-line description for each would be fine... (I remember the book, but I lost my copy of it years ago...)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    Concord, CA
    Xelatians - aquatic race with 2 tentacles and one eye. Curious and charming.

    Arkenites - tall aquatic race with a hairless, bulbous head and fin-like ears. Efficient, and loyal to group (such as Starship crewmembers), suspicious of others.

    Tellarites - argumentative, honor truth, obsessive to scientific pursuits.

    Zaranites - militaristic and ritual-observing people. Outside their planet, always wear protective suits that filter air and keep symbiotic Breega insects alive.

    Ariolo - sentient mammals resembling centaurs, no noses but acute sense of smell via their tongues. Slow metabolism (they seem lazy and apathetic), eat a lot, hedonistic society. No concept of time.

    Andorians - cool and logical thinkers, but get testy when it's hot (temperature). Stoic and unsentimental, but respect and revere family ties.

    Efrosians - come from an ice planet. Fatty faces, males are fair-haired, females are raven-haired. Warrior-priests, highly developed sense of direction, secrecy about religion.

    Caitians - tall feline race, noted for their loyalty. Deep appreciation of beauty and nature, fierce when enraged, no psionics.

    Arcadians - race of omnivorous, pacifistic, sea-going mammals, akin to dolphins. Can walk upright, can use photosynthesis for nourishment. Lack concept of individual or family, affiliation to group (or school).

    Edoans - vaguely E.T.-looking race but with a third arm (sticking out from the chest) and leg. Fantastic artisans, prefer privacy over exploration.


    Bzzit Khaht - amphibious reptiles with exceptional hearing and smell. Three segments in society: gatherers, routers (managers), providers (leaders and progenitors).

    Kasheeta - resemble Gorn but not as warlike. Aloof and arrogantly indifferent to outsiders. Matriarchical society.

    Deltans - humanoid, highly psionic, sensualists. Always travel in groups of two or more, remain emotionally separated from humans.

    Alpha Centaurans - humans transported from Earth by the Preservers. Everybody is equal, conservative and discliplined. Strive to be morally superior compared with other races.

  3. #3

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