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Thread: Star Trek: Aurora

  1. #1

    Post Star Trek: Aurora

    Hello everyone,

    This is my first post on this board but since I ran my first Star Trek rpg game for quite a while I thought it would be an appropriate time to start.
    I always enjoy reading about other peoples campaigns and have been impressed by the ideas and advice the board users have posted so I thought I'd share my current campaign.
    The main characters are security officer Atlanis and science officer Glaise. They serve aboard the Ambassodor class ship USS Aurora. We are currently a week before the DS9 episode "Jem'Hadar".
    The Aurora is at a ship yard to have a comm system upgrade so most of the crew are on shore leave.
    After socialising with the senior staff Atlanis finds the chief medical officer in a coma. Taking her to the medical bay the ship yards doctor says her state is due to an infection.
    Captain Trial has Glaise and Atlanis find missing crew members as more and more Aurora officers fall into comas. Strangley the Ship Yard staff are unaffected.
    Glaise and Atlanis discover robotic wasps are injecting people with a chemical that knocks them out. Further more the ship yard crew are in fact members of the Maquis and the real staff are behind a forcefield in the cargo bay.
    Alone against a ship full of Maquis Glaise and Atlanis fight back. They capture a metal wasp allowing Glaise to create an antidote that cures some of the Aurora crew.
    They free the ship yard crew and recapture the Aurora before the Maquis can escape.
    Once everyone is cured the leader of the Maquis is interrogated and reveals they were going to use the starfleet ship to escort a Maquis ship through the Bajoran wormhole to contact the mysterious Dominion to see if they can gain some help in their struggle.
    The Aurora sets course for DS9, hoping to fool the Maquis ship into thinking the Aurora has been captured.
    The next part will take place at the same time as "Jem'Hadar".
    The game went well. I was able to establish the crew in the social scenes at the start and then build the tension as the number of coma victims rose. The climax was very "Star Ship Mine" with the players completly outnumbered.
    I also had the Captain comment that whenever they have shoreleave "something" goes wrong.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


    Welcome aboard, Ether!

    A Dominion War campaign, eh? Cool. If you're not aware, The Dominion War Sourcebook, as planned but never released by LUG, is available here as a free download, courtesy of the talented Mr. Steve Long.


  3. #3


    It was the sourcebook that inspired me to start this new campaign. I am planning on having the players weave in and out of the DS9 episodes establishing them as an important part of the Star Trek universe.
    For example they will be hunting down the Vorta who escapes at the end of "Jem'Hadar", meet the Romulan who will later operates the cloaking device of the Defiant and even deliver the Defiant to Sisko and so on.

  4. #4


    Arriving at USS Aurora Captain Trial contact DS9 and learn from Major Kira that Sisko is in the Gamma Quadrant but will offer assistance in capturing the Maquis ship if necessary.
    The Maquis ship escapes through the wormhole and by the time the USS Aurora follow they find a shuttle has been set on autopilot towards the wormhole. The small craft contains explosives.
    Worried about the effect the explosives will have on the wormhole (but not as worried as the Bajoran Chief Science Officer) Trial has Glaise and Atlanis beam over.
    Atlanis manages to turn off the autopilot and Glaise takes the shuttle out of range of the wormhole and beam back to the USS Aurora just in time.
    Catching up with the Maquis ship they find it has landed on a desert world. The ships sensors also detect an alien base.
    Glaise and Atlanis beam down with the first officer, Joto (a Tellarite) and the Security Chief Tol (an Andorian). They split up to investigate both the base and the Maquis ship.
    Glaise and Atlanis discover the alien base and wittness the Jem'Hadar killing the Maquis (although they don't recognise them as Jem'Hadar).
    Rushing to the ship they find that three Jem'Hadar have captured Joto and Tol. A fierce fire fight starts in which both Atlanis and Glaise are injured but they defeat the aliens. The starfleet officers go to the Maquis ship and use the communication system to contact the ship and be beamed up.
    Detecting an alien vessel entering the system Trial decides to retreat and head back to the wormhole while the away team have their wounds treated.
    Just as they are approaching the wormhole a Jem'Hadar battle ship come through. They are contacted and the Jem'Hadar commander explains they have just warned DS9 that any Federation ship in their space would be destroyed. It is time to prove it is not an idle threat.
    A battle begins and the USS Aurora soon find themselves with no shields and hull breaches on several decks while the Jem'Hadar shields are still strong after several torpedoe vollies.
    With some crafty flying they manage to limp through the wormhole and get to DS9. Damage reports come in and there were a total of 200 fatalities.
    The USS Odyssey arrives to rescue Sisko but the USS Aurora is in no state to help. Several hours later Sisko is returned but the Odyssey has been destroyed. The crew of the Aurora how lucky there were to make it back alive.
    Glaise and Atlanis are called to a meeting with Trial,Sisko and Kira. Once repairs are complete on the Aurora they will be assigned to track down the Vorta Eris.
    This was the first time we used the ship battle system and it worked well. It soon became clear to the players that they were out of their league ("run away!") and it was very tense as they fought as hard as they could to get to the wormhole.
    The players found the Jem'Hadar menacing and were not looking forward to facing them again having barely escaped last time. Just what I wanted! I gave them some reknown for actually suriving an encounter with the Dominion.
    You can probably tell but this adventure took place as the DS9 episode "Jem'Hadar".

  5. #5


    Well that was unexpected.
    Working undercover on the planet Fallinus near the Romulan border Atlanis and Glaise try to track down the vorta Eris.
    They learn from a ferengi bartender the Vorta was seeking an audience with a mercany group called "Ghosts" for their ability to get in and out of secure areas without being detected.
    However they hang around the bar far to long wondering what their next action should be and find all their items have been pick pocketed.
    With no way to contact the USS Aurora Atlanis picks a fight with three klingons who he suspects of the stealing their items.
    They go outside the bar and Atlanis has the stuffing knocked out of him while Glaise watches. Atlanis manages to break one of the klingon's legs before he is knocked unconsiouse and the klingons slink away.
    After Atlanis has come to they re-enter the bar and claim to have defeated the klingons. This impresses a Maquis member who offers them medical aide on their ship if they join.
    Atlanis and Glaise agree and soon find them aboard the Maquis vessel. After having his wounds treated Atlanis and Glaise meet the rest of the crew and the Maquis leader, Chakotay!
    The Maquis are planning to raid a space station for supplies before they head towards the Bad Lands.
    I was panicing in this one because the players didn't seem to have a clue how to hunt the Vorta and when they teamed up the Maquis I couldn't resist having it be Chakotay's ship.
    Now the players know that shortly the ship will end up in the Delta Quadrant but their characters don't have that information.
    The course of the whole campaign will be decided next game. Do they stay and fight the Dominion or go join the crew of Voyager? It has been suggested we could split the games and have new characters join the Aurora.
    Surprisingly Glaise was getting on very well with Torres. Apparently I did good impressions of the other main characters although I doubt I could do Janeway (apart from placing my hands on my hips alot.)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    at my Home By The Sea
    How did your campaign continue? Are you still running?

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