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Thread: Iraq buying nerve-gas antidode

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Parked within 10 feet of 29 degrees, 57' N, 90 degrees, 8' W. Did I mention my new phone has GPS?

    Exclamation Iraq buying nerve-gas antidode

    "If it ain't the Devil's music, you ain't doin' it right" -- Chris Thomas King

    "C makes for an awfully long lever." - H. Beam Piper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 1999
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    "In other news, the stocks of NervoCalm, a new company making antidotes for several nervous toxines like Sarin gas and Agent Orange have soared 4500% to $45 a piece. Meanwhile, Gas-B-Gone, a renowned gas mask industry, is up 68% for 3 3/16. Please keep watching CNN Money."
    Insurance is like marriage. You pay and pay but you never get anything back. - Al Bundy

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Which begs the question of why they are being allowed to buy this stuff. Atropine is a valid drug (as the article says) but autoinjectors are not something that is going to be used in a hospital setting - they are somewhat dangerous things to have around really. Really big needle on a hair trigger with a big spring - ouch!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Bristol, UK
    Because we've taken the capitalist ideal so far we're even willing to sell to people we're about to kick the s**t out of...?
    "That might have been the biggest mistake of my life..."

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    Vila and Orac, Blake's Seven

  5. #5
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
    Well, let's see, either:

    1: They're planning on using nerve gas, or

    2: They're assuming we're going to blow up their stockpiles of the stuff, and want to be prepared for leakage.
    "It's hard being an evil genius when everybody else is so stupid" -- Quantum Crook

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Parked within 10 feet of 29 degrees, 57' N, 90 degrees, 8' W. Did I mention my new phone has GPS?
    Originally posted by First of Two
    Well, let's see, either:

    1: They're planning on using nerve gas, or

    2: They're assuming we're going to blow up their stockpiles of the stuff, and want to be prepared for leakage.
    But how can this be, given that the harmless and peace loving government of Iraq doesn't possess anything of the sort?
    "If it ain't the Devil's music, you ain't doin' it right" -- Chris Thomas King

    "C makes for an awfully long lever." - H. Beam Piper

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Parked within 10 feet of 29 degrees, 57' N, 90 degrees, 8' W. Did I mention my new phone has GPS?
    Originally posted by Dr. Jonas Bashir
    "In other news, the stocks of NervoCalm, a new company making antidotes for several nervous toxines like Sarin gas and Agent Orange have soared 4500% to $45 a piece. Meanwhile, Gas-B-Gone, a renowned gas mask industry, is up 68% for 3 3/16. Please keep watching CNN Money."
    Just to be picky, Agent Orange was a defoliant that happened to contain a lot of dioxins. Not by any means good for you, but not a true chemical warfare agent by any stretch of the imagination. It was actually a mix of two herbacides, one of which (2, 4, D) I've actually used in the late '80s. I think it may even still be available. Nerve gases are organophosphates, and are a development of German insecticide research in the '30s. See this webpage for the effects that these have on people.
    "If it ain't the Devil's music, you ain't doin' it right" -- Chris Thomas King

    "C makes for an awfully long lever." - H. Beam Piper

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Bristol, UK
    Actually, during the last Gulf War the Iraqi people were given instructions on what to do in case of a Sarin attack (it was assumed that going up into the attic would help, since the gas is denser than air and thus sinks). I get the feeling that, like most dictators, Saddam doesn't expect his enemies to play by the rules any more than he does - and so was planning for if the allies used Sarin...
    "That might have been the biggest mistake of my life..."

    "It is unlikely. I predict there is scope for even greater mistakes in the future given your obvious talent for them."

    Vila and Orac, Blake's Seven

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
    Naw, he was planning for if and when his own stockpiles were hit. Or if deployed gas drifted the wrong way.

    There's some thought that "Gulf War Syndrome" is the result of being exposed to various trace amounts of bio and chem stuff blown up by the allied bombing. I'm not a doctor, but it wouldn't surprise me if that were the case.
    "It's hard being an evil genius when everybody else is so stupid" -- Quantum Crook

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Bristol, UK
    It's pretty damn likely to be depleted uranium, no matter how much the government wants you to think otherwise. Matter of fact, there are rumbles of discontent over the "bunker-buster" mini-nukes, as these would still dangerously irradiate land for miles around the actual target.
    "That might have been the biggest mistake of my life..."

    "It is unlikely. I predict there is scope for even greater mistakes in the future given your obvious talent for them."

    Vila and Orac, Blake's Seven

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
    Effects and relative dangers of uranium:
    "It's hard being an evil genius when everybody else is so stupid" -- Quantum Crook

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