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Thread: Maneuverability?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Kalamazoo, Michigan

    Question Maneuverability?

    As written, the Coda starship rules already account for maneuverability through the helm modifier/trait. Will the starships book include more systems/traits that will affect maneuverability? If not, what would be the affect (to overall game balance) if I was to attach an additional manueberability modifier to the helm trait based on the ships impulse system? For example, a class 1 impulse system would provide no additional bonus to helm while a class 8 impulse system could add a +4 bonus to helm.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Salinas, Calif., USA (a Chiefs fan in an unholy land)
    Well, the mechanic of the Impulse System by itself seems only to be one of determining the ship's velocity, so it may create an imbalance if you also include a modifier to maneuverability.

    There is already a trait called "Nimble" that affects a ship's helm rating (+2), and I would recommend creating traits to improve maneuvering rating instead of changing the rules elsewhere.

    Here's one off the top of my head:

    Edge: Vectored Impulse Vents

    A ship with this trait has a specially modified impulse system that allows it to vector thrust to improve maneuverability.

    Effect: The first time this trait is purchased, the ship's maximum impulse velocity is reduced by .05c in favor of a +2 bonus to its Helm maneuver rating. The second time the trait is purchased results in a .05c reduction in maximum velocity for an additional +1 Helm maneuver bonus.

    Restriction: This trait may not be purchased more than twice, and may not reduce the ship's maximum impulse velocity below .5c.
    Davy Jones

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Kalamazoo, Michigan
    That is a good point about the new edges. I always seem to forget about those.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom, Earth, Sector 001
    That looks like a good idea Sea Tyger.

    I have too have thought that additional modifiers to Helm was needed.

    It is a pity, thet the Nimble edge only applies to sizes 1 to 5.

    Also, unlike the Flagship and Battle Tested edges, it does not allow you to go over the max helm category for the ship type.
    Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Hainburg, Germany
    A reduction of 0.05 in impulse speed will have next to no effect in actual gameplay IMHO. How about trading a bonus on some maneuvers for a penalty on others instead?
    For example:

    Edge: Manoeuvrable
    The ship trades speed for increased maneuverability.

    Effect: +2 to all Helm Maneuvers, except Open and Close, which suffer a -1 penalty.

    You can buy this edge twice for a +4/-2 modifier. Modifiers to helm maneuvers from this edge can exceed the max helm category modifers of the ship's class by 1.

    Edge: Faaaaast
    The ship has a hard time going in any direction other than straight ahead, but that it does extremely well.

    Effect: +2 to Close and open, -1 to other Helm maneuvers.

    You can buy this edge twice for a +4/-2 modifier. Modifiers to helm maneuvers from this edge can exceed the max helm category modifers of the ship's class by 1.

    Other maneuvers could be grouped together with Open and Close, but without my NG at hand these are the only two that I am sure of.

    Exceeding the max class bonus only by 1 is something I suggest, because unlike Flagship and Battle Tested these two edges can be applied to a whole class of ship and not just to a single ship. Exceeding the max standard bonus by more than 1 could unbalance a ship-class IMHO.

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