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Thread: Miniatures

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Cochran, Georgia, USA, Sol III, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy


    I was wondering what kind of miniatures are planned for the Star Trek RPG. What era would they start in, which ships, which species? The usual annoying questions.
    I bought the LUGTrek Away Team miniatures way back when, but since my PCs were mostly human males, couldn't use them (not without a LOT of imagination ).
    I suppose the first ships will be the ship classes to have one named Enterprise.
    Anybody else have a wish list for miniatures? Ships or figures? I'm just a little curious.
    I'm not sure which section this topic should go, so move it if needed.
    "Retreat?! Hell, we just got here!", annonymous American Marine, WWI

    "Gravity is a harsh mistress....", The Tick

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2000


    Speaking as the guy who ask “when are/how are these going to be done…” over on Decipher’s boards, here’s my take(s):
    More Starfleet, in that ‘Next Gen’-ish type uniform (it’s the most generic of them, and is fairly easy to modify…see for yourself: then go to 'Away team and master').

    More ‘Male Humans’, as that was a problem last time, and some ‘seated personnel’ would be good too.

    More Allies and Opponents: Klingons, Romulans, and Borg…oh, my

    Regardless, I want them compatible with whatever shuttle/runabout models come out by Bandi next year.
    Yes, you read that correct; Models, next year.
    See, anybody who has both the miniatures and the runabout model can tell you how close these are size-wise…and it’s cool to have these things for props on a game table (well, look back at Owen’s work above…)

    Ship-wise: Give me a Sovereign, please, please, please (and lots of ‘em)...and a Galaxy(w/removable saucer)…and a Akira…and…oh, hell

    Actually, one thing I’d loooooove to see is them make a set of just saucers and nacelles, for these of us with: an idea and polymer clay (“one heavy frigate, coming up...then on to the fast explorer”)

    Above all this: Blister packs; I don't want to buy two 'fleets in a box' to get two of the same ship...not when I can just buy two of the same ship. Personnel wise, I'd say pack in a species/job fashion (Vulcan enginer, Andorian Doctor); but pack them in twos; one male, one female...that's not too unrealistic is it?
    ...and that's about the time it hit the fan...

    Truisms I know:
    1) Marvel is NOT better than DC (nor should EVERYTHING be ‘ULTIMITED’),
    2) D20 is NOT the best gaming system out there (nor should EVERYTHING be ‘crammed’ into it),
    3) And No matter how ‘THEY’ dress it up, Regardless of how ‘THEY’ title it, and even if ‘THEY’ say “BASED ON…”; “ENTERPRISE” IS NOT STAR TREK!!!
    4) 'Reality' T.V. ain't 'Real'

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Alexandria, VA
    IMHO, I'd prefer to see Decipher continue to release paper RPG products before coming out with miniatures. Coda isn't as heavily reliant on minis as say, d20. I personally have no need for "official" Trek miniatures. My modified Lego Starfleet officers do quite nicely, and I don't use miniatures when conducting a ship-to-ship battle.

  4. #4
    I've bought several packs of micromachines off ebay quite cheaply. You can use them as-is, or cut them up with a craft knife and superglue together to make new designs!

    For my TOS game I've made a Saladin Class, Dreadnought, tugs, civilian craft and a few modified threat designs - just to add a bit of variety to the standard Klingon D7 and Romulan Bird of Prey. I don't plan on using them on a hex map for starship combat, but rather as a visual aid in describing starship combat/representation of whats seen on the viewscreen etc.

    As for figs, I bought a couple of Trek monopoloy sets at a bargain price and painted them up. They look quite nice!

    Roll on the official miniatures tho, and PLEASE don't forget a few TOS style ones for those of us in the 23rd Century!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Waynesburg, PA
    I'd be happy with just FASA style counters or Cardboard Heros. I've heard that AMD is planning to do some Heros for Prime Directive some that will give TOS something to work with.

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