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Thread: Skeleton/Minimum Crew

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    the Netherlands

    Skeleton/Minimum Crew

    Though I don't have acces to the Spacedock Manual right now, I'm pretty sure there's something in it about reduced crew and associated penalties. I'll look it up later, but I think the penalties may be too steep, considering the fact that most ships have three (or even four) duty shifts per day.

    Shouldn't one-third of the ship's crew be able to run the ship efficiently?
    The darkness inside me is a lot scarier than the darkness out there....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Albertson, NY, USA
    For normal operations I would say Yes, But durring a Red Alert the entire crew is at thier battlestations. I think this is the basis for the rule.

  3. #3
    I'm not sure it would be intelligent to have the ship require full crew for Red Alert ops. Just thinking of the length of some battles in canon (Borg defeat in Sol) makes me wonder if it is reasonnable. They went on for three days, this appears as somewhat hard on the crews. Not to mention wargames and the Dominion war. Considering the sizes of the ships, they'd be better off giving them three shifts of full crew than giving luxurious arrangements to a crew which will see massive nervous breakdowns at the first sign of war. (those bloody suites (oops, I meant tightly cramped crew quarters) in Next Gen and Voyager are preposterously big when you add the rec facilities in addition)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Albertson, NY, USA
    Red Alert status is not ment to be maintained at all times. The crew could not handle it nor would the ships resourses support it.

    Red Alert and the call to Battlestation is only for times when danger to the ship is imminant.

    If a ship is in a hostal zone, usually the CO will place it on Yellow alert for the durration that the ship is in said zone

  5. #5
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