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Thread: Voyager question?

  1. #1
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    Montreal, Canada

    Post Voyager question?

    Okay I have decided that since my players will eventually go looking for Voyager, I will use the entire series up to but not including the Series that said, what should I have had happened to Voyager since Starfleet has lost contact through the Midas array.

    Any suggestions?

    Oh and I am giving the Kazon rag-tag-frankenships, since I want to use their designs for the Tzenkethi

    Captain Zymmer
    Visit Star Trek:Strange New Worlds at;

  2. #2


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  3. #3
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    Okay so I just taled some stuff out with Stryo in the chat channel and I think it would be interestin if my players arrive in the Delta Quadrant and find a war going on between the Voth and a new Delta Quadrant Alliance.

    The allaince is using Federation tach. The Okampa are acting as evil overlords, lead by a very evil Kess who is transferring her mnd into younger Ocampans to stay alive. The Kazon (using stolen piece miel ships) are part of this alliance and maybe the Krenim or some other race.

    In fact who do you think would ally together like that, malicious of course, but could be interesting...maybe the vaduarr?

    Opinions? Ideas? help?

    Captain Zymmer
    Visit Star Trek:Strange New Worlds at;

  4. #4


    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by StyroFoam Man:
    Have them pummled by the Alien Horror Of The Week and layed over in an alien ship-yard for repairs... That would be a nifty adventure seed IMHO... Plus StarFleet would go NUTZ to find out Janeway allowed alien techs to pour over VOYAGER in detail....

    OI. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    I was going to use that seed on the Venture at some point!!!!!


    "Hi, I'm Commander Troy McClure, you might remember me from other academy training holo-simulations as, Abandon Ship, the quickest way out, and I sense danger, 101 things you dont need a Betazoid to know..."

  5. #5


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  6. #6
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    Okay so no one has any thoughts on a united alien front in the Delta Quadrant? I find that hard to believe

    Kazon + Ocampa (lead by Evil Kess) and who? Who conqored the Talaxians?

    Maybe them?




    Captain Zymmer
    Visit Star Trek:Strange New Worlds at;

  7. #7
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    Red face

    Sorry dude, I've got to plan ahead for a whole sourcebook dedicated to Voyager, and among the topics is the aftermath of what happened after Voyager returned home. Then there’s the angle of what happened to the Ocampa, the Kazon, the Hirogen, Species 8472, and the Vaadwaur, to but name a few.

    I don’t buy this DQ alliance angle, however. An evil overlord Kes? The Kazon working together? What are the Viidians up to? The Krenim are BFE far away so how’d they get involved?

    Too many chiefs—I don’t see any Indians. Sounds like a “who’s who” reunion special.

    (Tossing a bone)
    You want the Kazon to work together, maybe have the Ocampans on the side manipulating them? Bring back the Trabe. Bring them back big time ready to kick some Kazon ass. Trabe managed to make it to one of their distant colony worlds where they had more than a few ships standing ready. After a few years of building up the Trabe decide it’s time to take back what’s rightfully theirs.

    The Trabe are the only thing that would cause the Kazon to band together, which in itself causes lots of nifty problems.

    Added bonus you’ve just colored the Kazon as the victim, which makes for some delightful possibilities as well.


    [This message has been edited by Don (edited 07-29-2001).]

  8. #8
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    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Don:
    Sorry dude, I've got to plan ahead for a whole sourcebook dedicated to Voyager, and among the topics is the aftermath of what happened after Voyager returned home. Then there’s the angle of what happened to the Ocampa, the Kazon, the Hirogen, Species 8472, and the Vaadwaur, to but name a few.</font>
    It is all good dude. In fact I was just busting your chops after you pondered as to the whereabouts of my requests for help

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I don’t buy this DQ alliance angle, however. An evil overlord Kes? The Kazon working together? What are the Viidians up to? The Krenim are BFE far away so how’d they get involved?</font>
    See this is why I need your help Don, you know waaaaay more about Voyager than I do Okay so the Vidians maybe go on a tear now that thie thage is over? Or how about the Varduaar become more agreesive and start conquest?

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Too many chiefs—I don’t see any Indians. Sounds like a “who’s who” reunion special. </font>
    Yeah sort of eh

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">(Tossing a bone)
    You want the Kazon to work together, maybe have the Ocampans on the side manipulating them? Bring back the Trabe. Bring them back big time ready to kick some Kazon ass. Trabe managed to make it to one of their distant colony worlds where they had more than a few ships standing ready. After a few years of building up the Trabe decide it’s time to take back what’s rightfully theirs.
    Hmmm...screw the kazon then, maybe just the Occampa and Vaduaar make a deal or something Evil Kess is a must man I set up the total psionic ocnfrontation between her and the Boslic psionic in my crew

    So the vaduaar maybe? What do you think?

    Captain Zymmer
    Visit Star Trek:Strange New Worlds at;

  9. #9
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    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Captain Zymmer:
    Hmmm...screw the kazon then</font>
    Ah, my poor Kazon...always getting screwed.

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">maybe just the Occampa and Vaduaar make a deal or something
    To do what? Stop global warming? I must be missing something--you keep trying to force these alliances but against whom? The PCs? Why is this a necessity?

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">So the vaduaar maybe? What do you think?
    It's certainly plausible to have the Vaadwaur back with the Ocampans near the former Caretaker array with their corridors, moreso than some of the other species shown in Voyager.

    What time period are we discussing here? You need to remember that Voyager made some huge (100+ light-year) leaps during the series. Depending on when (and how) Starfleet sends a ship to look for Voyager (just after "Message in a Bottle" or "Hope and Fear?") will make a big determination on where you start your game and what "local" species you'll have to draw upon. After "Message in a Bottle" Starfleet would start with Voyager's last known position which isn't anywhere near the Kazon, Ocampans, or the Viidians. (Note: I don't have my handly Voyager stardate/distance from earth chart handy, so this is from memory.)

    About the only thing you can count on around the time of "Message in a Bottle" is the Hirogen being right around the corner...


  10. #10
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    Well it will be right after the third to last episode of Voyager 1 or two years...what year was the finale? 2377 or 78? Anywo they go in 2379...and Starfleet hasn't had contact with them since the episode right before Nelix leaves the ship.

    Does this help at all? I figure the Vaduar needs allies with tech and the Occampa are on their own with no Caretaker anymore, etc...

    Point me in the right direction he who is filled with knowledge of the Delat Quadrant!

    Captain Zymmer
    Visit Star Trek:Strange New Worlds at;

  11. #11


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  12. #12
    Join Date
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    The Talaxians enemy is the Harkonan <sp>

    The Trabe is certainly I good idea.

    Heck if you piss off the Voth enough, they'll come a-runnin guns blazing.

    AKA: SirPostalot
    AKA: The MapMaker
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