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Thread: Not your Daddy's FASA timeline

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Waynesburg, PA

    Talking Not your Daddy's FASA timeline

    I have always liked the ol'FASA timeline many of whose events I still consider as canon as anything B&B dream up. However it is slowly falling way behind the times being based on the fable SFC which is now totally outdated by TNG and Enterprise. I have wanted to update the time line while still keeping the laters flavor and including newly establsihed facts from Enteprrise and what not. I worked on the 50 year period following the first contact with eth Vulcans until the establsihing of the amrtian colonies tonight and thinki it looks good and wanted some input from the community. NOTICE I SAID I WANTED IMPUT!

    Heres the first twenty five years. I noted the original reference stardate on some entries.

    2063 – Zephram Cochrane makes three more warp flights within the solar system this year before he turns all his attention to the development of the SS Valiant.

    2066 – The first Human Deep Space Mission is launched with the SS Valiant.

    2067 – Preparations for the Second large scale human interstellar warp expedition are finished and the ES Icarus is launched from Earth orbit, its 40 person crew aimed for Alpha Centauri, meanwhile the Vulcan’s who have refused to participate in the expedition are alarmed and keep a watchful eye on the newcomers.

    2069, July – Despite constant Vulcan resistance and interference the newly reestablished New United Nations manages to launch the Franklin Series of Warp-driven message probes into deep space in the next thirty years some 380 are launched but only three will ever produce any results. [0/6407]

    2070 – The ES Icarus returns from its three year mission to report that formal relations have been established with the very Human like Centauri.

    2070 – The New Untied Nations reaffirms the world’s commitment to the United Space Initiative which had been signed over seventy years before. What precious resources Earth has remaining are given over to this effort to return man to the stars.

    2070 June – 2072 October – Ten fusion-driven ships with warp backup are completed and launched. With souls dissatisfied with Earth, even a reconstructed one, these ship venture out to establish some of humanities first deep space colonies [0/7006-0/7210]

    2071 – 2081 – “The Last Campaigns” are fought which finish off the small remaining pockets of chaos which have persisted since the end of the Third World War in several areas of Asia, North America, and Europe. Many Vulcan commentators are shocked with the near barbarity seen in some of these areas and campaigns noting that even the simple premise of justice has been subverted to anarchies purpose. The Earth Commentaries written about them by Turak, a Vulcan observer are considered both a military and philosophical classic.

    2073 July – 2077, June – A joint Human and Alpha Centauri effort leads to the development of the Bonaventure class deep space explorer which is also the first human vessel which bears any armament, a single monochromatic high intensity laser. This is all done of course under intense Vulcan observation and stonewalling.

    2075 – The Xenobiological Probability Study, underwritten by the newly founded University of Luna located in San Francisco on Earth is released to the public its conclusion that humanoid life forms are the dominant biological form and that contact with any non-humanoid life form is highly unlikely. The University of Luna is one of three institutions which will one day combine to form Starfleet Academy in 2162.

    2076, May – The University of Luna receives the first installment of the famed Vulcan Database which is a collection of nearly 2000 years worth of Vulcan space exploration though immense in size its limited and shallow scope and depth surprises many. Many on earth are now openly and publicly doubting the Vulcan’s commitment to allowing unhindered Earth exploration.

    2077 – The ES Bonaventure, the first of a new class begins its two year mission to the Tau Ceti star system 12 light years away from Earth.

    2079 – The ES Powell is launched and is dedicated to the single mission of making voyages between Earth and Alpha Centauri. On its first mission its most important passenger is simply listed as one Zephram Cochrane, American Aerospace Engineer.

  2. #2
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    Waynesburg, PA


    Hers the second and some rough draft ideas for the next 25 which I hope to work on tommorrow.

    2081 – 2095 – “The Renewal Project” is carried out by Human and Alpha Centauri scientist and engineers the first phase consists of restoring Earth’s oceans and waterways followed by Soil reclamation projects.

    2086, February – Earth rebuilds and re-commission’s the International Space Station signaling a return of permanent manned orbital presence. [-1/8602]

    2091, March – The New United Nations establishes Solar Fleet Earth’s first effort at an organized space fleet tasked with rescue and the defense of the solar system and its colonies. Solar Fleet is considered to be one of many the precursors of Starfleet. [0/3203]

    2093, October – The Renewal Project reports that for the first time in nearly forty years Earth produces enough crops to feed itself and still have a surplus.

    2097, April 18 – A joint effort between the North American Union and Japan establishes the first permanently manned lunar base. All earth celebrates a long hoped for dream.

    2100, January 1 – The small colony which has grown up around the lunar base proclaims its independence from the North American Union and Japan and is accepted as a protectorate of the New United Nations.[0/0001.01]

    2101 - Earth’s population is reported to be at mid-Twentieth Century levels, most of its wild life has been decimated but what remains is now thriving and for the first time it is possible to drink water fresh from a mountain stream.

    2103 – The first Martian colony is established as a New United Nations protectorate.

    2104 – The Second Lunar base is established on the farside of the moon earning the name Farside Moon Base, its ultra modern space telescope is built with Vulcan assistance. [0/04]

    2117 – After a short period of conflict the newly established and growing Martian colonies declare themselves independent from Earth control becoming the first such Human colony to do so. The Fundamental Declaration of the Martian Colonies, its declaration of independence, is considered a landmark document in both Human and Federation history. [0/6201]

    2118 – Several new treaties establish even closer Cultural and Scientific ties between Earth and Alpha Centauri. [0/6300]

    2139, Jan. – UESEPA establishes Pluto Base to serve as a navigational point for ships entering and leaving the solar system. [0/3901]

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Cartography Heaven, AussieLand
    Good work Eric!

    I look forward to your next installment.
    ST: Star Charts Guru
    aka: The MapMaker

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Interesting stuff so far but I am more a fan of the post Federation FASA timeline.

    I look forward to what you will do there and reserve comment until then

  5. #5
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  6. #6
    Eric, What are you using for your references, I think I have seen some of these events mentioned someplace before. Besides if you want input, it would be nice to where to start.

    Also are you wanting only human relations, or other Fed members also?

    Other than that, looking real good.

    "I'm not saying there should be capital punishment for stupidity,
    but maybe we should just remove all the safety lables and let nature take it's course"

    "A Place For Everything & Nothing In It's Place"

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Waynesburg, PA
    Originally posted by Phoenix
    Eric, What are you using for your references, I think I have seen some of these events mentioned someplace before. Besides if you want input, it would be nice to where to start.
    For references I am using Canon, the orginal FASA line with heavy modification for this period hence alot of things being moved forward backward, places and characters changed to protect the innocent whatever the case may be to make it conjive with what we now know as canon. Meanwhile I wanted to keep in the spirt of the "We don't need no stinking Paramont fact checkers!" era. This gave me a chance to catch up and add some material not in the original Timeline. Meanwhile I borrowed some stuff from LUG if you notice. At the same time I wanted to keep the line a little loose for possible changes in the future and new facts as they become appearent

    Also are you wanting only human relations, or other Fed members also?

    For now mainly the line is mainly Earth centric, Enterprise has not just gone into much detail on some races and are still changing things, a case in point is the upcoming episode Cease Fire where it is Earth who stops a war between Vulcan and Andoria, FASA had Vulcan stoping a war between Earth and Andoria.

    Well it took an extra few days but here is the next fifty years, note some entries reference back to newer entries I put into the past fifty while working on it.

  8. #8
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    2100, January 1 – The small colony which has grown up around the lunar base proclaims its independence from the North American Union and Japan and is accepted as a protectorate of the New United Nations.[0/0001.01]

    2101 - Earth’s population is reported to be at mid-Twentieth Century levels, most of its wild life has been decimated but what remains is now thriving and for the first time it is possible to drink water fresh from a mountain stream.

    2103 – The first Martian colony is established as a New United Nations protectorate.

    2104 – The Second Lunar base is established on the farside of the moon earning the name Farside Moon Base, its ultra modern space telescope is built with Vulcan assistance. [0/04]

    2104, November 17 – Alpha Centauran Zancmar Hodgkins a visiting guest lecturer at USC Berkley on Earth publishes his book entitled Law of Parallel Planetary Development, stating that similar planets will develop similar life forms with similar cultures. Though his ‘Law” will be misunderstood for centuries (i.e Hodgkins never stated that planets would develop complete copies of another planet’s civilization) it becomes the foundation of all future Social and Life Science perspectives for evaluating new civilizations and cultures. [0/5303]

    2105 – The Centauri make 1st Contact with a Tellarite Trader, The Tellarites however remain aloof from contact with Earth in honor of several treaties made with the Vulcan’s one hundred years before.[0/7308.20]

    2105, August – the first series of Plasma Weapons enters Solar Fleet service both the EM 3 and 6 are considered dangerous by nearly all who use them and are soon discontinued. Later refinements to there basic design leads to the introduction of the EM 13 and 16 weapons in 2107.

    2107 – A brief skirmish between a European Union vessel and a South American trader over trading rights near Centauri space forces a temporary break in relations between the Alpha Centauri and Earth.

    2110 – The first J class freighters enter service and form the backbone of the Solar Merchant fleet for the next 40 years.

    2113, January 1 – After a millennium of hope and dreams and fifty years of true effort not to mention Vulcan and Centauri prodding Earth is at last unified into one single body though some hold outs remain such as Australia.

    2113, March 2 – The United Earth Space Probe Agency is founded to coordinate all of Earths space based exploratory and scientific efforts most of its existence it will have to relay on Solar Fleet and later Starfleet vessels as a base of operations

    2114, April 30 – Overcoming long held fears and phobias about nuclear power the new United Earth Republic begins construction of a large scale Fusion powered power system grid for the planet.

    2115 – Plasma Cannons enter service aboard Solar Fleet Vessels for the first time, they are the first practical energy alternative to missile (torpedo) based weapons to enter the arsenal of Solar Fleet.

    2116, September – the London-Moscow Maglev line is opened for service it is the first of the new 800 kph rail lines to enter service for public transport, the older New York- Mexico City line used for Commercial traffic since its opening in 2108 is upgraded to the new technology by the end of the month.

    2117 – After a short period of conflict the newly established and growing Martian colonies declare themselves independent from Earth control becoming the first such Human colony to do so. The Fundamental Declaration of the Martian Colonies, its declaration of independence, is considered a landmark document in both Human and Federation history. [0/6201]

    2118 – With the end of the long crisis with Earth, several new treaties establishing even closer Cultural and Scientific ties between Earth and Alpha Centauri are signed. [0/6300]

    2119 – The Warp 5 Complex is established to create technology that will allow humans to more safely explore deep space. Zephram Cochrane is present during the dedication ceremony. Zephram Cochrane now advanced in years, and a resident of the Alpha Centauri system, soon takes off for "parts unknown."

    2120 – After three large scale attacks destroying the London-Moscow maglev line in three separate places a group calling itself the Party of the People for a free Earth announce there presence. This terrorist group, actually a loosely organized confederation of Anti unity and progress groups, is more or less ruthlessly hunted down over the new three years.

    2121, July – 2126, April 17 – Solar Fleet successfully test and deploys a Plasma Communication system between Earth and Mars with the use of Plasma Monitors. E. A Hutchinson the inventor of the technology is on hand to send the first Message it simply consist of the professor saying “Hello Mars”. [0/7404.17]

    2123 – As part of what is latter termed the “Second Human Diaspora” (the first being the ten fusion driven space arks launched fifty years before) a privately-funded ship, the Mariposa, leaves Earth carrying two groups of colonists bound for the Ficus sector and the two planets selected as their new homelands.

  9. #9
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    the next 25 years

    2125 – Solar Fleet forces operating in deep space near the Ort cloud are attacked by the Vegan Tyranny, several more encounters ensue. With the increasing danger the Alpha Centauri trade route is nearly cut off before the Vulcan’s guarantee its safety with there own more advanced starships.

    2126 – The EM 23 and 26 Plasma weapons are introduced into Solar Fleet service. Further advancements made in transtator technology leads to the first wide scale use of the first practical communicator and Tricorder devices in Solar Fleet Service.

    2129 – Earth and Vulcan enter into a series of defense pacts which includes an ad hoc military alliance and Solar fleet vessels join Vulcan ones in patrolling the Centauri trade route however it is obvious that Earth’s fleet is the very junior partner in the effort.

    2131 – Earth Solar fleet vessels operating in a joint exercise with the Vulcan’s and Centauri cause through there own inexperience several accidents resulting in some loss of life. All such further exercises are cancelled.

    2135 – After several reforms the Earth Republic establishes Star Fleet as Earths primary exploratory and defense body outside of the Solar system, Solar Fleet remains in operation as a purely local force. Once of its first task is to establish basing ability through construction of an orbital station and stardock above Earth (Mckinley Station) and a similar one above Mars.

    2137 October – 2138 June - The first joint scientific project between Earth, Alpha Centauri and Vulcan shows tangible benefits when a new series of research probes are launched from all there worlds [0/8110-0/8206]

    2139, Jan. – UESEPA establishes Pluto Base to serve as a navigational point for ships entering and leaving the solar system. [0/3901]

    2141, May – Starfleet (Earth) commissions Jupiter Station as a major logistics and refit facility for its vessels which at this moment consists largely of an odd assortment of former ships of the old national fleets and Solar Fleet.

    2143, September 17 the first usable cargo transporter is invented on Alpha Centauri by a joint Earth Centauran research team.

    2144, December – First contact is made between Earth and the Orions near Pluto the Solar Fleet task force in the area investigates the lone Orion ship and after an unusual confrontation, and later Vulcan advisement against, Orions are granted visiting privileges to the Sol system.

    2145, August – An unknown disease brought in from an Orion trader infects the Pluto base and kills nearly all of its 200 person crew. Luckily at the same time a Denobulan explorer is passing by and makes 1st Contact and its medical personnel are able to save the remaining personnel.

    2145, October – In the first large scale example of intergalactic defense cooperation the Alpha Centauri designed but Sol built Djartanna class destroyer enters service with both Starfleet and Solar Fleet.

    2146 – Earth and Denobula sign a medical exchange agreement allowing Earth medicine to enter a new era.

    2146, December – in what it terms its Christmas gift to all the world the Warp 5 project informs the Earth government that it has developed a practical Warp 5 engine. The result is instant debate as to weather or not to go for steam ahead on a starship project.

    2147, April 16 – After four months of constant debate Starfleet announces its intent, against Vulcan urging not to, to build a new Warp 5 capable explorer vessel for the service it will be the first of hopefully seven planned ships all with the most advanced technology known to mankind.

    2147, May – More advancements in transtator technology allows communications to leap forward again when the first practical Universal Translator prototype is field tested aboard the SS Shenandoah.

    2149 – Refinements in Transporter technology allow Starfleet to field test the first practical Bio- transporter capable of transporting a living being. However it is still for Emergency use only.

    2150 – The first of the new Warp five ships designated SS Enterprise (NX-01), meaning Naval Experimental Design 01 simply meaning the First (And Only) design submitted is nearing completion in orbit above Earth. Meanwhile two other new classes are under advisement the NX-12 which will become the Messier class escort and the NX-22 which will become the Daedalus class Explorer.

    Starfleet has ambitious plans for the next ten years it is hoped that all three new vessel designs will totally refit its aging and ad hoc fleet into a modern force by 2160. These plans are well under way until news reaches Starfleet command of an incident at Broken Bow Oklahoma in April.

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